martinthomson / i-d-template

A template for IETF internet draft git repositories
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Adjustments for non-GitHub hosters #399

Closed chrysn closed 12 months ago

chrysn commented 1 year ago

This collects contributions to, and will stay a draft PR until it's somewhat usable.

chrysn commented 12 months ago

This is now in a state where I believe that it is ready to be reviewed, for it allows building off-GitHub pages branches such as the one shown at

Using it still requires some changes in the repository's local .github/workflows/ghpages, and there are missing features (no saved issues) and rough edges (the string "GitHub" is not hosterized yet the way the URIs are), but it produces useful output. (It will be more useful when allow-lists more page hosters).

chrysn commented 12 months ago

I've taken the liberty to add one more unprompted change: generation of .note.xml is trivial to adjust to non-GitHub hosters. (I've previously missed that because I'm using venue:). generation will be more complex, and out of scope for this batch, but this fits the style of "small and simple generalizations"

martinthomson commented 12 months ago

Thanks for all of this. These are easy changes to take as they are small and targeted.