martpie / next-transpile-modules

Next.js plugin to transpile code from node_modules. Please see:
MIT License
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Transpiling of yarn workspaces broke after upgrading to next 9.4.0 #85

Closed tbergquist-godaddy closed 4 years ago

tbergquist-godaddy commented 4 years ago

Are you trying to transpile a local package or an npm package? local

Describe the bug Transpiling worked with next 9.3.6, but broke after upgrading to 9.4.0.

SyntaxError: /Users/trondbergquist/code/adeira/universe/node_modules/@adeira/relay/src/index.js: Support for the experimental syntax 'flow' isn't currently enabled (53:8):

  51 | };
  52 | 
> 53 | export type { RelayProp } from './createFragmentContainer';
     |        ^
  54 | export type { PaginationRelayProp } from './createPaginationContainer';
  55 | export type { RefetchRelayProp } from './createRefetchContainer';
  56 | export type { DeclarativeMutationConfig } from './types.flow';

To Reproduce Upgrade from next 9.3.6 to 9.4.0 and transpiling of yarn workspaces breaks

Expected behavior It should still be working


Additional context Add any other context about the problem here.

TrySound commented 4 years ago

Show your next.config.js please

tbergquist-godaddy commented 4 years ago

next.config.js file can be seen here

martpie commented 4 years ago

Can you give more information about your setup? Do you own the transpiled files? Are you using flow? Why are flow files transpiled? Why are you transpiling an example repository? etc.

I am lacking some context on if this is the responsibility of next-transpile-modules or next

tbergquist-godaddy commented 4 years ago

Can you give more information about your setup?

We have a monorepo using yarn workspaces. We distribute several npm packages, among them some wrappers around relay. The relay example repository is there to show some examples of how to use relay. Mutations, paginations etc.

Do you own the transpiled files?


Are you using flow?


Why are flow files transpiled?

Because flow annotation is not valid javascript syntax, the flowtypes have to be stripped.

Why are you transpiling an example repository?

Same as above I would say. It needs to be transpiled to run in the browser.

At the end of the day, our setup worked with next 9.3.6, and it broke when we upgrade to 9.4.0.

Maybe it is not the responsibility of this package, but it is clear from the error message that our workspace is no longer transpiled, so that is why I started here.

tbergquist-godaddy commented 4 years ago

Actually, I just discovered that doing yarn next build && yarn next start works, while yarn next produces the error 🤔

So the error might not be in next-transpile-modules. It seems to be correctly transpiled for production.

martpie commented 4 years ago

could be interesting to check the changelogs of next, they may have modified the base Babel config, or there may have been a Webpack/Babel update.

Last: do you have a custom Babel config? If yes, can you post it here?

tbergquist-godaddy commented 4 years ago

Yes, we have this babel config

module.exports = {
  presets: ['@adeira/babel-preset-adeira', 'next/babel'],
  plugins: ['relay'],
tbergquist-godaddy commented 4 years ago

could be interesting to check the changelogs of next, they may have modified the base Babel config, or there may have been a Webpack/Babel update.

From reading the blog about the 9.4.0 release, the only thing I can think about is that somehow related, is the Import alias functionality they added. Could it be that it interprets our workspace as an import alias 🤔

martpie commented 4 years ago

You don't have something for flow in your Babel config?

tbergquist-godaddy commented 4 years ago

Yes, we do. This project has existed for about 3 years. There are no problems with Babel or other setup.

Something changed in next 9.4.0, and I suspected that something would need to change with next-transpile-modules also.

andrewmclagan commented 4 years ago

We "may" also be experiencing this issue. Just bumped to 9.4.x and we are seeing issues around the new optional chaining language feature. We were using this prior to the upgrade, not code has changed. Our assumption is transpiration has stopped for some reason?

