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GitHub Optional chaining resurgent #29

Closed dirkf closed 1 year ago

dirkf commented 2 years ago

See for an example of this nonsense.

So I thought it should be possible to apply an edit to the GH scripts using this nice extension. If they say a.b.c?.d, we should be able to replace that with ((_x=>(_x==null)?undefined:_x.d)(a.b.c)). There was already a minor example in the gh-script-optchain fix (which I renamed below after removing that).

I edited lib/main.js, also removing an undefined diagnostic for fixes.a:

--- a/lib/main.js
+++ b/lib/main.js
@@ -78,10 +78,14 @@ function evaluateFix(fix, script, csp, contentReplace) {
                           "data-module-id": "./chunk-index2.js",
                           "data-src": ""});
-        case "gh-script-optchain":
+        case "gh-script-nullish":
             // works only for this specific minimizer output...
-            contentReplace.push([/([a-zA-Z]+)\?\?/g, "((typeof($1)!==undefined)&&($1!==null))?($1):"]);
-            contentReplace.push([`this.matchFields?.join("-")`, `((y)=>y?y.join("-"):y)(this.matchFields)`]);
+            contentReplace.push([/([a-zA-Z_$][a-zA-Z_$0-9]*)\?\?/g, "((typeof($1)!==undefined)&&($1!==null))?($1):"]);
+            contentReplace.push([`H.integrity=S.sriHashes[t],`, ``]);
+            break;
+        case "gh-script-optchain":
+            contentReplace.push([/(([a-zA-Z_$][a-zA-Z_$0-9]*\.)*([a-zA-Z_$][a-zA-Z_$0-9]*))\?\.([a-zA-Z_$][a-zA-Z_$0-9]*)/g,
+                                "((_x => (_x==null)?undefined:_x.$3)($1))"]);
             contentReplace.push([`H.integrity=S.sriHashes[t],`, ``]);
         case "gh-worker-csp":
@@ -158,7 +162,7 @@ function supersededFixes(service) {
     if (service.isNullishCoalescingSupported) {
-        superseded.add("gh-script-optchain");
+        superseded.add("gh-script-nullish");
     return superseded;
@@ -814,7 +818,7 @@ class HTTPObserver {
             case "http-on-modify-request":
-                if (gService.isSeaMonkey && fixes.a.includes("sm-cookie")) {
+                if (gService.isSeaMonkey && fixes.fixes.includes("sm-cookie")) {
                     try {
                         this.cookie = subject.getRequestHeader("Cookie");
                     } catch (e) {

and lib/builtin-rules.js:

--- a/lib/builtin-rules.js
+++ b/lib/builtin-rules.js
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
 // For easier maintainability, please keep in logical-alphabetical order:
 //   generally sorted by host name part, minus "www."
 //   "" sorts as "dhl"
-//   "" sorts together with it's parent, ""
+//   "" sorts together with its parent, ""

 exports = String.raw`
@@ -31,6 +31,9 @@$script*.js$script*.js$script
+    $script-content,gh-script-optchain
 ! --

(Anyone who asks why this isn't a GH PR should try making one when GH scripts aren't working)

Now, I've abolished the console errors, but apparently the scripts are failing silently. I'm getting this None of the "sha512" hashes in the integrity attribute match the content of the subresource. apparently from the catch at the end of TracingListener.onStopRequest.

Any advice?

dirkf commented 2 years ago

The Debugger shows that (eg) the script that was previously delivered with v=n(y=>y?.tagName==="TURBO-FRAME", ...) now has v=n(y=>((_x => (_x==null)?undefined:_x.y)(y))==="TURBO-FRAME", ...) in its place.

martok commented 2 years ago

Optional chaining and nullish coalescing are both supported by current UXP. Please explain a) what breaks, b) how the cited issue is a problem on the supported platforms, and c) what this patch (don't worry about the not-PR) is supposed to fix.

dirkf commented 2 years ago

SeaMonkey 2.53 doesn't yet handle optional chaining (though the next .release should do). That might fall outside the supported platforms, but it would still be helpful to understand if I failed to do something obvious.

Normally breaking language changes (due to incompatible JS versions being served as text/javascript' instead of application/javascript;version=ES2017` or some such) cause scripted site functionality to fail because important functions following the invalid syntax are never parsed and loaded. If the change affects dynamic behaviour rather than language parsing, some functionality may fail with a diagnostic in the error log instead.

