martyr-deepin / deepin-wm

Deprecated, consider create and maintain your own fork if you love it.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Can not build on vala 0.44 #58

Open hillwoodroc opened 5 years ago

hillwoodroc commented 5 years ago
[   64s] Widgets/IconGroup.vala:30.3-30.30: warning: the modifier `static' is not applicable to constants
[   64s]        public static const int SIZE = 64;
[   64s]        ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
[   64s] Widgets/IconGroup.vala:32.3-32.28: warning: the modifier `static' is not applicable to constants
[   64s]        static const int PLUS_SIZE = 8;
[   64s]        ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
[   64s] Widgets/IconGroup.vala:33.3-33.29: warning: the modifier `static' is not applicable to constants
[   64s]        static const int PLUS_WIDTH = 24;
[   64s]        ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
[   64s] Widgets/IconGroupContainer.vala:30.3-30.33: warning: the modifier `static' is not applicable to constants
[   64s]        public static const int SPACING = 48;
[   64s]        ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
[   64s] Widgets/IconGroupContainer.vala:31.3-31.37: warning: the modifier `static' is not applicable to constants
[   64s]        public static const int GROUP_WIDTH = 64;
[   64s]        ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
[   65s] DBus.vala:62.3-62.28: warning: DBus methods are recommended to throw at least `GLib.Error' or `GLib.DBusError, GLib.IOError'
[   65s]        public void perform_action (ActionType type)
[   65s]        ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
[   65s] DBus.vala:71.9-71.32: warning: DBus methods are recommended to throw at least `GLib.Error' or `GLib.DBusError, GLib.IOError'
[   65s]         public void toggle_debug ()
[   65s]         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
[   65s] Background/BackgroundSource.vala:155.27-155.36: warning: string.to_int is deprecated. Use int.parse
[   65s] Background/BackgroundSource.vala:263.17-263.34: warning: Gee.Map.remove is deprecated. Use Map.unset
[   65s] Background/BackgroundSource.vala:271.21-271.38: warning: Gee.Map.remove is deprecated. Use Map.unset
[   65s] Background/BackgroundSource.vala:23.9-23.35: warning: DBus methods are recommended to throw at least `GLib.Error' or `GLib.DBusError, GLib.IOError'
[   65s]         public abstract string List(string name) throws IOError;
[   65s]         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
[   65s] Background/BackgroundSource.vala:208.27-208.36: warning: string.to_int is deprecated. Use int.parse
[   65s] Background/BackgroundSource.vala:328.25-328.46: warning: Gee.Map.remove is deprecated. Use Map.unset
[   65s] Background/BackgroundManager.vala:240.40-240.51: warning: Clutter.Container.get_children has been deprecated since 1.10
[   65s] Background/BackgroundContainer.vala:106.21-106.38: warning: Gee.Map.remove is deprecated. Use Map.unset
[   65s] Background/BackgroundContainer.vala:122.25-122.42: warning: Gee.Map.remove is deprecated. Use Map.unset
[   65s] WindowManager.vala:26.9-26.44: warning: DBus methods are recommended to throw at least `GLib.Error' or `GLib.DBusError, GLib.IOError'
[   65s]         public abstract void PlaySystemSound(string name) throws IOError;
[   65s]         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
[   65s] Deepin/DeepinWindowSwitcher.vala:727.4-727.48: warning: Gdk.Display.get_device_manager has been deprecated since 3.20.
[   65s] Deepin/DeepinWindowSwitcher.vala:727.4-727.70: warning: Gdk.DeviceManager.get_client_pointer has been deprecated since 3.20
[   65s] Deepin/DeepinWindowClone.vala:377.31-377.38: error: Argument 1: Cannot convert from `unowned Clutter.Point?' to `void*'
[   65s]                position_value.set_boxed (position);
[   65s]                                          ^^^^^^^^
[   65s] Deepin/DeepinWindowClone.vala:383.27-383.30: error: Argument 1: Cannot convert from `unowned Clutter.Size?' to `void*'
[   65s]                size_value.set_boxed (size);
[   65s]                                      ^^^^
[   65s] Deepin/DeepinWindowClone.vala:436.31-436.38: error: Argument 1: Cannot convert from `unowned Clutter.Point?' to `void*'
[   65s]                position_value.set_boxed (position);
[   65s]                                          ^^^^^^^^
[   65s] Deepin/DeepinWindowClone.vala:442.27-442.30: error: Argument 1: Cannot convert from `unowned Clutter.Size?' to `void*'
[   65s]                size_value.set_boxed (size);
[   65s]                                      ^^^^
[   65s] Widgets/IconGroup.vala:214.5-214.14: warning: Clutter.Actor.paint has been deprecated since 1.12
[   65s] Widgets/WorkspaceClone.vala:44.4-44.13: warning: Clutter.Actor.paint has been deprecated since 1.12
[   65s] Widgets/IconGroup.vala:239.4-239.13: warning: Clutter.Actor.paint has been deprecated since 1.12