Also when we do next build it works just next dev

Side note we are using Yarn v2


module.exports = {
  presets: [['next/babel']]
martpie commented 4 years ago

@andrewmclagan Can you share your Next config as well please?

andrewmclagan commented 4 years ago


$>  yarn --version
   "next": "9.4.1",
   "next-compose-plugins": "^2.2.0",
   "next-transpile-modules": "^3.3.0"


const path = require('path');
const withPlugins = require('next-compose-plugins');
const transpileModules = require('next-transpile-modules');

const withModules = transpileModules([

const nextConfig = {
  webpack: config => {
    config.resolve.alias['components'] = path.join(__dirname, 'src/components');
    config.resolve.alias['dialogs'] = path.join(__dirname, 'src/dialogs');
    config.resolve.alias['layouts'] = path.join(__dirname, 'src/layouts');
    config.resolve.alias['forms'] = path.join(__dirname, 'src/forms');
    config.resolve.alias['lib'] = path.join(__dirname, 'src/lib');
    return config;

module.exports = withPlugins([withModules], nextConfig);

Project structure

The packages are yarn workspaces (yarn 2)

- package.json
- /apps
- - /next-app-1
- - /next-app-2
- /packages
- - /graphql
- - /client
- - /sdk
- - /forms
- - /mui-theme


yarn workspace next-app-1 run dev

In reality we use scoped packages where our next websites are prepended with @app and our packages with @pkg so we would actually run

yarn workspace @app/app-1 run dev

Error message

So the below error is basically saying the optional chaining is invalid syntax, which if next is transpiling is not invalid. Thus my assumption that this package is the culprit? could be wrong!

> Using "webpackDevMiddleware" config function defined in default.
error - /Users/project/.yarn/$$virtual/@pkg-graphql-virtual-f0ee6be415/1/packages/graphql/hooks/useRole/useGet.js 10:20
Module parse failed: Unexpected token (10:20)
You may need an appropriate loader to handle this file type, currently no loaders are configured to process this file. See
|   });
>   const role = data?.role;
|   return { role, };
andrewmclagan commented 4 years ago

NB: On reflection this may be actually be a Yarn PnP issue. Perhaps opening a new issue is best, for now i will continue here.

If we keep all the above versions locked and simply use yarn 1.22 things work. Using either Yarn 2 or Yarn 1 with pnp (yarn 2 is default pnp) breaks. I have only very briefly looked at the source of this package although it seems allot depends on node_modules folder resolutions. Which in a PnP environment does not exist.

Next officially supports PnP environments.

tbergquist-godaddy commented 4 years ago

For me this is not related to Yarn PnP since I am already using yarn 1.22.4.

I made a small reproduction repo. You can check it out here. The master branch is using 9.4.x, and the error is reproducable. There is a branch called 9.3.6 that is working with the same setup.

martpie commented 4 years ago

It looks a lot for me like a Babel misconfiguration. I will try to invest some time today or tomorrow to check that.

Thanks for the repro, it helps a lot!

tbergquist-godaddy commented 4 years ago

It looks a lot for me like a Babel misconfiguration

I would buy this if it never worked, the thing that makes me think this is not it, is that it broke after upgrading.

I will try to invest some time today or tomorrow to check that.

Thanks, I appreciate that a lot 🙂

martpie commented 4 years ago

I would buy this if it never worked, the thing that makes me think this is not it, is that it broke after upgrading.

I buy it because the Next.js team always tweaks the internal and Webpack and Babel configuration in each release. We had breaking changes in the past because I don't read all the Next.js changelogs to see if the plugin needs to be updated or not (the CSS support for example, is extremely hacky, and could break at any canary release if they decide to change the shape of the Webpack rules)

martpie commented 4 years ago

tl,dr: next-transpile-modiles hacks the internal Next.js webpack configuration to bypass the limitation of not being able to transpile code from node_modules. Even a minor change to a include's regex or a rule option change from the Next.js team can break next-transpile-modules without any warning.

peduarte commented 4 years ago

Im having the same issues after upgrading to Next 9.4 😭

jacobrask commented 4 years ago

In our Yarn monorepo we have one app using next-transpile-modules 2.3.1 and that still works, but 3.0.0 in a next project fails, in case that helps with finding the issue, or people could downgrade while the issue is being resolved in 3.x.x.

martpie commented 4 years ago

Not the first time I hear that, thanks for sharing 🤔

I unfortunately still did not have time to look into the issue.