By removing unsupported language features from the delivered scripts, there should be no missing functionality, even if possibly one of the edits causes a dynamic error. However I see neither parsing errors nor dynamic errors.

If this were made to work we also need in the conditional list in lib/main.js ca. l.62:

martok commented 2 years ago

Ah, right.

Basically your approach was correct, and last time this happened I ran into the same error: GH uses script integrity (good, actually!) so it refuses to execute the script after it was modified. To get around this, add gh-integrity to the fixes for, that should strip the protection and run the modified script.

Also, good catch on the typos.

dirkf commented 2 years ago

With some git archaeology I traced the gh-integrity issue. That revives the SyntaxError: expected expression, got '.' diagnostics (ie, the scripts are being parsed).

Now I just have to fix the REs: in general nested REs would be needed but my hope that a set of REs targeting a.b.c?.d(x), a.b.c?.d[x] and a.b.c?.d would cover most of the GH scripts looks optimistic.

One frequent pattern is document.head?.querySelector(selector_expression)?.content. This needs to be turned into a function call with a try {return document.head.querySelector(selector_expression).content;} catch {return undefined;} body.

The logging feature is reassuring although because String.prototype.replace() is used (otherwise good) there isn't an easy way to see exactly how the suspect scripts have been rewritten.

SeaHOH commented 2 years ago

The difficulty is implement the expression short-circuits, there are too many usage modes of optional chaining. No simple way, babeljs can be competent, but too slow.

SeaHOH commented 2 years ago

and those scripts will load scripts with check attribute "integrity", must be rewrite as empty.

dirkf commented 2 years ago

This gh-script-optchain fix should handle a string of JS identifiers interpersed with the three optional chaining syntaxes (?.(...), ?.[...] and plain ?.), provided the ... don't have nested optional chaining, in either value (failure => undefined) or calling (failure => ()=>undefined) context:

            let replacer = function (mch, p1, p2) {
                let chg = false;
                p1 = p1.replace(/\?\.([\])])?/g, (m, p)=>(chg=true,p==null?".":p));
                if (!chg) return mch;
                return `((()=>{try {return ${p1};} catch (e) {return ${p2?"(()=>undefined)":"undefined"};}})())${p2==null?"":p2}`;


This generates completely unreadable (so no worse than before) but so far valid JS.

I can't make SM's regex force a match that has at least one ?., so potentially all JS access expressions are matched, although the match is returned unchanged if no optional chaining was found. There is a guard to stop return(x.y.z... being matched, though it would be nice to have an easier way.

Now just these are not being processed:

21:13:58.446 SyntaxError: missing name after . operator  environment-926f8956f4a3.js:1:5641
21:14:03.707 SyntaxError: missing name after . operator  app_assets_modules_github_behaviors_pjax_ts-683fa5a6e739.js:1:13858
21:14:03.710 SyntaxError: expected expression, got '.'  app_assets_modules_github_behaviors_keyboard-shortcuts-helper_ts-app_assets_modules_github_be-af52ef-8ba1beffba70.js:2:19
21:14:03.717 SyntaxError: expected expression, got '.'  behaviors-2e283b89d4f5.js:9:1667
21:14:03.733 SyntaxError: missing name after . operator  optimizely-2fe0304a629f.js:1:5286

The optional chaining syntax seems to be matched but not replaced, even if the contentReplace is repeated.

dirkf commented 2 years ago


... babeljs can be competent, but too slow.

Indeed, it's a tool that should be deployed (probably is, or an equivalent) in GH's server build process, but they insist on setting the switch that makes ES2020 code.

runtime behaviors app_assets_modules_github_behaviors_pjax_ts

... those scripts will load scripts with check attribute "integrity", must be rewrite as empty.

If/As this isn't being done in PF, how should it be done?

