marvel-nccr / quantum-mobile

A Virtual Machine for computational materials science
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AiiDA daemon not started #191

Open m-a-saleh opened 2 years ago

m-a-saleh commented 2 years ago

I have a strange problem on a clean quantum mobile machine. Executing the command (aiida) max@qmobile:~$ systemctl --type=service shows that AiiDA daemon is still activating

UNIT                          LOAD     ACTIVE      SUB          DESCRIPTION            
aiida-daemon@generic.service loaded activating auto-restart AiiDA daemon service

verdi status shows that the daemon is not running:

(aiida) max@qmobile:~$ verdi status
 ✔ config dir:  /home/max/.aiida
 ✔ profile:     On profile generic
 ✔ repository:  /home/max/.aiida/repository/generic
 ✔ postgres:    Connected as aiida@localhost:5432
 ✔ rabbitmq:    Connected as amqp://guest:guest@
 ⏺ daemon:      The daemon is not running

starting the daemon fails

(aiida) max@qmobile:~$ verdi daemon start
Starting the daemon... FAILED
Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
(aiida) max@qmobile:~$ verdi daemon start --foreground
Starting the daemon... FAILED
Critical: Command '['verdi', '-p', 'generic', 'daemon', 'start-circus', '--foreground', '1']' returned non-zero exit status 1.

The daemon is now running even though it fails to start !!

(aiida) max@qmobile:~$ verdi status
 ✔ config dir:  /home/max/.aiida
 ✔ profile:     On profile generic
 ✔ repository:  /home/max/.aiida/repository/generic
 ✔ postgres:    Connected as aiida@localhost:5432
 ✔ rabbitmq:    Connected as amqp://guest:guest@
 ✔ daemon:      Daemon is running as PID 4602 since 2021-07-31 07:27:05

AiiDA daemon is still activating...

(aiida) max@qmobile:~$ systemctl --type=service

UNIT                          LOAD     ACTIVE      SUB          DESCRIPTION            
aiida-daemon@generic.service loaded activating auto-restart AiiDA daemon service
chrisjsewell commented 2 years ago

Heya, the seem to remember an issue opened on aiida-core about this as well maybe also you?) So with it up and running after this error message, can you submit/run jobs ok, and also stop the daemon?

m-a-saleh commented 2 years ago

It's not me who reported this. And sorry for not checking the issues before posting.

Yes I can run/submit jobs after this error message.