I personally did not have trouble in various Next.js 9.4 setups (with Yarn Workspaces), so for all the people landing on this issue, please share your setups specifities so we can try to identify the root of the problem more easily 👍 (the best of the best being a PR with a test failing)

tbergquist-godaddy commented 4 years ago

I tried downgrading to 2.3.1, but I still get the error. I also removed flow and tested with 100_000 and got the error

error - ../../node_modules/test-components/src/Heading.js:12:16
Syntax error: Support for the experimental syntax 'numericSeparator' isn't currently enabled (12:17)

And yes, we have the @babel/plugin-proposal-numeric-separator in our babel setup

Izhaki commented 4 years ago

Next 9.4 implements its own alias system.

There has been changes to the webpack config that I suspect do not marry well with this plugin.

We use this plugin so to import files from other packages in a monorepo, I'm pretty sure there is no longer need for this plugin with 9.4 (for us at least).

We have this:

        transpileModules: [
Here is the resultant webpack config, I'm pretty sure you'll see a few issues in it. ```json { "externals": [ "next" ], "optimization": { "checkWasmTypes": false, "nodeEnv": false, "splitChunks": { "cacheGroups": { "default": false, "vendors": false, "styles": { "name": "styles", "test": {}, "chunks": "all", "enforce": true } } }, "runtimeChunk": { "name": "static/runtime/webpack.js" }, "minimize": false, "minimizer": [ { "options": { "test": {}, "extractComments": false, "cache": "/Users/izhakroe/Development/tools/packages/axl/.next/cache/next-minifier", "parallel": 7, "terserOptions": { "parse": { "ecma": 8 }, "compress": { "ecma": 5, "warnings": false, "comparisons": false, "inline": 2 }, "mangle": { "safari10": true }, "output": { "ecma": 5, "safari10": true, "comments": false, "ascii_only": true } } } }, { "__next_css_remove": true, "options": { "postcssOptions": { "map": { "inline": false, "annotation": false } } } } ] }, "context": "/Users/izhakroe/Development/tools/packages/axl", "node": { "setImmediate": false }, "output": { "path": "/Users/izhakroe/Development/tools/packages/axl/.next", "libraryTarget": "var", "hotUpdateChunkFilename": "static/webpack/[id].[hash].hot-update.js", "hotUpdateMainFilename": "static/webpack/[hash].hot-update.json", "chunkFilename": "static/chunks/[name].js", "strictModuleExceptionHandling": true, "futureEmitAssets": false, "webassemblyModuleFilename": "static/wasm/[modulehash].wasm" }, "performance": false, "resolve": { "extensions": [ ".mjs", ".js", ".tsx", ".ts", ".jsx", ".json", ".wasm" ], "modules": [ "node_modules" ], "alias": { "next/head": "next/dist/next-server/lib/head.js", "next/router": "next/dist/client/router.js", "next/config": "next/dist/next-server/lib/runtime-config.js", "next/dynamic": "next/dist/next-server/lib/dynamic.js", "next": "/Users/izhakroe/Development/tools/node_modules/next", "private-next-pages": "/Users/izhakroe/Development/tools/packages/axl/pages", "private-dot-next": "/Users/izhakroe/Development/tools/packages/axl/.next", "unfetch$": "/Users/izhakroe/Development/tools/node_modules/next/dist/build/polyfills/fetch/index.js", "isomorphic-unfetch$": "/Users/izhakroe/Development/tools/node_modules/next/dist/build/polyfills/fetch/index.js", "whatwg-fetch$": "/Users/izhakroe/Development/tools/node_modules/next/dist/build/polyfills/fetch/whatwg-fetch.js", "object-assign$": "/Users/izhakroe/Development/tools/node_modules/next/dist/build/polyfills/object-assign.js", "object.assign/auto": "/Users/izhakroe/Development/tools/node_modules/next/dist/build/polyfills/object.assign/auto.js", "object.assign/implementation": "/Users/izhakroe/Development/tools/node_modules/next/dist/build/polyfills/object.assign/implementation.js", "object.assign$": "/Users/izhakroe/Development/tools/node_modules/next/dist/build/polyfills/object.assign/index.js", "object.assign/polyfill": 