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Tweaking windows in ... windows view (workspace & all workspace) #21

Open aiamuzz opened 7 years ago

aiamuzz commented 7 years ago


I strongly believe Deepin's USP / selling point is its "visual eye candy" character ... hence the recommendations/suggestions as below ...

As a designer i firmly believe 'PROPORTIONS' are key, to a good design and team-deepin should know that all too well ...

Please take a look at the attached images ... i have reworked some window proportions from the "Display windows in this workspace" as well as in "Display windows from all workspaces" views ...

Slide 1 with actual images of windows windows view proportions 1


Slide 2 with the percentages to use in your coding, should you be sold on the recommendations. windows view proportions 2

may your eye guide you to the right proportions

PS : spacing percentages too are listed (zoom to view the same)

thanks for looking

aiamuzz commented 7 years ago

All percentages are in relation to the background screen which is 100% ... my laptop screen is 1366 x 768 ... you can factor it in your calculations if its important.

please extend my primary recommendation to the blue column instead of the green ... i just realized that for more than 6 windows the the tiling will further scale down ... in the same way it has scaled down from 2 windows screen to the 3 windows screen

ground rule : equal line spacing between the windows and the cluster of window tiles centered to the screen ... this rule should pave way to your subsequent calculations for cases involving more windows ... further you may also consider freezing the padding on either sides ... lets say to the size of padding currently found in the 5 window screen roughly ... and lock the same padding on the top and bottom as well when the the 3rd row of windows gets added ...

sonald commented 7 years ago

there are something you should be aware of is that not all windows are equally sized. the layout method comes from gala which I believe is called natural placement scheme. you need to take arbitrary sized windows into consideration when design the layout and proportions.

aiamuzz commented 7 years ago

@sonald ... i have been trying to find the 'windows view' of other window-managers including 'gala' that you've referred to ... but i couldn't find any of those arrange the windows as deepin-wm does.

the current single window is about 90% in windows-view, could 48% be made the minimum starting point instead of 90% ? that would surely render the proportions better, the 90% single window is just awful to an otherwise harmonious layout.

and BTW i wouldn't know the intricacies(parameters/architecture) involved in the window placement scheme, the percentages were just my layman calculations that may or may not be of use.

sonald commented 7 years ago

gala actually has two placement algorithms. natural placement and grid placement. I believe they used natural placement now. deepin-wm chose grid placement. I've forwarded your comments to deepin-wm's designer.

aiamuzz commented 7 years ago

thanks @sonald ...

aiamuzz commented 6 years ago

thank you @sonald ... i love the new window proportions in the windows view !!! please give my complements to the designer/developers !!!

Your responsiveness to suggestions and feedback is what will make the OS a pleasure to work on !!!

Never lose this attitude !!!

Cheers to the Deepin Team !!!