After further testing I have a version that's working well enough for the issue ... menu to be populated and the Delete command to work, but I still have (from the Ctrl+Shift+J Browser Console):

14:47:51.865 SyntaxError: expected expression, got '.'  app_assets_modules_github_behaviors_pjax_ts-683fa5a6e739.js:1:17048
14:47:51.869 SyntaxError: expected expression, got '.'  app_assets_modules_github_behaviors_keyboard-shortcuts-helper_ts-app_assets_modules_github_be-af52ef-8ba1beffba70.js:2:19
14:47:51.879 SyntaxError: expected expression, got '.'  behaviors-d4237c1eb484.js:9:1667
14:47:51.930 SyntaxError: expected expression, got '.'  optimizely-2fe0304a629f.js:1:16702
14:47:51.974 TypeError: 'getAttribute' called on an object that does not implement interface Element.  element-registry-9f412aa21311.js:1:927

The last of these (probably all the rest too) is a script that isn't being processed even thought the script source is handled perfectly under test. The Developer Tools Browser Console (which is mysteriously different from the stand-alone display) attributes it to the TypeScript source const strategyName = (child?.getAttribute('data-load-on') || 'ready') as keyof typeof strategies, which presumably transpiles into the file delivered as element-registry-9f412aa21311.js.

The almost working code:

            let replacer = function (mch, p1, p2) {
                let chg = false;
                // only replace in context (varname|fnname(...)|arrname[...])?.(varname|(...)|[...])
                p1 = p1.replace(/([a-zA-Z_$0-9)\]])\?\.([a-zA-Z_$([])/g, (m, q1, q2)=>(chg=true, q1 + ('[('.includes(q2)?"":".") + q2));

                if (!chg) return mch;
                // ->
                return `((()=>{try {return ${p1.replace(/^((?:.|\s)*)\.call$/, "$&.bind($1)")};} catch (e) {return ${p2?"(()=>undefined)":"undefined"};}})())${p2==null?"":p2}`;

dirkf commented 2 years ago


SeaHOH commented 2 years ago

If/As this isn't being done in PF, how should it be done?

         case "gh-script-integrity":
             contentReplace.push([`.integrity=`, `._integrity=`]);

and isHTMLDocument() should check one more type which is nsIContentPolicy.TYPE_FETCH.

outdated my dirty scheme (`?.` => `&&`, `??` => `||`), fast enough and works well in most cases. - apply `optchainSub` to all script (for reduce configuration items, it's common), and repeat `replace()` until no change. - apply others to corresponding files. - (replace) at last, write and apply special substitutions to other cases. ```javascript function optchainFill(match, split, expr, target) { return `${split}${expr}&&${expr}${"([".includes(target)?"":"."}${target}`; } const optchainSub = [/([,;:= {}<>!|&(\)?])((?:[a-zA-Z_$][a-zA-Z_$0-9]*|\([^()]+?\))(?:(?:\.[a-zA-Z_$][a-zA-Z_$0-9]*)*(?:\[[^[\]]+?\]|\([^()]*?\))?)*)\?\.([a-zA-Z_$]|[([])/g, optchainFill], nullishSub = [/([a-zA-Z_$0-9\)\]])\?\?/g, "$1||"], integritySub = [".integrity=", "._integrity="], integritySubHtml = [/(a?a.editor:undefined)();'] * notifications-v2 [/=(.\.match\(.+?)\?\.pop\(\)\|\|"",/, '=(([a]=[$1])=>a?a.pop():"")(),'] */ ```
SeaHOH commented 2 years ago

update my scheme, I did the possible to make most expressions correctly transformed.

function optchainFill1(match, unexpected) {
  if (unexpected) return match;
  function _optchainFill(_, split, expr, target1, target2) {
    return `${split}((_F${i}=${expr})=>[undefined,null].includes(_F${i})?undefined:_F${i}${"([".includes(target1)?"":"."}${target1}${target2})()`;
  let text = match, i = 0;
  while (text !== (text = text.replace(optchainSR, _optchainFill))) { i ++ }
  return text;

/* dirty transform optional chaining ( ?. => && ) */
function optchainFill2(_, split, expr, target) {
  return `${split}${expr}&&${expr}${"([".includes(target)?"":"."}${target}`;

