martinnovaak / motor

UCI chess engine written in C++
12 stars 3 forks source link

Bug fixes #55

Closed martinnovaak closed 4 months ago

martinnovaak commented 4 months ago

These changes fix bugs that I found after bug that appeared in D10 trials, particularly in the Motor - Oxidation game. Also added several fixes and new features in UCI and fixed printing of pv lines.

Fail-soft qs: Score of dev vs old: 205 - 127 - 607 [0.542] 939 ... dev playing White: 112 - 49 - 310 [0.567] 471 ... dev playing Black: 93 - 78 - 297 [0.516] 468 ... White vs Black: 190 - 142 - 607 [0.526] 939 Elo difference: 28.9 +/- 13.2, LOS: 100.0 %, DrawRatio: 64.6 % SPRT: llr 2.97 (100.8%), lbound -2.94, ubound 2.94 - H1 was accepted Finished match

TT move ordering bug fix: Score of dev vs old: 155 - 59 - 223 [0.610] 437 ... dev playing White: 86 - 24 - 109 [0.642] 219 ... dev playing Black: 69 - 35 - 114 [0.578] 218 ... White vs Black: 121 - 93 - 223 [0.532] 437 Elo difference: 77.6 +/- 22.7, LOS: 100.0 %, DrawRatio: 51.0 % SPRT: llr 2.95 (100.2%), lbound -2.94, ubound 2.94 - H1 was accepted Finished match

Zobrist key update bug: Score of dev vs old: 1833 - 1672 - 2706 [0.513] 6211 ... dev playing White: 960 - 771 - 1374 [0.530] 3105 ... dev playing Black: 873 - 901 - 1332 [0.495] 3106 ... White vs Black: 1861 - 1644 - 2706 [0.517] 6211 Elo difference: 9.0 +/- 6.5, LOS: 99.7 %, DrawRatio: 43.6 % SPRT: llr 2.97 (100.8%), lbound -2.94, ubound 2.94 - H1 was accepted Finished match