If you click and hold on a position in the track's timeline, and also if you drag the position around, then the audio becomes distorted. Museeks plays the same split second repeatedly from just after the position until you let go of left-click.
Instead, Museeks should only play a quarter of a second once and then remain silent until the user drags the position in the timeline to a new place, this would create an effect much like scrubbing through radio frequencies while click-dragging rather than one continuous sound.
If you click and hold on a position in the track's timeline, and also if you drag the position around, then the audio becomes distorted. Museeks plays the same split second repeatedly from just after the position until you let go of left-click.
Instead, Museeks should only play a quarter of a second once and then remain silent until the user drags the position in the timeline to a new place, this would create an effect much like scrubbing through radio frequencies while click-dragging rather than one continuous sound.
Arch Linux (Pipewire) Museeks 0.12.0