const optchainSR = /([?,;:= {}()<>!|&])((?:[a-zA-Z_$][a-zA-Z_$0-9]*|\([^()]+?\))(?:(?:\.[a-zA-Z_$][a-zA-Z_$0-9]*)*(?:\[[^[\]]+?\]|\([^()]*?\))?)*)\?\.([a-zA-Z_$([])([\s\S]*)/g,
      optchainSub1 = [/[?,;:= {}()<>!|&](?:[a-zA-Z_$][a-zA-Z_$0-9]*|\([^()]+?\))(?:(?:(?:\.|\?[\.\?])[a-zA-Z_$][a-zA-Z_$0-9]*)*(?:\[[^[\]]+?\]|\([^()]*?\))?)*\?\.(?:[a-zA-Z_$][a-zA-Z_$0-9]*|\[[^[\]]+?\]|\([^()]*?\))(?:(?:(?:\.|\?[\.\?])[a-zA-Z_$][a-zA-Z_$0-9]*)*(?:\[[^[\]]+?\]|\([^()]*?\))?)*([([]?)/g, optchainFill1],
      /* dirty transform optional chaining ( ?. => && ) */
      optchainSub2 = [/([?,;:= {}()<>!|&])((?:[a-zA-Z_$][a-zA-Z_$0-9]*|\([^()]+?\))(?:(?:\.[a-zA-Z_$][a-zA-Z_$0-9]*)*(?:\[[^[\]]+?\]|\([^()]*?\))?)*)\?\.([a-zA-Z_$([])/g, optchainFill2],
      /* dirty transform nullish coalescing ( ?? => || ) */
      nullishSub = [/([a-zA-Z_$0-9\)\]])\?\?/g, "$1||"],
      integritySub = [".integrity=", "._integrity="],
      integritySubHtml = [/(<script[^<]+?)integrity=".+?"/g, "$1"];
dirkf commented 2 years ago

Like @SeaHOH I managed to get a working set of patches, at least to edit and label posts. Unfortunately, it's equally incomprehensible!

There are some runtime JS errors logged that I expect can be fixed by reviewing the replacements, but the patched GH scripts don't throw SyntaxErrors.

SeaHOH commented 2 years ago

Unfortunately, it's equally incomprehensible!

well, let's write in verbose style:

[?,;:= {}()<>!|&]  # match front split, speedup
    \([^()]+?\)  # match "( expressions )"
# any continuous
# catch optional chaining
# any continuous
([([]?)  # if unexpected be caught, then drop and skip replace

There are some runtime JS errors logged that I expect can be fixed by reviewing the replacements, but the patched GH scripts don't throw SyntaxErrors.

settings in my addon, it works well:

click to switch expand/collapse ```javascript subGithubJs: [ { rePath: /-[0-9a-f]{12}\.js$/, subList: [ optchainSub1 ] }, { rePath: /\/behaviors-[0-9a-f]{12}\.js$/, subList: [ optchainSub2, nullishSub, integritySub, [/=(\(0[^\)]+\)\(.\.querySelector\("\.js-code-editor"\)\))\?\.editor;/, "=((a=$1)=>a?a.editor:undefined)();"], ] }, { rePath: /\/notifications-v2-[0-9a-f]{12}\.js$/, subList: [ [/=(.\.match\(.+?)\?\.pop\(\)\|\|"",/, '=((a=$1)=>a?a.pop():"")(),'], ] }, { rePath: /\/runtime-[0-9a-f]{12}\.js$/, subList: [ integritySub ] }, { rePath: /\/dashboard-[0-9a-f]{12}\.js$/, subList: [ optchainSub2 ] }, { rePath: /\/optimizely-[0-9a-f]{12}\.js$/, subList: [ optchainSub2 ] }, { rePath: /\/repositories-[0-9a-f]{12}\.js$/, subList: [ nullishSub ] }, { rePath: /\/github-elements-[0-9a-f]{12}\.js$/, subList: [ nullishSub ] }, { rePath: /\/notifications-global-[0-9a-f]{12}\.js$/, subList: [ optchainSub2 ] }, { rePath: /\/vendors-node_modules_lit-html_lit-html_js-[0-9a-f]{12}\.js$/, subList: [ nullishSub ] }, { rePath: /\/app_assets_modules_github_behaviors_pjax_ts-[0-9a-f]{12}\.js$/, subList: [ nullishSub, integritySub ] }, { rePath: /\/chunk-app_components_branch_create-branch-element_ts-[0-9a-f]{12}\.js$/, subList: [ optchainSub2 ] }, { rePath: /\/vendors-node_modules_primer_behaviors_dist_esm_focus-zone_js-[0-9a-f]{12}\.js$/, subList: [ nullishSub ] }, { rePath: /\/chunk-vendors-node_modules_manuelpuyol_turbo_dist_turbo_es2017-esm_js-[0-9a-f]{12}\.js$/, subList: [ nullishSub ] }, { rePath: /\/app_assets_modules_github_behaviors_details_ts-app_assets_modules_github_behaviors_include-fr-[0-9a-f]{6}-[0-9a-f]{12}\.js$/, subList: [ nullishSub ] }, ] ```
dirkf commented 2 years ago

The point I was making is that incomprehensibility is a general characteristic of any complex regex solution (see also Perl), even with the (?x) flag.