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"/Users/izhakroe/Development/tools/node_modules/next/dist/build/webpack/loaders/next-babel-loader", "next-client-pages-loader": "/Users/izhakroe/Development/tools/node_modules/next/dist/build/webpack/loaders/next-client-pages-loader", "next-data-loader": "/Users/izhakroe/Development/tools/node_modules/next/dist/build/webpack/loaders/next-data-loader", "next-serverless-loader": "/Users/izhakroe/Development/tools/node_modules/next/dist/build/webpack/loaders/next-serverless-loader", "noop-loader": "/Users/izhakroe/Development/tools/node_modules/next/dist/build/webpack/loaders/noop-loader", "next-plugin-loader": "/Users/izhakroe/Development/tools/node_modules/next/dist/build/webpack/loaders/next-plugin-loader" }, "modules": [ "node_modules" ], "plugins": [ { "topLevelLoader": {} } ] }, "module": { "rules": [ { "test": {}, "include": [ "/Users/izhakroe/Development/tools/packages/axl", {}, {}, {}, {} ], "use": [ "/Users/izhakroe/Development/tools/node_modules/next/node_modules/@next/react-refresh-utils/loader.js", { "loader": "next-babel-loader", "options": { "isServer": false, "distDir": "/Users/izhakroe/Development/tools/packages/axl/.next", "pagesDir": "/Users/izhakroe/Development/tools/packages/axl/pages", "cwd": "/Users/izhakroe/Development/tools/packages/axl", "cache": true, "babelPresetPlugins": [], "hasModern": false, "development": true, "hasReactRefresh": true } } ] }, { "oneOf": [ { "test": {}, "loader": "noop-loader", "options": { "__next_css_remove": true } }, { "test": {}, "issuer": { "test": {} }, "use": { "loader": "error-loader", "options": { "reason": "CSS \u001b[1mcannot\u001b[22m be imported within \u001b[36mpages/_document.js\u001b[39m. Please move global styles to \u001b[36mpages/_app.js\u001b[39m." } } }, { "sideEffects": false, "test": {}, "issuer": { "include": [ "/Users/izhakroe/Development/tools/packages/axl" ], "exclude": {} }, "use": [ { "loader": "/Users/izhakroe/Development/tools/node_modules/next/node_modules/style-loader/dist/cjs.js", "options": {} }, { "loader": "/Users/izhakroe/Development/tools/node_modules/next/node_modules/css-loader/dist/cjs.js", "options": { "importLoaders": 1, "sourceMap": true, "onlyLocals": false, "modules": { "mode": "pure" } } }, { "loader": "/Users/izhakroe/Development/tools/node_modules/next/dist/compiled/postcss-loader/index.js", "options": { "ident": "__nextjs_postcss", "plugins": [ null, null ], "sourceMap": true } } ] }, { "sideEffects": false, "test": {}, "issuer": { "include": [ "/Users/izhakroe/Development/tools/packages/axl" ], "exclude": {} }, "use": [ { "loader": "/Users/izhakroe/Development/tools/node_modules/next/node_modules/style-loader/dist/cjs.js", "options": {} }, { "loader": "/Users/izhakroe/Development/tools/node_modules/next/node_modules/css-loader/dist/cjs.js", "options": { "importLoaders": 3, "sourceMap": true, "onlyLocals": false, "modules": { "mode": "pure" } } }, { "loader": "/Users/izhakroe/Development/tools/node_modules/next/dist/compiled/postcss-loader/index.js", "options": { "ident": "__nextjs_postcss", "plugins": [ null, null ], "sourceMap": true } }, { "loader": "/Users/izhakroe/Development/tools/node_modules/resolve-url-loader/index.js", "options": { "sourceMap": true } }, { "loader": "/Users/izhakroe/Development/tools/node_modules/next/node_modules/sass-loader/dist/cjs.js", "options": { "sourceMap": true, "sassOptions": {} } } ] }, { "test": [ {}, {} ], "use": { "loader": "error-loader", "options": { "reason": "CSS Modules \u001b[1mcannot\u001b[22m be imported from within \u001b[1mnode_modules\u001b[22m.