martineausimon / nvim-lilypond-suite

Neovim plugin for writing LilyPond scores, with asynchronous make, midi/mp3 player, fast syntax highlighting, "hyphenation" function, and support for LaTex and Texinfo files
GNU General Public License v3.0
130 stars 11 forks source link

:LilyCmp <F5> Doesn't seem to work #2

Closed tomas0430 closed 2 years ago

tomas0430 commented 2 years ago

Pressing or runing :LilyCmp doesn't compile a pdf file. I can only manually compile from a terminal. What should I do to enable it? Thanks for a great work!

martineausimon commented 2 years ago

Does it work directly in nvim with :!lilypond % ?

tomas0430 commented 2 years ago

Yes. It does compile but somehow it puts compiled files in home directory but not in the working one. :!lilypond %

:!lilypond Documents/lessons/confirmation/
Processing Documents/lessons/confirmation/' Parsing... Interpreting music...[8][16][24] Preprocessing graphical objects... Interpreting music... MIDI output toconfirmation_Eb_with_markups_chords_jazz_style.midi'... Finding the ideal number of pages... Fitting music on 2 or 3 pages... Drawing systems... Converting to `confirmation_Eb_with_markups_chords_jazz_style.pdf '... Success: compilation successfully completed

martineausimon commented 2 years ago

I'm sorry I don't know why... Is it a unix system ?

tomas0430 commented 2 years ago

it's manjaro Linux sway edition.up to date.

martineausimon commented 2 years ago

What is the output of :echo b:nlvs_makeprg ?

tomas0430 commented 2 years ago

E121: Undefined variable: b:nvls_makeprg

martineausimon commented 2 years ago

Looks like ftplugin is not loaded... and :echo g:loaded_nvls ?

tomas0430 commented 2 years ago

the output is: v:true

how do I load ftplugin ?

martineausimon commented 2 years ago

It's already loaded. Do you have multiple buffers open ?

martineausimon commented 2 years ago

I think I can reproduce this bug when severals .ly files are opened in nvim. Is that right ?

tomas0430 commented 2 years ago

it's a single buffer. my nvim is with plugins neovim-from-scratch. it's single nvim instance one buffer.

martineausimon commented 2 years ago

I've just try with, it works. Can you try with a minimal nvim config ?

tomas0430 commented 2 years ago

It's working.Reinstalled neovim and plugins and it's working now.Thanks

martineausimon commented 2 years ago

Ok good ! I'm curious to know what went wrong... If you find it, tell me !

tomas0430 commented 2 years ago

if i open lilypond file from one location but lilypond file is in different location then it puts compiled files in location where I started nvim instance but not where the actual lilypond file is and be course of that preview and playback don't work course compiled files are not where the actual lilypond file is.Sorry for confusion.

martineausimon commented 2 years ago

Ah ok !! It's fixed now for .ly files, I need to do the same for .tex files tomorrow

tomas0430 commented 2 years ago

'nvim to/some/lilypondfile' works now but 'nvim lilypondfile' stoped working .:(

martineausimon commented 2 years ago

Oh sorry ! it was too late ;-) It should work now

tomas0430 commented 2 years ago

'nvim to/some/lilypondfile' works as expected but 'nvim lilypondfile' compiles only midi pdf file.

martineausimon commented 2 years ago should work ! Can you try with :lilypond -o%:p:r:S %:p:S ?

tomas0430 commented 2 years ago

Output : :!lilypond -o'/home/tomasm/confirmation_intrument_test' '/home/tomasm/' Processing /home/tomasm/' Parsing... Interpreting music... MIDI output to/home/tomasm/confirmation_intrument_test.midi'... Success: compilation successfully completed

martineausimon commented 2 years ago

Do you have \layout {} inside \score section ?

