martipal / SoundBubble

This project is implemented as part of coursework for CPSC463I at the University of British Columbia. This project is intended for users who are subscribed to the music platform Spotify. It will allow users, and other users within their “Group”, to view each other’s song logs and interact with the logs by “Up Voting” or “Down Voting” a particular log. The type of data we will be storing are Songs along with User Information. This data will be able to be shared among users to access within the group. Additional functionality that we may add/remove based on time constraints is the ability to recommend a played song to another user, and adding commenting functionality to a particular song log for users to provide their opinions (e.g. “This song is awesome!”, “This song is lame”).
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Scrum Report #3 #12

Open martipal opened 5 years ago

martipal commented 5 years ago

In this previous sprint, I was tasked to create all of our missing components to complete our front-end interface. I didn't encounter anything too difficult this past sprint with respect to making the components and adjusting styling. I was successful in creating most of our missing components, but will continue this sprint to create a Groups page and flesh out the functionality. In addition, Sherry and I will be working on finishing the implementation for user-log in and API token retrieval. I will also contribute to the formation of our database schemas so that they are efficient and intuitive with respect to our app's functionality.

veronicz commented 5 years ago

For the previous two weeks, I experimented with a meteor wrapper for Spotify's web API and added a button for signing in with Spotify. I also added Redux to our web app and moved our default sample data to the reducer, then I connected the refresh button to retrieve one more song log on click. One challenge I faced was to figure out how to implement and where to put the server-side methods with Meteor as it is different from Express. For the next sprint, I’ll be completing the implementation of Spotify login with Martin and use the access token to retrieve more information from their API to store in our database. I'll also be helping Yancey to decide how the data will be stored in the database.

Talos6 commented 5 years ago

For the previous sprint, I am imported Redux into our project. I translated react state into redux props, created several actions and reducers. I simply added a lot sample properties into our api formatted data, dispatch them and make the vote function working. The challenge I faced was the difference between actual components properties and properties mapped from react state, Cause one is read-only and redux made another one immutable. I take a lot of time considering how the reducers gonna be in order to handle the different songs has different vote state. For the next sprint, I will mainly focus on the back-end database development and deployment. Including organize data structure, store our api calls returned data, set more relationship and data constraints and successfully pull data for front-end usage.