Open carina-akaia opened 4 weeks ago
Hi, I have had the same problem and manage to fix it. First of to build paroli I installed a lot of packages:
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install cmake build-essential drogon libdrogon-dev libjsoncpp-dev uuid-dev zlib1g-dev libpq-dev libsqlite3-dev libmysqlclient-dev libbrotli-dev libhiredis-dev libyaml-cpp-dev libogg-dev
Towards your problem I added few lines in cmakelists.txt before find_package(Drogon REQUIRED):
set(MYSQL_INCLUDE_DIR "/usr/include/mysql")
set(MYSQL_LIBRARIES "/usr/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/")
set(CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH "${CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH}:/usr/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu")
find_package(Drogon REQUIRED)
but before check location of mysql:
find /usr/lib -name ""
# my output is:
So if your location is different then /usr/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/ you should write it in cmakelists.txt
Hi, I'm trying to build the program on Ubuntu 24.04 installed on Turing RK1 ( RK3588-based compute module ), but the server part build is crashing due to Cmake being unable to detect MySQL lib for Drogon:
I have more than all the required packages installed ( for example, apparently it's looking for either MySQL or MariaDB, I installed both ) but still no progress.
P.S. I'm not a C/C++ programmer so I'd greatly appreciate any help, as I only wasted time trying to figure it out myself