tomas0430 commented 2 years ago

yes I do

\score { \new Staff { \set Staff.midiInstrument = "alto sax" << \melody \harmony

} \midi {} } \layout { \context { \Score %% the following line necessary if you want to put more %% measures to a line than Lily wants to allow \override NonMusicalPaperColumn #'line-break-permission = ##f \consists #line-break-every-nth-engraver } } \midi { }

martineausimon commented 2 years ago

Can you send your complete code please ? Surrounded by ` symbols ? I see two \midi {} sections in the code you've just sent, and no closing brackets

tomas0430 commented 2 years ago

compilation works if i compile the lilypond file 'nvim /dir/lilpondfile' but if i 'nvim lilypondfile' the same file it only gives a midi file.

tomas0430 commented 2 years ago

compilation works if i compile the lilypond file 'nvim /dir/lilpondfile' but if i 'nvim lilypondfile' the same file it only gives a midi file.

sorry my mistake it doesn't work eather way.

tomas0430 commented 2 years ago

`\version "2.22.2"

(define bars-per-line 4)

(define line-break-every-nth-engraver

(lambda (context) (make-engraver (acknowledgers ((paper-column-interface engraver grob source-engraver) (let ((current-bar (ly:context-property context 'currentBarNumber))) (if (= (remainder current-bar bars-per-line) 1) (if (eq? #t (ly:grob-property grob 'non-musical)) (set! (ly:grob-property grob 'line-break-permission) 'force) (set! (ly:grob-property grob 'line-break-permission) '())))))))))

\paper {

(define fonts

(set-global-fonts ; #:music "lilyjazz" ; default ; #:brace "lilyjazz" ; default ; #:roman "lilyjazz-text" ; #:sans "lilyjazz-text" ; #:typewriter "lilyjazz-text" ; ; unnecessary if the staff size is default ; #:factor (/ staff-height pt 21) )) } \header { title = \markup { \fontsize #4 "Confirmation" } subtitle = "By Charlie Parker" tagline = \markup { \column { "Copyright © 2022 Tomas Malajevas. All Rights Reserved." } } } twigle = ^\markup { \bold
\fontsize #2 ~ }


