martinohanlon / BlueDot

A zero boiler plate bluetooth remote
MIT License
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Be able to add text as well as buttons #159

Open zax71 opened 3 years ago

zax71 commented 3 years ago

I would like a way to add text to a blue dot grid, maybe having it take up multiple rows/columns

If this is already a feature i must of missed it in the docs!

martinohanlon commented 3 years ago

This is not currently something you can do with bluedot.

I will leave it as a feature request for the time being but it's unlikely to be a priority for me.

IVIJL commented 3 years ago

This is only thing which is missing there, to label buttons if I got like 10 buttons on page I dont remember wich does what, so basic text label inside would be perfect.

JediNizar commented 2 years ago

Yep it's something I would appreciate too

McFutzel commented 1 year ago

just to bring it back up... i´d be interested too

rvmey commented 1 year ago

Same here. Text on each dot would be super helpful.

MacanPN commented 10 months ago

Same here! Sounds like a very simple thing to implement and would help to build more complex UIs.