martinmcclure / mist

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All FogTests failing when run by Travis #9

Closed martinmcclure closed 11 years ago

martinmcclure commented 11 years ago

Loading baseline of BaselineOfMist... 164Fetched -> Mist-MartinMcClure.59 --- filetree:///home/travis/dalehenrich-builderCI-b07190e/builds/travisCI/git_cache/mist/packages --- filetree:///home/travis/dalehenrich-builderCI-b07190e/builds/travisCI/git_cache/mist/packages 165FogX64LocationPreferences>>nextAvailableLocation (compiler is Undeclared) 166 167FogTests class>>consume1 (Fog is Undeclared)

...looks like something's not getting loaded correctly.

OTOH, Travis claims that 6 tests passed, which must have been the disassembler tests. Since those also compile, and would need the same stuff working, I'm not sure what's going on.

timfel commented 11 years ago

Travis is 32bit VMs only, we'll have to wait until they upgrade their VMs (which is on their radar, Konstantin assures me)

martinmcclure commented 11 years ago

Aha, that would explain it...

martinmcclure commented 11 years ago

According to

"...move to 64 bit. The exact migration date is not yet decided, but most likely this will happen in late September or early October 2012."

That's soon enough that I'll just leave this issue open until we can (hopefully) get Travis to actually work.

martinmcclure commented 11 years ago

Travis hasn't officially announced 64-bit nodes, but currently tests are passing. Even when they shouldn't be. This isn't really an improvement.

timfel commented 11 years ago

Hmm. They pass because no tests actually run. Did sth change in builderCI, maybe?

martinmcclure commented 11 years ago

Ah, thanks for the pointer. Since I broke Mist into several packages, the default load no longer includes the test. Travis now loads the Tests group, and we're back to the disassembler tests passing and the Fog tests failing, as expected if we're on a 32-bit machine.

On Pharo, that is. On Squeak, three of the more complex disassembler tests are failing as well, but I don't currently plan to try to debug this, since I don't have a Squeak environment set up.

timfel commented 11 years ago

The Java vms are 64bit now, so if you just change the language parameter to java, it should work

martinmcclure commented 11 years ago

Looks like the Java VMs are pure 64-bit, so they refuse to run the 32-bit squeak executable. What we need to run current Mist tests is a 64-bit VM that have the 32-bit libraries installed.

martinmcclure commented 11 years ago

Due to various changes to the .travis.yml and to BuilderCI, tests now run.