martsberger / django-pivot

A module for pivoting Django Querysets
MIT License
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Feature Request Discussion: a list of `Case` in place of `row` or `column` #4

Closed wasabigeek closed 6 years ago

wasabigeek commented 6 years ago

Do you think it would be possible to specify a dict of when/then options in place of row/column. Use case below:


customer_name sales_rep stage is_archived
Cust1 Alice Negotiating False
Cust2 Bob Closed True


sales_rep Negotiating Closed Archived
Alice 1 0 0
Bob 0 0 1

So perhaps something like:

cases = [
    {fieldname: 'Negotiating', when: Q(stage='negotiating') & Q(is_archived=False), then: 1},
    {fieldname: 'Closed', ...},
    {fieldname: 'Archived', ...},
pivot_table = pivot(Lead, 'sales_rep', cases, 'id', aggregation=Count)

What do you think?

P.S. Thanks for this package! Was looking for something lightweight for a lightweight use case, and this is great.

martsberger commented 6 years ago

I think you can accomplish want you want already because you can pivot on an annotated column.

from django.db.models import Case, When, CharField

annotation = {
    'pivot_column': Case(When(Q(stage='negotiating', is_archived=False), then=Value('Negotiating')),
                         When(Q(...), then=Value('Closed'),
                         When(Q(...), then=Value('Archived'),

queryset = Lead.objects.annotate(**annotation)
pivot_table = pivot(queryset, 'sales_rep', 'pivot_column', 'id', aggregation=Count)

If there is a cleaner API than the above, maybe it's worth having the pivot package expose that. I'm certainly open to making pivoting on an annotated column cleaner, but I'm not thinking of something better off the top of my head. The cases list in your example isn't that different than what's in the annotation.

martsberger commented 6 years ago

@wasabigeek I forgot to say, let me know if the above works for you or not.

wasabigeek commented 6 years ago

@martsberger it works! Just a few typos in the example e.g. When was not closed properly.

I was able to create the "Whens" programmatically and use those :)

whens = [
    When(Q(stage='negotiating', is_archived=False), then=Value('Negotiating')),
    When(Q(...), then=Value('Closed')),
    When(Q(...), then=Value('Archived')),
queryset = Lead.objects.annotate(pivot_column=Case(*whens, default=None, output_field=CharField())