melody = \relative c' \transpose c a' { \tempo 4 = 208 a8-"(4-bar intro)" c'4 a8 bes a \tuplet 3/2 {e f fis}| g d' bes\twigle g a cis4 g8| r f r4 r r8 a| g bes a\twigle g r f4 bes8| b bes aes f bes aes~ aes4| r8 c' bes\twigle g fis a d b~| b4 e'8 a r4 r8 es'16 d'| des'8 f g e r c'4. \bar "||" a4 r8 f \tuplet 3/2 { bes a aes} g a| f16 g es8 r4 r8 cis4 g8~| g [f~] f r8 r4 r8 a| g bes a\twigle g f des f f~| f aes bes f aes bes r4| r8 es g bes a\twigle fis r4| g8 bes \tuplet 3/2 {a16 bes a} g8 c' aes a f| r2 r8 d'4. \bar "||" c'4 r16 g es c b8 g4 g8| \tuplet 3/2 {bes c' bes} g es aes ges b, f| a f a g~ g4. g8| r2 r4 r8 bes| des'16 bes aes a c' bes ges8~ ges aes f e| es aes aes4 aes8 aes~ aes ges16 e| \tuplet 3/2 {f16 aes c'} es'8~ es' d'16 c' des' bes r8 r4| r8 g des f aes e des c \bar "||" r8 c'4. bes8 a \tuplet 3/2 { e f fis}| g d' bes\twigle g a cis r g| r f r4 r r8 a| g bes a\twigle g r f4 bes8| b bes aes\twigle f bes aes~ aes4| r8 c' bes [aes] a cis d f~| f d f a r f~ f [d]| f4 f b, e8 g \bar "||" f es d des c bes, a, a| bes [e~] e d des bes g aes| a [f] d r r2| r8 cis \tuplet 6/4 {d16 f g a c' d'} f'8 es' d' c'| bes c'16 bes aes8 f g f r4| r8 \tuplet 3/2 {bes16 a g} ges8 a, c es c cis| d c \tuplet 3/2 {b, d f} a f d bes,| f4 g8 aes r \tuplet 3/2 {e16 d c} bes,8 g \bar "||" r e16 f d e c8~ c4 r| r16 es e fis g ges e cis d b, d b, des e g a| bes a g f e d cis d e cis d e f g a bes| c' bes a g f e es r r2| r4 r8 cis d f16 a c'8 a| bes c'16 bes a8 g ges es c cis| d bes, g, a, c a e f| \tuplet 3/2 {g16 a g} f8 d b, c bes, a,16 c es g \bar "||" d'8 c' d' c' r4 r8 \tuplet 3/2 {d'16 c' bes}| g8 es c bes, a, ges16 f es8 e| f es \tuplet 3/2 {d f a} c' bes a bes| d' f'~ f'2 r4| r4 r8 c'16 es' des'8 c' bes ges| es bes, des bes, c f~ f [c]| \tuplet 3/2 {aes16 bes aes} f8 c aes, bes,2| r8 fis \tuplet 3/2 {g bes d'} f'4 e'8 c' \bar "||" r4 r8 bes a f d c| \tuplet 3/2 {fis g fis} e d des bes g aes| a c d es~ es2| r4 r8 f'~ f'4 aes8 f \bar "||" g f des b, c bes, a, g,| ges, a, c es d bes, g, a,| c a, \tuplet 3/2 {bes, d f} \tuplet 3/2 {a bes b} c' bes| a4 r8 c e g~ g d16 e \bar "||" f4. c8~ c4 r4| r r8 es16 e \tuplet 3/2 {fis8 g fis} e d| des bes g gis a aes g ges| f e es g d c f es| d4 r e8 e16 es d8 des| c bes, a, g, ges, a, c e~| e es16 d des8 b,16 des~ des4 r| r8 a~ a aes16 g ges8 d \tuplet 3/2 {bes,16 c bes,} g,8 \bar "||" d bes, g, a, c a r4| r2 r4 bes16 [a] \tuplet 3/2 {aes g ges}| f16 e es d e cis d e f4 r4| r 8 c \tuplet 5/4 {es16 g bes c' d'} f' e' es' r d' des' c' b| bes a c' a bes f f r r4 r8 \tuplet 3/2 {bes16 a g}| ges8 a, c es c cis d bes,| g, a, bes, b, c4 r| r2 c'4 d'8 es' \bar "||" r g c' es' d' c' bes g| a c' es' ges' f' es' d' c'| bes a c' a bes g es c| d f~ f2 r4| r8 \tuplet 3/2 {f'16 es' des'} bes8 ges es bes, des bes,| c [e]~ e b, b bes \tuplet 3/2 {a16 b a} ges8| e c \tuplet 3/2 { aes16 bes aes} ges8 f des bes, aes,| \tuplet 3/2 {g16 aes g} f8 e g, bes, des c bes, \bar "||" \tuplet 3/2 {a,8 c g} f c d f~ f4| d4 r8 e16 g \tuplet 3/2 {bes8 c' bes} a g| f c d es~ es2| r2 r8 aes g f| r c' bes [aes~] \tuplet 3/2 {aes16 bes aes} f8 d c| bes a16 g fis8 a, c es c cis| d bes, g, a, c a e f| \tuplet 3/2 {g16 a g} f8 des b, c bes, \tuplet 3/2 {c e g} \bar "||" \tuplet 3/2 {f4 c bes,} a,2 \bar "||" }

harmony = \transpose c a \chords { \set minorChordModifier = \markup { "-" } f1 |e2:m7.5- a2:7|d2:m g2:7|c2:m f2:7| bes1:7 |a2:m d2:7 |g1:7 |g2:m c2:7| f1 |e2:m7.5- a2:7|d2:m g2:7|c2:m f2:7| bes1:7 |a2:m d2:7 |g2:m c2:7|f1 | c1:m |c2:m f2:7 |bes1 |bes1 | es1:m |aes1:7 |des1 |g2:m c2:7| f1 |e2:m7.5- a2:7|d2:m g2:7|c2:m f2:7| bes1:7 |a2:m d2:7 |g2:m c2:7|f1 |