[   65s] Widgets/WorkspaceInsertThumb.vala:81.3-81.16: warning: Gala.WorkspaceInsertThumb.transform hides inherited method `Clutter.Actor.transform'. Use the `new' keyword if hiding was intentional
[   65s]        void transform (bool expand)
[   65s]        ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
[   65s] Deepin/DeepinWindowThumbContainer.vala:186.3-186.26: warning: hides inherited method `'. Use the `new' keyword if hiding was intentional
[   65s]        public virtual void open (Window? focus_window = null, bool animate = true)
[   65s]        ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
[   65s] Deepin/DeepinWorkspaceThumbClone.vala:517.5-517.15: warning: `null' incompatible with return type `Clutter.Actor'
[   65s]                return null;
[   65s]                ^^^^^^^^^^^
[   65s] Deepin/DeepinWorkspaceThumbClone.vala:538.5-538.15: warning: `null' incompatible with return type `Clutter.Actor'
[   65s]                return null;
[   65s]                ^^^^^^^^^^^
[   65s] Deepin/DeepinWorkspaceThumbClone.vala:295.3-295.22: warning: Gala.DeepinWorkspaceThumbRemoveTip.on_draw_content hides inherited method `Gala.DeepinCssStaticActor.on_draw_content'. Use the `new' keyword if hiding was intentional
[   65s]        bool on_draw_content (Cairo.Context cr, int width, int height)
[   65s]        ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
[   65s] Deepin/DeepinWorkspaceThumbClone.vala:279.13-280.77: warning: unhandled error `GLib.Error'
[   65s] Deepin/DeepinWorkspaceThumbClone.vala:283.13-287.44: warning: unhandled error `GLib.Error'
[   65s] Deepin/DeepinWorkspaceThumbContainer.vala:505.31-505.38: error: Argument 1: Cannot convert from `unowned Clutter.Point?' to `void*'
[   65s]                position_value.set_boxed (position);
[   65s]                                          ^^^^^^^^
[   65s] Deepin/DeepinMultitaskingView.vala:447.13-447.35: warning: Clutter.Actor.reparent has been deprecated since 1.10
[   65s] ScreenSaver.vala:23.3-23.33: warning: DBus methods are recommended to throw at least `GLib.Error' or `GLib.DBusError, GLib.IOError'
[   65s]        public abstract bool get_active () throws GLib.IOError;
[   65s]        ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
[   65s] WindowManager.vala:38.3-38.31: warning: DBus methods are recommended to throw at least `GLib.Error' or `GLib.DBusError, GLib.IOError'
[   65s]        public abstract bool Register (string cookie) throws IOError;
[   65s]        ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
[   65s] Deepin/DeepinMenu.vala:33.9-33.37: warning: DBus methods are recommended to throw at least `GLib.Error' or `GLib.DBusError, GLib.IOError'
[   65s]         public abstract void ShowMenu(string menu_json_content) throws IOError;
[   65s]         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
[   65s] Deepin/DeepinMenu.vala:27.9-27.43: warning: DBus methods are recommended to throw at least `GLib.Error' or `GLib.DBusError, GLib.IOError'
[   65s]         public abstract string RegisterMenu() throws IOError;
[   65s]         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
[   65s] DBusAccelerator.vala:82.3-82.30: warning: DBus methods are recommended to throw at least `GLib.Error' or `GLib.DBusError, GLib.IOError'
[   65s]        public uint grab_accelerator (string accelerator, uint flags)
[   65s]        ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
[   65s] DBusAccelerator.vala:96.3-96.33: warning: DBus methods are recommended to throw at least `GLib.Error' or `GLib.DBusError, GLib.IOError'
[   65s]        public uint[] grab_accelerators (Accelerator[] accelerators)
[   65s]        ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
[   65s] DBusAccelerator.vala:107.3-107.32: warning: DBus methods are recommended to throw at least `GLib.Error' or `GLib.DBusError, GLib.IOError'
[   65s]        public bool ungrab_accelerator (uint action)
[   65s]        ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
[   65s] WindowManager.vala:113.9-113.34: warning: Gala.DeepinCornerIndicator.effect hides inherited field `Clutter.Actor.effect'. Use the `new' keyword if hiding was intentional
[   65s]         GtkClutter.Texture? effect = null;
[   65s]         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
[   65s] WindowManager.vala:277.13-277.49: warning: unhandled error `GLib.FileError'
[   65s]             FileUtils.get_contents(proc, out cmd);
[   65s]             ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
[   65s] WindowManager.vala:134.23-134.67: warning: Gdk.Display.get_device_manager has been deprecated since 3.20.
[   65s] WindowManager.vala:134.23-134.89: warning: Gdk.DeviceManager.get_client_pointer has been deprecated since 3.20
[   65s] WindowManager.vala:1395.25-1395.38: warning: Gee.Map.contains is deprecated. Use Map.has_key
[   65s] WindowManager.vala:1562.4-1562.48: warning: Gdk.Display.get_device_manager has been deprecated since 3.20.
