martinvelez / fse2016

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Updating SRC webpage #39

Closed crubiog closed 7 years ago

crubiog commented 7 years ago


Could you please add the list of finalists to the SRC webpage Thank you!

Undergraduate Category: Martin Kellogg: Combining Bug Detection and Test Case Generation Christopher Mackie: Preventing Signedness Errors in Numerical Computations in Java Felipe Rodrigues Monteiro Sousa: Bounded Model Checking of State-Space Digital Systems

Graduate Category: Titus Barik: How should static analysis tools explain anomalies to developers? Xinrui Guo: SmartDebug: An Interactive Debug Assistant for Java Sebastian Kappler: Finding and Breaking Test Dependencies to Speed up Test Execution Calvin Loncaric: Cozy: Synthesizing Collection Data Structures Spencer Pearson: Evaluation of Fault Localization Techniques

martinvelez commented 7 years ago
