martyr-deepin / deepin-screenshot

Deprecated (migrated into deepin-screen-recorder after v20), consider create and maintain your own fork if you love it.
GNU General Public License v3.0
346 stars 102 forks source link

The shortcut doesn't work on the Ubuntu 18.04 #36

Closed martin-sun closed 4 years ago

martin-sun commented 5 years ago

When I try to use Ctrl + Alt + A to quick run Deepin Screenshot, but it's doesn't work? how to configure the shortcut or customize the shortcut?

tcstory commented 5 years ago

do you add the short cut to run it?

martin-sun commented 5 years ago

How to add the short cut on Ubuntu 18.04?

weeman1337 commented 4 years ago

You can add custom shortcuts in the keyboard settings.

BLumia commented 4 years ago

Not sure how your DE support custom shortcut but Ctrl + Alt + A is provided by Deepin Desktop Enviroment's daemon and is able to config via DDE's Control Center componment dde-control-center.

So for other DE, you can manually add a shortcut in your DE's shortcut setting to simply execute deepin-screenshot :)