Yes I can stop the daemon

ltalirz commented 2 years ago

Thanks for reporting @m-a-saleh . Does the issue persist? Are there any hints in

journalctl -u aiida-daemon@generic.service


m-a-saleh commented 2 years ago

Yes it persists

running (aiida) max@qmobile:~$ journalctl -u aiida-daemon@generic.service


Hint: You are currently not seeing messages from other users and the system.
      Users in groups 'adm', 'systemd-journal' can see all messages.
      Pass -q to turn off this notice.
-- Logs begin at Wed 2021-04-28 21:06:39 CEST, end at Mon 2021-08-02 14:38:04 CE
Apr 28 23:56:30 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[15635]: Starting the daemon... RUNN
Apr 29 00:25:55 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[19725]: Profile: generic
Apr 29 00:25:57 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[19725]: Waiting for the daemon to s
-- Reboot --
Jul 27 07:12:35 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[2886]: Starting the daemon... FAILE
Jul 27 07:12:35 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[2886]: Try to run 'verdi daemon sta
Jul 27 07:13:53 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[3295]: Starting the daemon... FAILE
Jul 27 07:13:53 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[3295]: Try to run 'verdi daemon sta
Jul 27 07:15:07 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[3462]: Starting the daemon... FAILE
Jul 27 07:15:07 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[3462]: Try to run 'verdi daemon sta
Jul 27 07:16:21 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[3883]: Starting the daemon... FAILE
Jul 27 07:16:21 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[3883]: Try to run 'verdi daemon sta
Jul 27 07:17:33 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[3973]: Starting the daemon... RUNNI
Jul 27 07:20:15 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[4056]: Starting the daemon... FAILE
Jul 27 07:20:15 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[4056]: Try to run 'verdi daemon sta
Jul 27 07:21:26 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[4111]: Starting the daemon... FAILE
Jul 27 07:21:26 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[4111]: Try to run 'verdi daemon sta
Jul 27 07:22:38 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[4142]: Starting the daemon... FAILE
Jul 27 07:22:38 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[4142]: Try to run 'verdi daemon sta
Jul 27 07:23:50 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[4175]: Starting the daemon... FAILE
Jul 27 07:23:50 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[4175]: Try to run 'verdi daemon sta
Jul 27 07:25:02 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[4228]: Starting the daemon... FAILE
lines 1-23...skipping...
-- Logs begin at Wed 2021-04-28 21:06:39 CEST, end at Mon 2021-08-02 14:38:04 CEST. --
Apr 28 23:56:30 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[15635]: Starting the daemon... RUNNING
Apr 29 00:25:55 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[19725]: Profile: generic
Apr 29 00:25:57 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[19725]: Waiting for the daemon to shut down... OK
-- Reboot --
Jul 27 07:12:35 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[2886]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 07:12:35 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[2886]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 07:13:53 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[3295]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 07:13:53 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[3295]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 07:15:07 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[3462]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 07:15:07 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[3462]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 07:16:21 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[3883]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 07:16:21 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[3883]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 07:17:33 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[3973]: Starting the daemon... RUNNING
Jul 27 07:20:15 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[4056]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 07:20:15 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[4056]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 07:21:26 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[4111]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 07:21:26 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[4111]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 07:22:38 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[4142]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 07:22:38 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[4142]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 07:23:50 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[4175]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 07:23:50 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[4175]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 07:25:02 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[4228]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 07:25:02 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[4228]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 07:26:14 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[4299]: Starting the daemon... RUNNING
Jul 27 07:28:56 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[4359]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 07:28:56 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[4359]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 07:30:16 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[4410]: Starting the daemon... RUNNING
Jul 27 07:36:41 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[5137]: Profile: generic
Jul 27 07:36:41 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[5137]: Daemon was not running
-- Reboot --
Jul 27 07:46:06 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[2610]: Starting the daemon... TIMEOUT
Jul 27 07:47:26 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[3535]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 07:47:26 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[3535]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 07:48:40 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[3661]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 07:48:40 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[3661]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 07:49:57 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[3822]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 07:49:57 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[3822]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 07:51:11 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[3895]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 07:51:11 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[3895]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 07:52:22 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[3930]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 07:52:22 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[3930]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 07:53:33 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[3968]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 07:53:33 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[3968]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 07:54:43 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[4012]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 07:54:43 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[4012]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 07:55:54 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[4048]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 07:55:54 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[4048]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 07:57:05 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[4085]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 07:57:05 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[4085]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 07:58:16 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[4115]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 07:58:16 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[4115]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 07:59:27 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[4172]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 07:59:27 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[4172]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 08:00:38 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[4231]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 08:00:38 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[4231]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 08:01:48 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[4266]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 08:01:48 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[4266]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 08:03:00 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[4299]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 08:03:00 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[4299]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 08:04:10 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[4352]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 08:04:10 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[4352]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 08:05:22 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[4391]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 08:05:22 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[4391]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 08:06:33 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[4421]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 08:06:33 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[4421]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 08:07:44 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[4457]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 08:07:44 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[4457]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 08:08:55 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[4489]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 08:08:55 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[4489]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 08:10:06 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[4527]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 08:10:06 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[4527]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 08:11:17 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[4559]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 08:11:17 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[4559]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 08:12:27 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[4589]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 08:12:27 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[4589]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 08:13:38 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[4628]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 08:13:38 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[4628]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 08:14:49 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[4688]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 08:14:49 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[4688]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 08:16:02 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[4772]: Starting the daemon... RUNNING
Jul 27 08:18:45 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[4890]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 08:18:45 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[4890]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 08:20:00 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[4929]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 08:20:00 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[4929]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 08:21:13 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[5090]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 08:21:13 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[5090]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 08:22:24 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[5135]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 08:22:24 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[5135]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 08:23:37 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[5179]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 08:23:37 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[5179]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 08:24:48 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[5212]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 08:24:48 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[5212]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 08:26:00 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[5253]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 08:26:00 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[5253]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 08:27:11 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[5299]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 08:27:11 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[5299]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 08:28:24 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[5336]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 08:28:24 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[5336]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 08:29:35 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[5369]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 08:29:35 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[5369]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 08:30:50 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[5413]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 08:30:50 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[5413]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 08:32:01 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[5448]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 08:32:01 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[5448]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 08:33:12 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[5480]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 08:33:12 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[5480]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 08:34:23 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[5519]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 08:34:23 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[5519]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 08:35:34 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[5554]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 08:35:34 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[5554]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 08:36:45 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[5592]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 08:36:45 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[5592]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 08:37:56 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[5624]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 