martinmarinov / TempestSDR

Remote video eavesdropping using a software-defined radio platform
GNU General Public License v3.0
1.27k stars 241 forks source link

How do you "recompile" this repo! I can't on windows!! #36

Closed RCCRAFT1 closed 4 years ago

mgkuhn commented 4 years ago

Hints for useful information to supply when seeking support:

RCCRAFT1 commented 4 years ago

Hints for useful information to supply when seeking support:

  • Give a description of your build environment (which OS version, which Java version)
  • Which of the steps in the compile instructions in did you try and where did it fail?
  • What exact error message or unexpected bahavior did you get?

Windows 10, Latest JRE and JDK make isn't a thing in Windows

  1. File abruptly closes when clicked, selected to open with java.exe in C:\Program Files x86\Java
  2. When "make" is entered in CMD, it says: Make is not recognized as an internal or external command, program or batch file.
mgkuhn commented 4 years ago says: “You need to have MinGW installed.” That would include a version of GNU Make.

RCCRAFT1 commented 4 years ago

I have the Latest MinGW installed

mgkuhn commented 4 years ago

The MinGW Installation Notes say “If you ever intend to run MinGW or its applications using a cmd.exe window, you will need to make changes to your PATH environment variable. Instructions for doing so are listed in the Environment Settings section below.”

RCCRAFT1 commented 4 years ago

In system path or this repo path?

mgkuhn commented 4 years ago

When in cmd.exe you type path, you get shown the value of your Windows %PATH% environment variable, a semicolon-separated list of folders where cmd.exe will search for an application such as “make” when you try to execute it from the command line. Make sure that the folder where your make.exe file from your MinGW installation resides is displayed by the path command, otherwise cmd.exe won't be able to find it. Typing “environment variable” into your Windows 10 search box might get you to the right GUI tool to configure PATH. (I don't have access to a Windows GUI right now to give a more detailed description of how to set PATH, but there are plenty on the web). Setting PATH is something you need to learn to be able to use any self-installed command-line tool on Windows.

RCCRAFT1 commented 4 years ago

So I put MinGW on my hard drive?

RCCRAFT1 commented 4 years ago

Sorry, I'm new to the whole java coding thing. I wish this was an exe.

mgkuhn commented 4 years ago

TempestSDR is actually two programs: a signal-processing component written in C, linked with the SDR API library, and a GUI front-end written in Java. Java was the GUI development environment that Martin was most comfortable with, and it was pretty portable. I recall that it worked on macOS right out of the box when we tried it for the very first time (only very minor Makefile path tweaks were needed), without Martin previously having had access to a Mac. I was quite impressed by this and therefore didn't think Java was a bad choice. We really couldn't anticipate then, back in 2013, that you would not like it seven years later ...

RCCRAFT1 commented 4 years ago

Well, I don't use Mac.

mgkuhn commented 4 years ago

We couldn't anticipate that either back in 2013 ...

RCCRAFT1 commented 4 years ago

So, any other options you might have? If you don't have anymore, I give up on this project...

RCCRAFT1 commented 4 years ago

And, I don't think C can talk to Java...

RCCRAFT1 commented 4 years ago

Alright, I give up.

mgkuhn commented 4 years ago

But Java can talk to C. (In fact most modern programming languages can call C functions, because that's what most operating system APIs are in.)