martona / mhook

A Windows API hooking library
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Fix free list prev pointer when allocating new block #32

Open ducsonnguyen opened 3 years ago

ducsonnguyen commented 3 years ago

When FindTrampolineInRange() can't locate a suitable trampoline in the existing free list, TrampolineAlloc() calls BlockAlloc() to create a new pool of trampolines. BlockAlloc() links the last node of the new free list to the beginning of the existing free list. But it did NOT link the head of the existing free list back to the tail of the new list via the pPrevTrampoline pointer.

If that old head node was ever used for a trampoline, ListRemove() was unable to update its predecessor to properly remove it from the free list. That node would get pulled for use again if a hook needed another trampoline in its address range. Changing the hook address could misdirect the previous function(s) that used the same trampoline.