martolini / pythonstory

MIT License
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So far... #3

Open mspencer92 opened 8 years ago

mspencer92 commented 8 years ago

Great setup, slightly confusing in the beginning but once I started working with it it got easier to understand the structure. Few errors I have found so far are:

BEGINNER characters are put into a map that doesn't exist (10000000) when created and causes the character not to be able to log in. Changing the starter map to an existing map fixes this.

I also get "OverflowError: Python int too large to convert to C long" which I fixed by changing class TimeType(EnumInt): to TimeType(long) in which seemed to fix that problem.

Also are you still working on this project?

Update. I am working on so packets/handlers is there a way to get the client of a character, currently working on whispering/party and I need to get the client of the character and send a packet. Any idea?

martolini commented 8 years ago

Hey - cool that you looked into this. I have come a bit further than what's on the repo. Implemented movement and monsters and started working on skills and such. However, my time became extremely limited all of sudden, and hopefully I'll come deal with it during christmas. Why don't you add me on Skype as martinsroed and we'll have a talk.