martinus / robin-hood-hashing

Fast & memory efficient hashtable based on robin hood hashing for C++11/14/17/20
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Memory blow up for certain payloads when using robin hood unordered node map #147

Open abdullah578 opened 2 years ago

abdullah578 commented 2 years ago


I encountered a memory spike when using robin hood unordered node map with certain payloads. A link to the compiler explorer snippet is as follows Compiler-Explorer-link (I occasionally get a compiler returned -1 error from compiler explorer . I suspect its because of the number of lines of code. If this happens on your side , you can follow the second link where I removed the robin hood comments at the start of the file to get it working ) Here's a second link in case the first doesn't work Compiler-Explorer-Second-Link

Essentially when I run the following piece of code

int main()
    struct Value
        int arr[20];
    using Container = robin_hood::unordered_map<int , Value>;
    robin_hood::unordered_map<int , Container> containers;
    unsigned numMapElements = 1'000;
    for(unsigned k =0 ; k < 8 ; ++k)
        printMemory("Memory at the start of iteration " + std::to_string(k));
        for(unsigned i =0 ; i < numMapElements ; ++i)
            Container tmp;
            containers[i] = tmp;
            for(unsigned j =0 ; j < 50 ; ++j)
                containers[i].emplace(j , Value());
        printMemory("Memory at the end of iteration " + std::to_string(k));
    return 0 ;

I notice that the memory usage is around 11 MB for the first iteration and 170 MB in the next iteration. This issue disappears when I change the Container type to robin_hood::unordered_flat_map or std::unordered_map. This behavior is quite unexpected and I suspect there is some memory issue in the robin_hood::unordered_node_map.

Additionally this only happens happens when using the copy assignment operator on container. If I change the lines in the inner most loop to the following , the issue disappears

Container tmp;
containers[i] = std::move(tmp);

I have used the following functions to print memory usage

    void parseMemoryValue(const char* buf , const char* prefix , unsigned int& val)
        const std::size_t prefixLen = strlen(prefix);
        if(strncmp(buf , prefix , prefixLen) == 0 )
            val = static_cast<unsigned>(atoi(buf + prefixLen));
    int getMemory(unsigned int& currentRealMem, 
                  unsigned int& peakRealMemory ,
                  unsigned int& currentVirtualMemory, 
                  unsigned int& peakVirtualMemory)
        static constexpr int bufferSize = 1024;
        char buf[bufferSize];
        std::ifstream stream;"/proc/self/status");
            return -1;
            const char* pos = strstr(buf , "Vm");
            if(pos == nullptr)
            parseMemoryValue(pos , "RSS:" , currentRealMem);
            parseMemoryValue(pos , "HWM:" , peakRealMemory);
            parseMemoryValue(pos , "Size:" , currentVirtualMemory);
            parseMemoryValue(pos , "Peak:" , peakVirtualMemory);
        return 0 ;

    void printMemory(const std::string& title)
        unsigned currentReal = 0 ;
        unsigned realPeak = 0 ;
        unsigned currentVirtual = 0 ;
        unsigned virtualPeak = 0 ;
        if(getMemory(currentReal , realPeak , currentVirtual , virtualPeak))
            return ;
        std::cout<<"Printing "<<title << std::endl;
        std::cout<<"Current Real " <<currentReal / 1.0e3 << " MB"<<std::endl;
        std::cout<<"Peak Real "<<realPeak / 1.0e3 << " MB"<<std::endl;
        std::cout<<"Current Virual "<<currentVirtual / 1.0e3 << " MB"<<std::endl;
        std::cout<<"Peak Virtual "<<virtualPeak / 1.0e3 << " MB"<<std::endl;

Please let me know if you have any idea why this happens.


stillcold commented 1 year ago

It seams an important issue to me, too.

But this repository is not maintained anymore.

Maybe we can find a solution in ankerl::unordered_dense::{map, set}