\nRead more:" } } }, { "sideEffects": true, "test": {}, "issuer": { "include": "/Users/izhakroe/Development/tools/packages/axl/pages/_app.jsx" }, "use": [ { "loader": "/Users/izhakroe/Development/tools/node_modules/next/node_modules/style-loader/dist/cjs.js", "options": {} }, { "loader": "/Users/izhakroe/Development/tools/node_modules/next/node_modules/css-loader/dist/cjs.js", "options": { "importLoaders": 1, "sourceMap": true } }, { "loader": "/Users/izhakroe/Development/tools/node_modules/next/dist/compiled/postcss-loader/index.js", "options": { "ident": "__nextjs_postcss", "plugins": [ null, null ], "sourceMap": true } } ] }, { "sideEffects": true, "test": {}, "issuer": { "include": "/Users/izhakroe/Development/tools/packages/axl/pages/_app.jsx" }, "use": [ { "loader": "/Users/izhakroe/Development/tools/node_modules/next/node_modules/style-loader/dist/cjs.js", "options": {} }, { "loader": "/Users/izhakroe/Development/tools/node_modules/next/node_modules/css-loader/dist/cjs.js", "options": { "importLoaders": 3, "sourceMap": true } }, { "loader": "/Users/izhakroe/Development/tools/node_modules/next/dist/compiled/postcss-loader/index.js", "options": { "ident": "__nextjs_postcss", "plugins": [ null, null ], "sourceMap": true } }, { "loader": "/Users/izhakroe/Development/tools/node_modules/resolve-url-loader/index.js", "options": { "sourceMap": true } }, { "loader": "/Users/izhakroe/Development/tools/node_modules/next/node_modules/sass-loader/dist/cjs.js", "options": { "sourceMap": true, "sassOptions": {} } } ] }, { "test": [ {}, {} ], "issuer": { "include": [ {} ] }, "use": { "loader": "error-loader", "options": { "reason": "Global CSS \u001b[1mcannot\u001b[22m be imported from within \u001b[1mnode_modules\u001b[22m.\nRead more:" } } }, { "test": [ {}, {} ], "use": { "loader": "error-loader", "options": { "reason": "Global CSS \u001b[1mcannot\u001b[22m be imported from files other than your \u001b[1mCustom \u001b[22m. Please move all global CSS imports to \u001b[36mpages/_app.jsx\u001b[39m.\nRead more:" } } }, { "issuer": { "test": {} }, "exclude": [ {}, {}, {} ], "use": { "loader": "/Users/izhakroe/Development/tools/node_modules/next/dist/compiled/file-loader/cjs.js", "options": { "name": "static/media/[name].[hash].[ext]" } } } ] }, { "test": {}, "use": [ "extracted-loader", "/Users/izhakroe/Development/tools/node_modules/@zeit/next-css/node_modules/mini-css-extract-plugin/dist/loader.js", { "loader": "css-loader", "options": { "modules": true, "minimize": false, "sourceMap": true, "importLoaders": 0, "camelCase": true } } ] }, { "test": {}, "use": [ "extracted-loader", "/Users/izhakroe/Development/tools/node_modules/@zeit/next-css/node_modules/mini-css-extract-plugin/dist/loader.js", { "loader": "css-loader", "options": { "modules": true, "minimize": false, "sourceMap": true, "importLoaders": 1, "camelCase": true } }, { "loader": "sass-loader", "options": {} } ] }, { "test": {}, "use": [ 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"/Users/izhakroe/Development/tools/packages/axl/pages", "private-dot-next": "/Users/izhakroe/Development/tools/packages/axl/.next", "unfetch$": "/Users/izhakroe/Development/tools/node_modules/next/dist/build/polyfills/fetch/index.js", "isomorphic-unfetch$": "/Users/izhakroe/Development/tools/node_modules/next/dist/build/polyfills/fetch/index.js", "whatwg-fetch$": "/Users/izhakroe/Development/tools/node_modules/next/dist/build/polyfills/fetch/whatwg-fetch.js", "object-assign$": "/Users/izhakroe/Development/tools/node_modules/next/dist/build/polyfills/object-assign.js", "object.assign/auto": "/Users/izhakroe/Development/tools/node_modules/next/dist/build/polyfills/object.assign/auto.js", "object.assign/implementation": "/Users/izhakroe/Development/tools/node_modules/next/dist/build/polyfills/object.assign/implementation.js", "object.assign$": "/Users/izhakroe/Development/tools/node_modules/next/dist/build/polyfills/object.assign/index.js", "object.assign/polyfill": 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Please move global styles to \u001b[36mpages/_app.js\u001b[39m." } } }, { "sideEffects": false, "test": {}, "issuer": { "include": [ "/Users/izhakroe/Development/tools/packages/axl" ], "exclude": {} }, "use": [ { "loader": "/Users/izhakroe/Development/tools/node_modules/next/node_modules/css-loader/dist/cjs.js", "options": { "importLoaders": 1, "sourceMap": true, "onlyLocals": true, "modules": { "mode": "pure" } } }, { "loader": "/Users/izhakroe/Development/tools/node_modules/next/dist/compiled/postcss-loader/index.js", "options": { "ident": "__nextjs_postcss", "plugins": [ null, null ], "sourceMap": true } } ] }, { "sideEffects": false, "test": {}, "issuer": { "include": [ "/Users/izhakroe/Development/tools/packages/axl" ], "exclude": {} }, "use": [ { "loader": "/Users/izhakroe/Development/tools/node_modules/next/node_modules/css-loader/dist/cjs.js", "options": { "importLoaders": 3, "sourceMap": true, "onlyLocals": true, "modules": { "mode": "pure" } } }, { "loader": "/Users/izhakroe/Development/tools/node_modules/next/dist/compiled/postcss-loader/index.js", "options": { "ident": "__nextjs_postcss", "plugins": [ null, null ], "sourceMap": true } }, { "loader": "/Users/izhakroe/Development/tools/node_modules/resolve-url-loader/index.js", "options": { "sourceMap": true } }, { "loader": "/Users/izhakroe/Development/tools/node_modules/next/node_modules/sass-loader/dist/cjs.js", "options": { "sourceMap": true, "sassOptions": {} } } ] }, { "test": [ {}, {} ], "use": { "loader": "error-loader", "options": { "reason": "CSS Modules \u001b[1mcannot\u001b[22m be imported from within \u001b[1mnode_modules\u001b[22m.\nRead more:" } } }, { "test": [ {}, {} ], "use": "/Users/izhakroe/Development/tools/node_modules/next/dist/compiled/ignore-loader/index.js" }, { "test": [ {}, {} ], "issuer": { "include": [ {} ] }, "use": { "loader": "error-loader", "options": { "reason": "Global CSS \u001b[1mcannot\u001b[22m be imported from within \u001b[1mnode_modules\u001b[22m.\nRead more:" } } }, { "test": [ {}, {} ], "use": { "loader": "error-loader", "options": { "reason": "Global CSS \u001b[1mcannot\u001b[22m be imported from files other than your \u001b[1mCustom \u001b[22m. Please move all global CSS imports to \u001b[36mpages/_app.jsx\u001b[39m.\nRead more:" } } } ] }, { "test": {}, "use": [ { "loader": "css-loader/locals", "options": { "modules": true, "minimize": false, "sourceMap": true, "importLoaders": 0, "camelCase": true } } ] }, { "test": {}, "use": [ { "loader": "css-loader/locals", "options": { "modules": true, "minimize": false, "sourceMap": true, "importLoaders": 1, "camelCase": true } }, { "loader": "sass-loader", "options": {} } ] }, { "test": {}, "use": [ { "loader": "css-loader/locals", "options": { "modules": true, "minimize": false, "sourceMap": true, "importLoaders": 1, "camelCase": true } }, { "loader": "sass-loader", "options": {} } ] }, { "test": {}, "loader": "eslint-loader", "enforce": "pre", "options": { "emitWarning": true, "ignorePath": "../../.eslintignore" } } ], "strictExportPresence": true }, "plugins": [ {}, { "definitions": { "process.env.BUILD_NUMBER": "\"N/A\"", "process.env.AKAMAI_CDN_API_KEY": "\"ghKC6p3sd5E5BhjC030bNm4965DqMevztVHXdXhLkUo9\"", "process.env.NODE_ENV": "\"development\"", "process.browser": "false", "process.env.__NEXT_EXPORT_TRAILING_SLASH": "false", "process.env.__NEXT_MODERN_BUILD": "false", "process.env.__NEXT_GRANULAR_CHUNKS": "false", "process.env.__NEXT_BUILD_INDICATOR": "true", "process.env.__NEXT_PRERENDER_INDICATOR": "false", "process.env.__NEXT_PLUGINS": "false", "process.env.__NEXT_STRICT_MODE": "false", "process.env.__NEXT_REACT_MODE": "\"legacy\"", "process.env.__NEXT_ROUTER_BASEPATH": "\"\"", "global.GENTLY": "false" } }, { "prevAssets": {} }, {}, { "prevAssets": null }, { "serverless": false }, { "options": { "outputPath": "/Users/izhakroe/Development/tools/packages/axl/.next/server" } }, {}, {}, { "definitions": {} } ], "mode": "development", "name": "server", "target": "node", "devtool": "eval-source-map" } ```
TrySound commented 4 years ago