I've posted the now apparently fully working version as above. This is the code corresponding to that posted earlier:

            let replacer = function (mch, p1, p2) {
                let chg = false;
                // only replace in context (varname|fnname(...)|arrname[...])?.(varname|(...)|[...])
                if (p1 != null) {
                    p1 = p1.replace(/([a-zA-Z_$0-9)\]])\?\.([a-zA-Z_$([])/g, (m, q1, q2)=>(chg=true, q1 + ('[('.includes(q2)?"":".") + q2));
                if (!chg) return mch;
                // split the expression ${path}${tail} with no initial . in tail; bind `this` if necessary
                // thanks
                const [p, e] = p1.split(/(?=(?:\.(?=[a-zA-Z_$])|[([])([a-zA-Z_$][a-zA-Z_$0-9]*|\([^)]*\)|\[[^\]]*\])$)/).concat([null]);
                const try_txt = (e?
                    `const _1 = ${p}; const _2 = ${p1}; return (typeof _2 === 'function' && 'constructor' in _2)?_2.bind(_1):_2`:
                    "return " + p1);
                const catch_txt = "return " + (p2 != null? "(()=>undefined)": "undefined");
                const ret = `((()=>{try {${try_txt};} catch (e) {${catch_txt};}})())${p2==null?"":p2}`;
                print("modifying " + mch + " to " + ret);
                return ret;

                // match and sanitise quite a general JS access expression, rooted at identifier or (0, identifier[.identifier]*), avoiding embedded {} expressions
                // not return(..., if(... identifier              |\(0,[  identifier[?].               ]*  identifier               [(...(not {))|[...not {]]]* [?].[(...(not ))|[...not ]]]+     [identifier]                 (
            // const o=(0,$t.P)(t.querySelector(".js-code-editor"))?.editor

Happy to PR this, but only tested on my SM 2.53.12.

Enabling the add-on's debug flag and filtering for PF: modifying in the Browser console gives a list of the substitutions from which a more specific and possibly more efficient set of patterns and replacements could be generated, but that would be even less likely to work after GH spin the release roulette wheel.

SeaHOH commented 2 years ago

update and merge to optchainSub, became simple and faster. inspiration comes from dirkf‘s scheme.

function optchainFill(match, split, expression, identifiers, operator) {
  if ("([".includes(operator)) {
    log('dirtyfill: ' + match);
    let tail = match.substring(identifiers.length + 3);
    return `${split}${identifiers}&&${identifiers}${"([".includes(tail[0])?"":"."}${tail}`;
  let async_ = (expression = expression.replace(..._optchainSub)).includes("await ");
  let text = `${async_?"await ":""}(${async_?"async ":""}()=>{try{return ${expression}}catch(e){if((e.message||"").search(/is (undefined|null|not a function)/)<0){throw e}}})()`;
  if (operator === "??")
    return `${split}![undefined,null].includes(_NP_=${text})?_NP_:`;
  return `${split}${text}`;

