martinohanlon / BlueDot

A zero boiler plate bluetooth remote
MIT License
141 stars 43 forks source link

not possible to check when bluetooth connexion in on #177

Closed Georges1944 closed 2 years ago

Georges1944 commented 2 years ago

When I launch the script :

from bluedot import BlueDot print(1) bd = BlueDot() print(2) bd.wait_for_press() print("You pressed the blue dot!")

I get following result.

pi@raspitest1:$ 1 Server started E4:5F:01:7F:2C:99 Waiting for connection 2 Client connected 58:A6:39:F3:7B:59 You pressed the blue dot!

Is there a way to know that the client is connected ?

Thanks for help, and congratulation for this great work ! Georges

ukBaz commented 2 years ago

The following allows for a function to be called when a Blue Dot connects

Or there is a property with the status:

Is that what you are looking for?

martinohanlon commented 2 years ago

What @ukBaz said.

You can also use .when_client_connects.

def a_client_connected():
    print ('a client connected')

bd.when_client_connects = a_client_connected

Closing as function already exists.