martyr-deepin / deepin-screenshot

Deprecated (migrated into deepin-screen-recorder after v20), consider create and maintain your own fork if you love it.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Deepin Screenshot makes kwin crash on trigger #80

Open jnylen opened 4 years ago

jnylen commented 4 years ago

When you start deepin-screenshot to do a screenshot it makes kwin_x11 crash. Which makes all shadows around all windows start acting up, i.e. green lines etc.

The only way to fix this is either to reboot or restart kwin_x11 completely by killing it.


OpenGL vendor string:                   X.Org
OpenGL renderer string:                 Radeon RX 580 Series (POLARIS10, DRM 3.33.0, 5.3.12-arch1-1, LLVM 9.0.0)
OpenGL version string:                  4.5 (Compatibility Profile) Mesa 19.2.6
OpenGL shading language version string: 4.50
Driver:                                 RadeonSI
GPU class:                              Arctic Islands
OpenGL version:                         4.5
GLSL version:                           4.50
Mesa version:                           19.2.6
X server version:                       1.20.6
Linux kernel version:                   5.3.12
Requires strict binding:                yes
GLSL shaders:                           yes
Texture NPOT support:                   yes
Virtual Machine:                        no
BlurConfig::instance called after the first use - ignoring
DesktopGridConfig::instance called after the first use - ignoring
KscreenConfig::instance called after the first use - ignoring
PresentWindowsConfig::instance called after the first use - ignoring
SlideConfig::instance called after the first use - ignoring
ZoomConfig::instance called after the first use - ignoring
qt.qpa.xcb: QXcbConnection: XCB error: 3 (BadWindow), sequence: 4510, resource id: 8388633, major code: 18 (ChangeProperty), minor code: 0

So basically what triggers it:

qt.qpa.xcb: QXcbConnection: XCB error: 3 (BadWindow), sequence: 4510, resource id: 8388633, major code: 18 (ChangeProperty), minor code: 0

The green line issue also gets hit after starting games that goes into fullscreen, so I suspect there is an issue with kwin composition combined with a bug on deepin-screenshot.