martinthomson / i-d-template

A template for IETF internet draft git repositories
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Odd behavior in recently moved GitHub repo - I'm trying to update the venue #386

Closed SpencerDawkins closed 1 year ago

SpencerDawkins commented 1 year ago

For background - the MOQ working group has adopted the draft formerly known as The chairs, @afrind and @hardie, have moved this into the IETF GitHub organization as

All seemed well in the new repo (I was able to submit, and @fiestajetsam was able to review it), but then, I noticed that the venue information in the draft was still pointing to the old repo:

Note to Readers RFC Editor: please remove this section before publication

Source code and issues for this draft can be found at

Discussion of this draft should take place on the IETF Media Over QUIC (MoQ) mailing list, at

So, I'm trying to correct that venue information, and failing badly.

More details in next comment.

SpencerDawkins commented 1 year ago

I thought, "oh, I'll just update the .note.xml file, but that didn't work. I looked at the issues in, and found #323, which pointed me to, but when I tried "make update-files", as suggested there, I'm getting this error,

lib/ You have uncommitted changes or untracked files, please commit them before running setup. Stop. make: [lib/ update-ci] Error 2

I deleted my local copy of the repository, and cloned it again, before attempting "make update-files", so I was surprised that I might have " uncommitted changes or untracked files", but when I ran "git status -u", these files were not staged for commit:

    modified:   .editorconfig
    modified:   .github/CODEOWNERS
    modified:   .github/workflows/archive.yml
    modified:   .github/workflows/publish.yml
    modified:   .github/workflows/update.yml
    modified:   .gitignore
    modified:   .note.xml
    modified:   Makefile

I'm guessing these are exactly the files that make update-files might be modifying, but if that's the case, my local copy of .note.xml still points to the old GitHub repo, so I'm even more confused.

At this point, I thought to ask for guidance, rather than just staging these files for commit and seeing what happened.

What am I missing?

martinthomson commented 1 year ago

Hi Spencer, the process for updating files is different than the process for updating the venue information.

Let's assume that you have a clean checkout. From there you can do make update-venue. This is a separate target from update-files because it is the only one that changes the draft itself.

I don't know why updating files isn't working for you. It worked for me on a clean checkout. I can push that to a branch for you if you like. (The modified files are indeed what make update-files will touch, though this includes the draft itself, which is not touched by that process.)

SpencerDawkins commented 1 year ago

Hi, Martin,

I'm sorry, but I'm thick. I now hear what you are saying, when you say

Let's assume that you have a clean checkout. From there you can do make update-venue. This is a separate target from update-files because it is the only one that changes the draft itself.

The .md file does, in fact, have a Note_to_Readers that points to the right place (now).

--- note_Note_to_Readers

RFC Editor: please remove this section before publication

Source code and issues for this draft can be found at

Discussion of this draft should take place on the IETF Media Over QUIC (MoQ) mailing list, at

So I think you're also telling me that the .note.xml file that (IIRC) was used to insert this note into the generated draft versions is no longer required, and that I can safely delete that. Does that sound correct to you?

martinthomson commented 1 year ago

I didn't say it explicitly, but .note.xml is not necessary if you are using kramdown for authoring. It is still used if you use a different authoring format, but then I can't think of many good reasons to do THAT. :)

SpencerDawkins commented 1 year ago

Hi, @martinthomson, thank you for clarifying that! As you said, I was using kramdown, and I can't think of a good reason to do anything else in my own case.

I was confused because the .note.xml file wasn't being updated, but didn't check to see if my .md file had the correct information. It does, and now @fiestajetsam and I know what to do .

Deleting extraneous .note.xml file in 3, 2, 1 ...

SpencerDawkins commented 1 year ago

@martinthomson - thank you again for your help with this. I'll close the issue now.