Use spoiler please

tbergquist-godaddy commented 4 years ago

Actually I found the issue, it seems like the issue is with next-plugin-custom-babel-config, not next-transpile-modules. I noticed that rules are now

  test: /\.(tsx|ts|js|mjs|jsx)$/,
  include: [
  exclude: [Function: exclude],
  use: [
    { loader: 'next-babel-loader', options: [Object] }

and next-plugin-custom-babel-config tries to do rule.use.options.configFile = nextConfig.babelConfigFile; which is probably why it works for production builds, since there is no react-fast-refresh there

tbergquist-godaddy commented 4 years ago

I can confirm it works now with next-plugin-custom-babel-config@1.0.3, so feel free to close the issue @martpie

martpie commented 4 years ago

Great you managed to find the root of the issue! I'll be waiting on the confirmation of others and then we can close it 👍

Izhaki commented 4 years ago

We don't have next-plugin-custom-babel-config anywhere in our project. It's a dependency of which package exactly?

    "next": "9.4.2",
    "next-compose-plugins": "^2.2.0",
    "next-transpile-modules": "^3.3.0",
tbergquist-godaddy commented 4 years ago

We don't have next-plugin-custom-babel-config anywhere in our project. It's a dependency of which package exactly?

    "next": "9.4.2",
    "next-compose-plugins": "^2.2.0",
    "next-transpile-modules": "^3.3.0",

It is its own package

Izhaki commented 4 years ago

OK. I removed this plugin from our repo and I'm getting exactly the same error as with it.