[   65s] WindowManager.vala:1562.4-1562.70: warning: Gdk.DeviceManager.get_client_pointer has been deprecated since 3.20
[   65s] WindowManager.vala:2181.6-2181.18: warning: Clutter.Actor.animate has been deprecated since 1.12
[   65s] WindowManager.vala:2329.6-2329.18: warning: Clutter.Actor.animate has been deprecated since 1.12
[   65s] DBus.vala:88.9-88.41: warning: DBus methods are recommended to throw at least `GLib.Error' or `GLib.DBusError, GLib.IOError'
[   65s]         public void cancel_preview_window ()
[   65s]         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
[   65s] DBus.vala:95.9-95.34: warning: DBus methods are recommended to throw at least `GLib.Error' or `GLib.DBusError, GLib.IOError'
[   65s]         public void preview_window (uint32 xid)
[   65s]         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
[   65s] DBus.vala:104.9-104.35: warning: DBus methods are recommended to throw at least `GLib.Error' or `GLib.DBusError, GLib.IOError'
[   65s]         public void present_windows (uint32[] xids)
[   65s]         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
[   65s] DBus.vala:115.9-115.40: warning: DBus methods are recommended to throw at least `GLib.Error' or `GLib.DBusError, GLib.IOError'
[   65s]         public void request_hide_windows ()
[   65s]         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
[   65s] DBus.vala:120.9-120.39: warning: DBus methods are recommended to throw at least `GLib.Error' or `GLib.DBusError, GLib.IOError'
[   65s]         public void cancel_hide_windows ()
[   65s]         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
[   65s] DBus.vala:125.9-125.55: warning: DBus methods are recommended to throw at least `GLib.Error' or `GLib.DBusError, GLib.IOError'
[   65s]         public void change_current_workspace_background (string uri)
[   65s]         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
[   65s] DBus.vala:130.9-130.44: warning: DBus methods are recommended to throw at least `GLib.Error' or `GLib.DBusError, GLib.IOError'
[   65s]         public void set_transient_background (string uri)
[   65s]         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
[   65s] DBus.vala:135.9-135.54: warning: DBus methods are recommended to throw at least `GLib.Error' or `GLib.DBusError, GLib.IOError'
[   65s]         public string get_current_workspace_background ()
[   65s]         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
[   65s] DBus.vala:140.9-140.40: warning: DBus methods are recommended to throw at least `GLib.Error' or `GLib.DBusError, GLib.IOError'
[   65s]         public void enable_zone_detected (bool val)
[   65s]         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
[   65s] DBus.vala:153.9-153.38: warning: DBus methods are recommended to throw at least `GLib.Error' or `GLib.DBusError, GLib.IOError'
[   65s]         public void switch_application(bool backward)
[   65s]         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
[   65s] DBus.vala:172.9-172.39: warning: DBus methods are recommended to throw at least `GLib.Error' or `GLib.DBusError, GLib.IOError'
[   65s]         public void switch_to_workspace(bool backward)
[   65s]         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
[   65s] DBus.vala:178.9-178.38: warning: DBus methods are recommended to throw at least `GLib.Error' or `GLib.DBusError, GLib.IOError'
[   65s]         public void tile_active_window (Meta.TileSide side)
[   65s]         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
[   65s] DBus.vala:191.9-191.47: warning: DBus methods are recommended to throw at least `GLib.Error' or `GLib.DBusError, GLib.IOError'
[   65s]         public void begin_to_move_active_window ()
[   65s]         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
[   65s] Command-line option `--thread` is deprecated and will be ignored
[   65s] Compilation failed: 5 error(s), 60 warning(s)
[   65s] make[2]: *** [Makefile:1967: gala_vala.stamp] Error 1
[   65s] make[2]: Leaving directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/deepin-wm-ce6b375d86b98bebc3d9bfd598eb48987118710d/src'
[   65s] make[1]: *** [Makefile:490: all-recursive] Error 1
[   65s] make[1]: Leaving directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/deepin-wm-ce6b375d86b98bebc3d9bfd598eb48987118710d'
[   65s] make: *** [Makefile:421: all] Error 2
[   65s] error: Bad exit status from /var/tmp/rpm-tmp.LOrhIN (%build)
felixonmars commented 5 years ago

@sonald Please take a look in case I broke it again. Thanks!

sonald commented 5 years ago

@felixonmars does my patch work?

felixonmars commented 5 years ago

@sonald Works for me. Thanks!

romildo commented 5 years ago

Same problem on NixOS when compiling the latest version 1.9.38:

@felixonmars does my patch work?

@felixonmars Where is your patch?

felixonmars commented 4 years ago

@romildo It's