martinus / robin-hood-hashing

Fast & memory efficient hashtable based on robin hood hashing for C++11/14/17/20
MIT License
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robin_hood::map overflow #127

Closed ihmin closed 2 years ago

ihmin commented 3 years ago

Dear developer,

I am using robin hood map (3.11.2) under MinGW. I got overflow error when insert some number as below log.

... Add 20686628 Add 20790466 Add 20950897 Add 20938052 Add 20481416 terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::overflow_error' what(): robin_hood::map overflow

I have attach reproduce file. Please check it. :)

Thank you.

ktprime commented 3 years ago

it does not be reproduced on my mac/clang. what's your mingw version?

ktprime commented 3 years ago

it can be reproduced on win10 with mingw/gcc or msvc++ 2019. i think it's the bad hash function hash_int. but std::hash is ok. I also test with very bad input hash function, robin-hood map also crash by overflow, maybe it's a bug or the design issuse(not happen with absl/emhash/tsl).

ihmin commented 3 years ago

@ktprime Actually, currently I used tsl temporarily because this bug. How can I fix this error?

ktprime commented 3 years ago

@ihmin I have no way to fix this bug, you can use my efficient hashmap(or the other phmap, absl, f14 ...), it's loadfactor can set to 0.999(always fast for insert). it's high optimized for key integer.

ihmin commented 3 years ago

@ktprime Thanks for let me know regarding other hashing table. How about speed and memory usage than robin?

ktprime commented 3 years ago

@ihmin performance depends on usecase(7 factors). you can get some benchmark results on my git I also bench more than 5 thirdaprty program, my hash performance is very fastest for integer compared with others. it save more memory than other's with high load facror(1.0) or sizeof(key)%8 != sizeof(value)%8. you can run my bench program with command make ET=1 ABSL=1 EMH=5

martinus commented 3 years ago

Thank you for the reproducer! Can you give this version a try:

ktprime commented 3 years ago

@martinus it's ok and no overflow now.

ihmin commented 3 years ago

@martinus Thanks for fix. all values stored to robin succesufully. 👍

ihmin commented 3 years ago

@ihmin performance depends on usecase(7 factors). you can get some benchmark results on my git I also bench more than 5 thirdaprty program, my hash performance is very fastest for integer compared with others. it save more memory than other's with high load facror(1.0) or sizeof(key)%8 != sizeof(value)%8. you can run my bench program with command make ET=1 ABSL=1 EMH=5

Thanks for explain detailed. I will testing with emhash for performance compare with robin. 👍