08:37:56 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[5624]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 08:39:07 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[5659]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 08:39:07 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[5659]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 08:40:18 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[5716]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 08:40:18 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[5716]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 08:41:30 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[5749]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 08:41:30 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[5749]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 08:42:41 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[5780]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 08:42:41 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[5780]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 08:43:52 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[5816]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 08:43:52 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[5816]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 08:45:03 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[5850]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 08:45:03 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[5850]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 08:46:15 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[5898]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 08:46:15 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[5898]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 08:47:26 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[5951]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 08:47:26 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[5951]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 08:48:37 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[5982]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 08:48:37 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[5982]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 08:49:49 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[6018]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 08:49:49 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[6018]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 08:51:01 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[6070]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 08:51:01 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[6070]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 08:52:12 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[6104]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 08:52:12 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[6104]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 08:53:23 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[6136]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 08:53:23 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[6136]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 08:54:34 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[6173]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 08:54:34 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[6173]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 08:55:46 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[6208]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 08:55:46 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[6208]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 08:56:58 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[6245]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 08:56:58 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[6245]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 08:58:09 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[6279]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 08:58:09 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[6279]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 08:59:21 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[6318]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 08:59:21 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[6318]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 09:00:32 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[6375]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 09:00:32 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[6375]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 09:01:44 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[6409]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 09:01:44 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[6409]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 09:02:55 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[6459]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 09:02:55 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[6459]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 09:04:06 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[6495]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 09:04:06 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[6495]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 09:05:17 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[6533]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 09:05:17 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[6533]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 09:06:28 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[6566]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 09:06:28 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[6566]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 09:07:42 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[6602]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 09:07:42 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[6602]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 09:08:55 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[6633]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 09:08:55 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[6633]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 09:10:14 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[6673]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 09:10:14 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[6673]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 09:11:29 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[6708]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 09:11:29 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[6708]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 09:12:44 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[6738]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 09:12:44 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[6738]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 09:13:55 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[6777]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 09:13:55 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[6777]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 09:15:07 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[6811]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 09:15:07 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[6811]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 09:16:18 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[6847]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 09:16:18 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[6847]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 09:17:30 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[6887]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 09:17:30 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[6887]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 09:18:41 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[6917]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 09:18:41 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[6917]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 09:19:51 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[6951]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 09:19:51 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[6951]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 09:21:04 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[7048]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 09:21:04 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[7048]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 09:22:16 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[7157]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 09:22:16 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[7157]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 09:23:28 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[7211]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 09:23:28 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[7211]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 09:24:39 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[7246]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 09:24:39 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[7246]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 09:25:50 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[7282]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 09:25:50 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[7282]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 09:27:02 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[7319]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 09:27:02 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[7319]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 09:28:13 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[7351]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 09:28:13 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[7351]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 09:29:24 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[7385]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 09:29:24 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[7385]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 09:30:36 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[7419]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 09:30:36 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[7419]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 09:31:47 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[7452]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 09:31:47 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[7452]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 09:32:58 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[7483]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 09:32:58 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[7483]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 09:34:09 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[7520]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 09:34:09 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[7520]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 09:35:20 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[7558]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 09:35:20 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[7558]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 09:36:30 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[7590]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 09:36:30 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[7590]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 09:37:41 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[7626]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 09:37:41 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[7626]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 09:38:52 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[7655]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 09:38:52 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[7655]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 09:40:03 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[7690]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 09:40:03 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[7690]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 09:41:14 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[7749]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 09:41:14 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[7749]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 09:42:25 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[7790]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 09:42:25 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[7790]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 09:43:36 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[7905]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 09:43:36 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[7905]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 09:44:47 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[7953]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 09:44:47 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[7953]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 09:45:59 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[7994]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 09:45:59 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[7994]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 09:47:10 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[8043]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 09:47:10 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[8043]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 09:48:21 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[8073]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 09:48:21 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[8073]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 09:49:33 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[8111]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 09:49:33 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[8111]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 09:50:43 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[8149]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 09:50:43 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[8149]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 09:51:55 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[8184]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 09:51:55 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[8184]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 09:53:06 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[8214]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 09:53:06 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[8214]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 09:54:17 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[8249]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 09:54:17 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[8249]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 09:55:28 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[8288]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 09:55:28 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[8288]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 09:56:42 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[8320]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 09:56:42 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[8320]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 13:08:42 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[8388]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 13:08:42 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[8388]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 13:09:58 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[8422]: Starting the daemon... RUNNING