So clearly the issue is not with next-transpile-modules for us.

martpie commented 4 years ago

Thank you for the feedback guys 👍

If anyone is passing by and the above "solutions" did not fix it for you, please comment :)

nnennajohn commented 4 years ago


I am still having this issue. The comment above pointed out its a plugin next-plugin-custom-babel-config that might be causing it. But I don't have this plugin installed and don't see a solution. Was anyone able to get working around this? I am on yarn berry, next 9.45 and next-transpile-modules 3.3.0.

Everything worked before the next upgrade, and I don't want to downgrade.

Screen Shot 2020-06-09 at 2 27 19 AM
RuniBr commented 4 years ago

@andrewmclagan @nnennajohn Am also using Yarn 2 with Plug'n'Play and after banging my head against the wall for a couple weeks, finally been able to make some progress.

Firstly, I needed to change the workspace names passed to transpile-next-modules to absolute paths instead. I.e. require('next-transpile-modules')(['@app/lib-next-utils']); would become require('next-transpile-modules')(['/Users/runib/work/app/packages/libs/next-utils']);.

Secondly, listing peerDependencies in @app/lib-next-utils breaks transpilation. If I omit all peer dependencies this plugin correctly transpiles the @app/lib-next-utils workspace; adding any peer dependency back in and transpilation breaks again. Removing all peer dependencies isn't a solution though, at least not an appropriate one in my particular case. Have a feeling it's related to how PnP works with dependencies/transitive dependencies

For me it fails with both next@9.4.0 as well as next@9.4.4, so the above may or may not be relevant in your case.

nnennajohn commented 4 years ago

@RuniBr Thanks for the info. Unfortunately, I also run this in docker, so can't be hard-coding paths.

I think something changed in the latest nextjs, and this package needs to update to work with it. I got it working by following the hint above, and using next-plugin-transpile-modules instead.

Screen Shot 2020-06-09 at 6 18 23 PM
andrewmclagan commented 4 years ago

I believe regarding the support for yarn v2 or yarn plug-and-play in general should be done in a seperate issue, not this issue. @nnennajohn @RuniBr

nnennajohn commented 4 years ago

@andrewmclagan I mentioned it because I have used yarn v2 since it launched, and this package always worked with it. It only broke with the recent next update, so I don't think it's a yarn issue. Switching to next-plugin-transpile-modules got it working again.

martpie commented 4 years ago

@nnennajohn next-plugin-transpile-modules is just the old package name of next-transpile-modules, I would recommend you use next-transpile-modules@2 if you don't need to use the latest feature of v3 (CSS module, .mjs etc), it has a lot of bugfixes that were not released under next-plugin-transpile-modules (8.1.0 support, windows bugfixes, etc)

martpie commented 4 years ago

To anyone else snooping around: I think the original problem of this issue was fixed and looks unrelated to the problem you are facing, if you'd mind opening a separate issue, with clear reproduction steps, I could spend some time debugging it :)

edit: also, the best thing you can do to help is to provide a failing test 🙌

nnennajohn commented 4 years ago

@martpie that's interesting. Because I thought I was on the latest. Will change it tonight and report back if I am able to get it working. Thank you.

jamieowen commented 4 years ago

Hey, not sure on status of this.. but i had the same issue.

Fixed by passing resolved absolute paths instead of package names, as mentioned above. ( on a very minimal config - next 9.4.0, yarn 1.22.4, next-transpile-modules 3.3.0 )

const path = require('path');

const withTM = require('next-transpile-modules')(
  path.resolve( __dirname,'../../packages/ui/src'),

module.exports = withTM();

I also declared paths in tsconfig.json using the same with next alias support. ( no babel config ) ( i still seemed to need the next-transpile-modules plugin )

martpie commented 4 years ago

Closing this in favor of #101 as it seems to be the root issue, and a workaround exists

softmarshmallow commented 2 years ago

I changed .babelrc to babel.config.js and it worked fine. :) - as it was mentioned on README. Think it should be with a warning or something. It's easy to be missed.