martinroob / ngx-i18nsupport

Some tooling to be used for Angular i18n workflows
MIT License
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Source being pulled from node_modules #168

Open ricardosaracino opened 4 years ago

ricardosaracino commented 4 years ago

xi18n is pulling srouce string from node_modules

 "extract-i18n": "ng xi18n esor --format xlf --output-path i18n && ng run esor:xliffmerge",
 "xliffmerge": {
          "builder": "@ngx-i18nsupport/tooling:xliffmerge",
          "options": {
            "xliffmergeOptions": {
              "i18nFormat": "xlf",
              "srcDir": "i18n",
              "genDir": "i18n",
              "defaultLanguage": "en",
              "beautifyOutput": true,
              "allowIdChange": true,
              "removeUnusedIds": true,
              "languages": [


tkonsta commented 3 years ago

This is a problem in angular's i18n extraction and not in xliffmerge. See