f1 |e2:m7.5- a2:7|d2:m g2:7|c2:m f2:7| bes1:7 |a2:m d2:7 |g1:7 |g2:m c2:7|
f1 |e2:m7.5- a2:7|d2:m g2:7|c2:m f2:7| bes1:7 |a2:m d2:7 |g2:m c2:7|f1 | c1:m |c2:m f2:7 |bes1 |bes1 | es1:m |aes1:7 |des1 |g2:m c2:7| f1 |e2:m7.5- a2:7|d2:m g2:7|c2:m f2:7| bes1:7 |a2:m d2:7 |g2:m c2:7|f1 |

f1 |e2:m7.5- a2:7|d2:m g2:7|c2:m f2:7| bes1:7 |a2:m d2:7 |g1:7 |g2:m c2:7|
f1 |e2:m7.5- a2:7|d2:m g2:7|c2:m f2:7| bes1:7 |a2:m d2:7 |g2:m c2:7|f1 | c1:m |c2:m f2:7 |bes1 |bes1 | es1:m |aes1:7 |des1 |g2:m c2:7| f1 |e2:m7.5- a2:7|d2:m g2:7|c2:m f2:7| bes1:7 |a2:m d2:7 |g2:m c2:7|f1 | f1 | }

\score { \new Staff { \set Staff.midiInstrument = "alto sax" << \melody \harmony >> } \midi {} } \layout { \context { \Score %% the following line necessary if you want to put more %% measures to a line than Lily wants to allow \override NonMusicalPaperColumn #'line-break-permission = ##f \consists #line-break-every-nth-engraver }`

martineausimon commented 2 years ago

I love Charlie Parker ! You must add a \layout {} section inside \score like this :

\version "2.22.2"

#(define bars-per-line 4)

#(define line-break-every-nth-engraver
(lambda (context)
(acknowledgers ((paper-column-interface engraver grob
(let ((current-bar (ly:context-property context 'currentBarNumber)))
(if (= (remainder current-bar bars-per-line) 1)
(if (eq? #t (ly:grob-property grob 'non-musical))
(set! (ly:grob-property grob 'line-break-permission) 'force)
(set! (ly:grob-property grob 'line-break-permission) '())))))))))

\paper {
#(define fonts
; #:music "lilyjazz" ; default
; #:brace "lilyjazz" ; default
; #:roman "lilyjazz-text"
; #:sans "lilyjazz-text"
; #:typewriter "lilyjazz-text"
; ; unnecessary if the staff size is default
; #:factor (/ staff-height pt 21)
\header {
title = \markup {
\fontsize #4
subtitle = "By Charlie Parker"
tagline = \markup {
\column {
"Copyright © 2022 Tomas Malajevas. All Rights Reserved."
twigle = ^\markup {
\fontsize #2


