martynafford / natural-earth-geojson

Natural Earth data in GeoJSON
Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal
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Backface culling not working properly. #1

Closed SkybuckFlying closed 2 years ago

SkybuckFlying commented 2 years ago

I am trying to render polygon lines in such a way that only the front of the sphere/globe is showing, but some parts of the backside is also showing, I am not sure why this is, perhaps an issue with the input data ? or perhaps the conversion process ? or perhaps some issue with GLScene or OpenGL ?

Correct video link will be:

if google manages to process it.

I had to cut something off at the end, some sensitive data was leaked :)

martynafford commented 2 years ago


The data here are direct conversions of the data from Natural Earth using ogr2ogr. If there are any issues, you'd be best taking it up with them.

Good luck in your endeavors.