const _optchainSub = [/([a-zA-Z_$0-9)\]])\?\.([([]?)/g, ((_,o,t) => `${o}${t||"."}`)],
      optchainSub = [/([?,;:= {}()<>!|&](?!return\()|return(?=\())(((?:[a-zA-Z_$][a-zA-Z_$0-9]*|\([^()]+(?:\([^()]*\))?[^()]*\))(?:(?:\??\.[a-zA-Z_$][a-zA-Z_$0-9]*)*(?:\[[^[\]]+?\]|\((?:[^()]+\([^()]*\))?[^()]*\))?)*)\?\.(?:[a-zA-Z_$][a-zA-Z_$0-9]*|\[[^[\]]+?\]|\((?:[^()]+\([^()]*\))?[^()]*\))(?:(?:\??\.[a-zA-Z_$][a-zA-Z_$0-9]*)*(?:\[[^[\]]+?\]|\((?:[^()]+\([^()]*\))?[^()]*\))?)*)([([]|\?\?)?/g, optchainFill],
      nullishSub = [/([=: (?<>](?!return\()|return(?=\())((?:[a-zA-Z_$][a-zA-Z_$0-9]*|\([^()]+(?:\([^()]*\))?[^()]*\))(?:(?:\??\.[a-zA-Z_$][a-zA-Z_$0-9]*)*(?:\[[^[\]]+?\]|\((?:[^()]+\([^()]*\))?[^()]*\))?)*)\?\?/g, "$1![undefined,null].includes(_NP_=$2)?_NP_:"],
      integritySub = [".integrity=", "._integrity="],
      // "_NP_" MUST be declared, front of main HTML is OK
      nullishSubHtml = ["<link", `<script>var _NP_;</script>\n<link`],
      integritySub = [".integrity=", "._integrity="],
      integritySubHtml = [/(<script[^<]+?)integrity=".+?"/g, "$1"];




nullishSub, integritySub




nullishSub, integritySub




UCyborg commented 2 years ago

Interesting work, manually replacing code sequences with those operators with the older syntax equivalent is definitely a pain in the butt, particularly when there are multiple occurrences.

BTW, I just updated to freshly released SeaMonkey 2.53.13. Release notes only mention optional chaining while nullish coalescing operator support appears to have been implemented already in 2.53.12, but its release notes don't mention it.

dirkf commented 2 years ago

My last attempt (to handle action logs) started going into a infinite-ish loop, so I reverted.

The SM support for these features is correct, but 2.5.13 also removes some legacy experimental features that were used in popular extensions.

SeaHOH commented 2 years ago

update, Optional Chaining and Nullish Coalescing replacers were merged to nullishOPSub, became simple and faster. inspiration comes from dirkf‘s scheme.

function nullishOPFill(match, split, identifiers, target, operator) {
  let optchain = true, expression = identifiers;
  if (target) {
    expression += target;
  else {
    operator = "??";
    optchain = /\?\.[a-zA-Z_$[(]/.test(identifiers);
  if (optchain) {
    let async_ = expression.includes("await ");
    expression = expression.replace(..._optchainSub);
    expression = `${async_?"await ":""}(${async_?"async ":""}()=>{try{return ${expression}}catch(e){if(!/is (undefined|null|not a function)/.test(e.message||"")){throw e}}})()`;
  return operator ? operator === "??" ?
      `${split}![undefined,null].includes(_NP_=${expression})?_NP_:` :
      `${split}[undefined,null].includes(_NP_=${expression})?undefined:_NP_${operator}` :

const _optchainSub = [/([a-zA-Z_$0-9)\]])\?\.([([]?)/g, ((_,o,t) => `${o}${t||"."}`)],
      nullishOPSub = [/([?,;:= {}()<>!|&](?!return\()|return(?=\())((?:[a-zA-Z_$][a-zA-Z_$0-9]*|\([^()]+(?:\([^()]*\))?[^()]*\))(?:(?:\??\.[a-zA-Z_$][a-zA-Z_$0-9]*)*(?:\[[^[\]]+?\]|\((?:[^()]+\([^()]*\))?[^()]*\))?)*)(?:\?\?|(\?\.(?:[a-zA-Z_$][a-zA-Z_$0-9]*|\[[^[\]]+?\]|\((?:[^()]+\([^()]*\))?[^()]*\))(?:(?:\??\.[a-zA-Z_$][a-zA-Z_$0-9]*)*(?:\[[^[\]]+?\]|\((?:[^()]+\([^()]*\))?[^()]*\))?)*)([([]|\?\?)?)/g, nullishOPFill],
      // "_NP_" MUST be declared, front of main HTML is OK
      nullishOPSubHtml = ["<link", `<script>var _NP_;</script>\n<link`],
      integritySub = [".integrity=", "._integrity="],
      integritySubHtml = [/(<script[^<]+?)integrity=".+?"/g, "$1"];

applied scripts:




dirkf commented 2 years ago is working for me.

rofl0r commented 2 years ago

it's great that palefill, unlike youtube-dl, sees regular releases :+1:

dirkf commented 2 years ago

You are looking at a tool dependency!