martok / palefill

Inject Polyfills for various web technologies into pages requiring them
Mozilla Public License 2.0
79 stars 9 forks source link

Support for #79

Closed Gordon-Dry closed 1 year ago

Gordon-Dry commented 1 year ago

The main rendering issue I see for a few weeks now is white text on white background grin

Please check

Vangelis66 commented 1 year ago

Please check

I'm running latest Serpent 52.9.0 (2023-01-19) (32-bit)/UXP, latest palefill-1.26 installed; loads and renders fine here, even their embedded web player works as intended:


FWIW, I have browser.display.prefers_color_scheme inside about:config set to 2, so sites display their dark usestyles, whenever available...

Edit: Resetting referenced pref (back to default value 1) doesn't change the way renders here 😉 ...

Gordon-Dry commented 1 year ago

On latest Pale Moon 32.0.0 with palefill 1.26, with partially selected text: Series_ARTE_in_English_-_2023-01-25_23 58 16

Edit: changing browser.display.prefers_color_scheme to 2 does not change it to dark.

Vangelis66 commented 1 year ago

... Unfortunately, I can't launch official PM32 in my current OS now (but chances are I'll have access to a Win7 SP1 x64 laptop sometime tomorrow 😉 ); I even tried with a new/fresh profile of Serpent 52 (it's a fork of the official Basilisk/UXP browser) and at default settings I still get the dark iteration of here:


Furthermore, the site functions as expected even without palefill installed (fresh profile = no extension whatsoever added), so I doubt your predicament is actually palefill related (or could be mitigated by it) ...

For the time being, I'll refrain from posting further, at least until I assess this better myself (hopefully tomorrow) or someone else (besides OP 😉 ), actually running PM32, can chime in sooner...

Vangelis66 commented 1 year ago

... And, as promised :wink: :

OS: Win7 SP1 64-bit Browser: Pale Moon 32.0.0 (32-bit) Browser Profile: Fresh new one, at 99.99% default settings (only the menu bar was made to display, plus tabs-on-top)

Loading =>


... and full-page screenshot (via Web Developer Tools):


@Gordon-Dry : The issue you posted about is most probably related to your

  1. browser profile (a setting/extension) ?
  2. your OS (no info about it, BTW...) ?
  3. your H/W (GPU and/or GFX driver) ?

Try disabling graphics H/W acceleration, if enabled by default... Can't think of anything else myself ... Seems unlikely the author of this extension could help you fix it...

Kind regards :smile:

Gordon-Dry commented 1 year ago

Well, every 2 or 3 years it's the same, people say "just start with a new profile" again and again. Do you have a clue how much it sucks to start with a fresh profile and fiddle it to workability? And no, I'm not that autistic guy who wants to stay on the same status quo for years, I'm able to adapt as soon as it's not a pseudostandard or some circumstance made by wokists etc. I lost beloved addons and the addon devs did not dare to support Pale Moon. But I can live with that as long as any dev dares to create an alternative within a tolerable time frame.

This is Windows 10 64-bit / GeForce GTX 1660 Super with latest driver 528.24 btw.

And yes, I'm aware of the fact that many web admins are not able to create W3C conform sites but Google- and Microsoft-pseudostandard-conform sites, so we users of Pale Moon et al have to suffer in this new normal of a globalized world full of incompetence and selfishness.

Gordon-Dry commented 1 year ago

I found a workaround. NoSquint got site specific override settings for background and text colors.