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EEG presentation and neurofeedback #4

Open nmdanr2b opened 9 years ago

nmdanr2b commented 9 years ago

a) dynamic presentation of the entire spectrum as a bar chart or graph equalizer-style b) custom selection of brainwave band borders (so that for example one can select limbic cortic-hippocampal oscillations as outlined by Buzsaki rather than use standard alpha/theta) c) presentation of the selected parts of the spectrum only d) setting a physiologic limit for brainwave bands and flagging everything above this limit as artifact in presentation e) other forms of data presentation, such pie charts, rotated circle a la mindwave etc - future/optional f) LED flashing and/or sound playing/stopping if pre-set conditions are fulfilled (for example, an amplitude of alpha band has grown 30 % above previously measured average, or above the desired amplitude level set manually to simplify matters for the start) g) Selected neurostimulation protocol applied/turned off if pre-set conditions are fulfilled - future/optional, extremely cool, thats where the real loop is! h) colour-coding of brainwave bands i) colour-coding by amplitude/intensity - future/optional j) being able to save snapshots of presented data as pictures - future/optional k) being able to put markers within presented data by pressing a button (when event of interest happens) l) replay of the presented data to review it another time

nmdanr2b commented 9 years ago

Note that f) can be used for drone etc. EEG control

Also note that with TSK it becomes possible to do both ULF (<1 Hz) and high frequency (e.g. around 150 and 250 Hz) neurofeedback, and no one to my knowledge has ever done the latter, which could be a great way of memory training!

Finally, g) could well be interpersonal :-)