melody = \relative c' \transpose c a' {
\tempo 4 = 208
a8-"(4-bar intro)" c'4 a8 bes a \tuplet 3/2 {e f fis}|
g d' bes\twigle g a cis4 g8|
r f r4 r r8 a|
g bes a\twigle g r f4 bes8|
b bes aes f bes aes~ aes4|
r8 c' bes\twigle g fis a d b~|
b4 e'8 a r4 r8 es'16 d'|
des'8 f g e r c'4. \bar "||"
a4 r8 f \tuplet 3/2 { bes a aes} g a|
f16 g es8 r4 r8 cis4 g8~|
g [f~] f r8 r4 r8 a|
g bes a\twigle g f des f f~|
f aes bes f aes bes r4|
r8 es g bes a\twigle fis r4|
g8 bes \tuplet 3/2 {a16 bes a} g8 c' aes a f|
r2 r8 d'4. \bar "||"
c'4 r16 g es c b8 g4 g8|
\tuplet 3/2 {bes c' bes} g es aes ges b, f|
a f a g~ g4. g8|
r2 r4 r8 bes|
des'16 bes aes a c' bes ges8~ ges aes f e|
es aes aes4 aes8 aes~ aes ges16 e|
\tuplet 3/2 {f16 aes c'} es'8~ es' d'16 c' des' bes r8 r4|
r8 g des f aes e des c \bar "||"
r8 c'4. bes8 a \tuplet 3/2 { e f fis}|
g d' bes\twigle g a cis r g|
r f r4 r r8 a|
g bes a\twigle g r f4 bes8|
b bes aes\twigle f bes aes~ aes4|
r8 c' bes [aes] a cis d f~|
f d f a r f~ f [d]|
f4 f b, e8 g \bar "||"
f es d des c bes, a, a|
bes [e~] e d des bes g aes|
a [f] d r r2|
r8 cis \tuplet 6/4 {d16 f g a c' d'} f'8 es' d' c'|
bes c'16 bes aes8 f g f r4|
r8 \tuplet 3/2 {bes16 a g} ges8 a, c es c cis|
d c \tuplet 3/2 {b, d f} a f d bes,|
f4 g8 aes r \tuplet 3/2 {e16 d c} bes,8 g \bar "||"
r e16 f d e c8~ c4 r|
r16 es e fis g ges e cis d b, d b, des e g a|
bes a g f e d cis d e cis d e f g a bes|
c' bes a g f e es r r2|
r4 r8 cis d f16 a c'8 a|
bes c'16 bes a8 g ges es c cis|
d bes, g, a, c a e f|
\tuplet 3/2 {g16 a g} f8 d b, c bes, a,16 c es g \bar "||"
d'8 c' d' c' r4 r8 \tuplet 3/2 {d'16 c' bes}|
g8 es c bes, a, ges16 f es8 e|
f es \tuplet 3/2 {d f a} c' bes a bes|
d' f'~ f'2 r4|
r4 r8 c'16 es' des'8 c' bes ges|
es bes, des bes, c f~ f [c]|
\tuplet 3/2 {aes16 bes aes} f8 c aes, bes,2|
r8 fis \tuplet 3/2 {g bes d'} f'4 e'8 c' \bar "||"
r4 r8 bes a f d c|
\tuplet 3/2 {fis g fis} e d des bes g aes|
a c d es~ es2|
r4 r8 f'~ f'4 aes8 f \bar "||"
g f des b, c bes, a, g,|
ges, a, c es d bes, g, a,|
c a, \tuplet 3/2 {bes, d f} \tuplet 3/2 {a bes b} c' bes|
a4 r8 c e g~ g d16 e \bar "||"
f4. c8~ c4 r4|
r r8 es16 e \tuplet 3/2 {fis8 g fis} e d|
des bes g gis a aes g ges|
f e es g d c f es|
d4 r e8 e16 es d8 des|
c bes, a, g, ges, a, c e~|
e es16 d des8 b,16 des~ des4 r|
r8 a~ a aes16 g ges8 d \tuplet 3/2 {bes,16 c bes,} g,8 \bar "||"
d bes, g, a, c a r4|
r2 r4 bes16 [a] \tuplet 3/2 {aes g ges}|
f16 e es d e cis d e f4 r4|
r 8 c \tuplet 5/4 {es16 g bes c' d'} f' e' es' r d' des' c' b|
bes a c' a bes f f r r4 r8 \tuplet 3/2 {bes16 a g}|
ges8 a, c es c cis d bes,|
g, a, bes, b, c4 r|
r2 c'4 d'8 es' \bar "||"
r g c' es' d' c' bes g|
a c' es' ges' f' es' d' c'|
bes a c' a bes g es c|
d f~ f2 r4|
r8 \tuplet 3/2 {f'16 es' des'} bes8 ges es bes, des bes,|
c [e]~ e b, b bes \tuplet 3/2 {a16 b a} ges8|
e c \tuplet 3/2 { aes16 bes aes} ges8 f des bes, aes,|
\tuplet 3/2 {g16 aes g} f8 e g, bes, des c bes, \bar "||"
\tuplet 3/2 {a,8 c g} f c d f~ f4|
d4 r8 e16 g \tuplet 3/2 {bes8 c' bes} a g|
f c d es~ es2|
r2 r8 aes g f|
r c' bes [aes~] \tuplet 3/2 {aes16 bes aes} f8 d c|
bes a16 g fis8 a, c es c cis|
d bes, g, a, c a e f|
\tuplet 3/2 {g16 a g} f8 des b, c bes, \tuplet 3/2 {c e g} \bar "||"
\tuplet 3/2 {f4 c bes,} a,2 \bar "||"

