martinecker / rudebuild

A non-intrusive bulk/unity C++ build tool for Visual Studio
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Fix Wix Setup not building #5

Closed amaiorano closed 8 years ago

amaiorano commented 8 years ago

If you build from a clean repo (or run 'git clean -xdf'), the RudeBuildWixSetup project doesn't build. It seems this is due to a stale dependency on "en-US\RudeBuild.resources.dll". Simply removing this dependency seems to do the trick of fixing the build.

martinecker commented 8 years ago

This is not the correct fix, unfortunately. The file RudeBuild.resources.dll gets built by a custom build step of the RudeBuildVSAddIn project. It contains the resources for the AddIn version of RudeBuild. The build step looks like this:

copy "$(ProjectDir)..\src\RudeBuildVSAddIn\RudeBuild.AddIn" "$(ProjectDir)$(OutDir)" set SDKDIR="C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.0A\Bin" mkdir "$(ProjectDir)$(OutDir)en-US" cd "$(ProjectDir)..\src\RudeBuildVSAddIn" %SDKDIR%\resgen Icons.resx %SDKDIR%\al /embed:Icons.resources /culture:en-US /out:"$(ProjectDir)$(OutDir)en-US\RudeBuild.resources.dll" del Icons.resources

I'll investigate why it's failing.

martinecker commented 8 years ago

Upon some investigation it's the assembly linker al.exe that's crashing, but only when run from a post-build event from within Visual Studio 2015 Update 1. If I run it from the command-line it generates the satellite resource assembly RudeBuild.resources.dll just fine.

martinecker commented 8 years ago

Just submitted a fix.

amaiorano commented 8 years ago

Just saw the fix, nice find!