martinsvb / ng2-summernote

Angula 2.0 summernote wysiwyg editor integration
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I would like to know more about ng2-summernote #1

Open ryudy2235 opened 8 years ago

ryudy2235 commented 8 years ago

I want to use the ng2-summernote in angular2 Can you give the test-code that can work ? And angular2 version you currently have sseusigo what about the third?

martinsvb commented 8 years ago


easily add "ng2-summernote": "1.10.7" to your package.json dependencies and run npm install. ng-2summernote will be donwloaded to node_modules. Then continue by README in this repo.

Actually I'm using it with Angular 2 RC4.

If you set upload URL ng2-summernote will be upload images to this URL, so you need BE script for it. I have PHP version for BE image store, if you want.

Don't hesitate contact me for any other questions.


martinsvb commented 8 years ago

I forgot, that you need summernote in package.json dependecies too. I'm actually using: "summernote": "^0.8.1"

ryudy2235 commented 8 years ago

If you'll excuse me I want to ask you one thing , how the value of using javascript summernote Did you pass into typescript?

martinsvb commented 8 years ago

I'm not sure, I'm understand your question. ng2-summernote provides databinding between ng2model and summernote and uploading/deleting API images if you set it.