harmony = \transpose c a \chords {
\set minorChordModifier = \markup { "-" }
f1 |e2:m7.5- a2:7|d2:m g2:7|c2:m f2:7|
bes1:7 |a2:m d2:7 |g1:7 |g2:m c2:7|
f1 |e2:m7.5- a2:7|d2:m g2:7|c2:m f2:7|
bes1:7 |a2:m d2:7 |g2:m c2:7|f1 |
c1:m |c2:m f2:7 |bes1 |bes1 |
es1:m |aes1:7 |des1 |g2:m c2:7|
f1 |e2:m7.5- a2:7|d2:m g2:7|c2:m f2:7|
bes1:7 |a2:m d2:7 |g2:m c2:7|f1 |

f1 |e2:m7.5- a2:7|d2:m g2:7|c2:m f2:7|
bes1:7 |a2:m d2:7 |g1:7 |g2:m c2:7|
f1 |e2:m7.5- a2:7|d2:m g2:7|c2:m f2:7|
bes1:7 |a2:m d2:7 |g2:m c2:7|f1 |
c1:m |c2:m f2:7 |bes1 |bes1 |
es1:m |aes1:7 |des1 |g2:m c2:7|
f1 |e2:m7.5- a2:7|d2:m g2:7|c2:m f2:7|
bes1:7 |a2:m d2:7 |g2:m c2:7|f1 |

f1 |e2:m7.5- a2:7|d2:m g2:7|c2:m f2:7|
bes1:7 |a2:m d2:7 |g1:7 |g2:m c2:7|
f1 |e2:m7.5- a2:7|d2:m g2:7|c2:m f2:7|
bes1:7 |a2:m d2:7 |g2:m c2:7|f1 |
c1:m |c2:m f2:7 |bes1 |bes1 |
es1:m |aes1:7 |des1 |g2:m c2:7|
f1 |e2:m7.5- a2:7|d2:m g2:7|c2:m f2:7|
bes1:7 |a2:m d2:7 |g2:m c2:7|f1 |
f1 |

\score {
\new Staff {
\set Staff.midiInstrument = "alto sax"
\midi {}
\layout {}
\layout {
\context {
%% the following line necessary if you want to put more
%% measures to a line than Lily wants to allow
\override NonMusicalPaperColumn #'line-break-permission = ##f
\consists #line-break-every-nth-engraver
martineausimon commented 2 years ago

P.S. you can write lilypond code in markdown like this :


%Lilypond code


tomas0430 commented 2 years ago

It's my fault.I'm newbie in lilypond. Now is ALL GOOD :D. Thanks!

martineausimon commented 2 years ago

It's a great work ! Maybe just switch order of \melody and \harmony ?

tomas0430 commented 2 years ago

i'll do that.

martineausimon commented 2 years ago

And remove the last \layout section of course, I didn't made it... You can add the following lines in the new \layout {} section :

\context {
%% the following line necessary if you want to put more
%% measures to a line than Lily wants to allow
\override NonMusicalPaperColumn #'line-break-permission = ##f
\consists #line-break-every-nth-engraver
martineausimon commented 2 years ago

Ah and maybe put the Staff.midiInstrument directly in \melody section like this :

melody = \new Staff { \relative c' \transpose c a' {
\set Staff.midiInstrument = "alto sax"
tomas0430 commented 2 years ago

Thank you for advice. Is there a place on the net where you can get good basic understanding of lilypond ? it's overwhelming.

martineausimon commented 2 years ago

I like, there is everything ! There is also a very good community on facebook (GNU lilypond) and on the forum

martineausimon commented 2 years ago

After some research, I think it's the version of nvim that was not good : this plugin requires nvim >=0.7

tomas0430 commented 2 years ago

Ok. I'll upgrade it through github.Thanks