maruohon / itemscroller

A client-side Minecraft mod that adds various convenient ways of moving items within inventory GUIs, such as scrolling over stacks to move single items to or from it
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
147 stars 69 forks source link

Help fixing Mod Compat #46

Open supersaiyansubtlety opened 3 years ago

supersaiyansubtlety commented 3 years ago

I'm trying to make my Inventory Control Tweaks (repo) mod work alongside itemscroller.

itemscroller causes malilib's MixinMouse#hookOnMouseClick(...) to cancel mouse clicks, so my mixin that makes it so certain items shift-click to the player's offhand isn't reached.

I've created an itemscroller-compat branch where I tried registering a click handler using

InputEventHandler.getInputManager().registerMouseInputHandler(new ClickHandler());

however my handler is reached after the stack has already moved (the same way it does in vanilla), so clickedStack is always empty when I reach this line.

I'd appreciate help fixing compatibility between the two mods.