marvel-nccr / ansible-role-aiida

An ansible role that installs and configures AiiDA on Ubuntu.
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Relevance of aiida-examples.yml? #58

Closed chrisjsewell closed 1 year ago

chrisjsewell commented 3 years ago

@ltalirz are these example repositories still relevant?

Both have not been updated for over a year. Plus, I note in the actual release instructions, currently it says: "delete examples/ icon on desktop"

I think its definitely a good idea to have some example notebooks for people to load, especially since now there is a launch button for Jupyter Lab 😄


These notebooks though should be somewhere where they are actively kept up-to-date though, probably ideally in separate branches for each aiida-core version, to ensure they match with the aiida-core installed (e.g. 1.4, 1.5, 2.0, etc)

Perhaps in some way this could be linked with

ltalirz commented 3 years ago

These "aiida max examples" were an early attempt in the "common workflows" direction and were not maintained after this. I agree to remove them.

ltalirz commented 1 year ago

Just dropped the final trace of this in