martinklepsch / tenzing

⚡️ Clojurescript application template using Boot
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Reagent template isn't working #69

Closed code-ape closed 8 years ago

code-ape commented 8 years ago

I wanted to try out tenzing and created a new project with:

$ lein new tenzing website +reagent

However I get an error when running $ boot dev (included below). There appears to be a naming conflict with boot.core/template in adzerk.boot-reload, I'm not sure where the error is coming from and am happy to follow up with the boot-reload repo if needed.

Thanks, codeape


$ boot dev
     clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo: template already refers to: #'boot.core/template in namespace: adzerk.boot-reload
    data: {:file "adzerk/boot_reload.clj", :line 1}
java.lang.IllegalStateException: template already refers to: #'boot.core/template in namespace: adzerk.boot-reload
                        clojure.core/refer                          core.clj: 4098
                        clojure.core/apply                          core.clj:  632
                     clojure.core/load-lib                          core.clj: 5730
                        clojure.core/apply                          core.clj:  632
                    clojure.core/load-libs                          core.clj: 5749
                        clojure.core/apply                          core.clj:  632
                      clojure.core/require                          core.clj: 5832
adzerk.boot-reload/eval436/loading--auto--                   boot_reload.clj:    1
                adzerk.boot-reload/eval436                   boot_reload.clj:    1
                      clojure.core/load/fn                          core.clj: 5866
                         clojure.core/load                          core.clj: 5865
                     clojure.core/load-one                          core.clj: 5671
                  clojure.core/load-lib/fn                          core.clj: 5711
                     clojure.core/load-lib                          core.clj: 5710
                        clojure.core/apply                          core.clj:  632
                    clojure.core/load-libs                          core.clj: 5749
                        clojure.core/apply                          core.clj:  632
                      clojure.core/require                          core.clj: 5832
                          boot.user/eval63  boot.user5399777186078888994.clj:    7
                        boot.main/-main/fn                          main.clj:  196
                           boot.main/-main                          main.clj:  196
                          boot.App.runBoot                  399
                             boot.App.main                  488
                                 Boot.main                 258
crisptrutski commented 8 years ago

Sounds like it'll just be a version mismatch - I'm sure there are not versions of boot-reload incompatible with any boot.core out in the wild.. the generator must just be mismatching versions.

Taking a quick look, thanks for the report!

crisptrutski commented 8 years ago

Created a website app using exactly your command, and it boots up perfectly 😕

Do you have anything custom in your ~/.boot folder that could be interfering?

crisptrutski commented 8 years ago

This commit should be the fix for you, so you'll want to be on version 0.4.8 at least of boot-reload.

Sounds like you're running boot 2.6, did you perhaps update the file manually?

Silly me, that file is generated using boot -V. I'm bumping the template.

code-ape commented 8 years ago

That's the issue! I'm running 0.4.5 of boot-reload, as generated by tenzing, but I'm not sure why. I am running tenzing version 3.8.0, could that be the issue?

crisptrutski commented 8 years ago

Yeah, tenzing hardcodes those versions, so we need to push a new release to bump boot-reload. Can't deploy myself, don't have gpg toolchain handy.

Just bump that version in your generated repo and you can get into light-speed live-coding paradise in the mean time 😄

code-ape commented 8 years ago

Awesome! Well hope you can bump the change soon, thanks for the help 🚀