Jul 27 15:15:16 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[11148]: Profile: generic
Jul 27 15:15:18 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[11148]: Waiting for the daemon to shut down... OK
-- Reboot --
Jul 27 17:01:07 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[2698]: Starting the daemon... RUNNING
Jul 27 18:00:43 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[4484]: Profile: generic
Jul 27 18:00:44 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[4484]: Waiting for the daemon to shut down... OK
-- Reboot --
Jul 27 18:24:10 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[2864]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 18:24:10 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[2864]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 18:25:26 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[3416]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 18:25:26 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[3416]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 18:26:39 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[3515]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 18:26:39 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[3515]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 18:27:52 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[3563]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 18:27:52 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[3563]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 18:29:02 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[3637]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 18:29:02 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[3637]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 18:30:14 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[3666]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 18:30:14 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[3666]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 18:31:24 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[3697]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 18:31:24 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[3697]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 18:32:35 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[3732]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 18:32:35 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[3732]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 18:33:46 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[3763]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 18:33:46 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[3763]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 18:34:58 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[3827]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 18:34:58 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[3827]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 18:36:08 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[3918]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 18:36:08 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[3918]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 18:37:19 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[3948]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 18:37:19 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[3948]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 18:38:30 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[4018]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 18:38:30 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[4018]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 18:39:42 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[4047]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 18:39:42 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[4047]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 18:41:02 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[5385]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 18:41:02 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[5385]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 18:42:12 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[5507]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 18:42:12 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[5507]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 18:43:25 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[5571]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 18:43:25 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[5571]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 18:44:37 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[5601]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 18:44:37 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[5601]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 18:45:50 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[5637]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 18:45:50 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[5637]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 18:47:03 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[5671]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 18:47:03 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[5671]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 18:48:15 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[5702]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 18:48:15 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[5702]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 18:49:35 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[5841]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 18:49:35 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[5841]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 18:51:22 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[5896]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 18:51:23 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[5896]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 18:52:37 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[6327]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 18:52:37 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[6327]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 18:53:50 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[6359]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 18:53:50 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[6359]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 18:55:13 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[6397]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 18:55:13 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[6397]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 18:56:34 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[6439]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 18:56:34 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[6439]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 18:58:02 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[6480]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 18:58:02 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[6480]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 18:59:26 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[6595]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 18:59:26 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[6595]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 19:00:42 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[6700]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 19:00:42 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[6700]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 19:01:54 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[6743]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 19:01:54 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[6743]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 19:03:06 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[6775]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 19:03:06 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[6775]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 19:04:18 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[6828]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 19:04:18 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[6828]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 19:05:36 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[6932]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 19:05:36 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[6932]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 19:06:53 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[7021]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 19:06:53 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[7021]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 19:09:09 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[7132]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 19:09:09 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[7132]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 19:10:28 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[7496]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 19:10:28 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[7496]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 19:11:39 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[7529]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 19:11:39 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[7529]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 19:12:50 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[7569]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 19:12:50 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[7569]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 19:14:01 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[7604]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 19:14:01 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[7604]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 19:15:12 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[7636]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 19:15:12 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[7636]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 19:16:24 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[7665]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 19:16:24 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[7665]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 19:17:35 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[7704]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 19:17:35 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[7704]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 19:18:45 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[7732]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 19:18:45 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[7732]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 19:19:56 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[7760]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 19:19:56 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[7760]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 19:21:08 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[7815]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 19:21:08 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[7815]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 19:22:19 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[8772]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 19:22:19 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[8772]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 19:23:31 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[9671]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 19:23:31 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[9671]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 19:24:45 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[12092]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 19:24:45 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[12092]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 19:25:58 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[12465]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 19:25:58 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[12465]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 19:27:09 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[12503]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 19:27:09 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[12503]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 19:28:20 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[12531]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 19:28:20 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[12531]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 19:29:32 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[12567]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 19:29:32 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[12567]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 19:30:42 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[12595]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 19:30:42 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[12595]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 19:31:53 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[12632]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 19:31:53 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[12632]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 19:33:04 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[12661]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 19:33:04 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[12661]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 19:34:16 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[12690]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 19:34:16 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[12690]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 19:43:26 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[12731]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 19:43:26 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[12731]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 19:44:37 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[12786]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 19:44:37 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[12786]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 19:45:48 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[12818]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 19:45:48 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[12818]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 19:46:58 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[12854]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 19:46:58 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[12854]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 19:48:09 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[12883]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 19:48:09 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[12883]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 19:49:20 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[12912]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 19:49:20 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[12912]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 19:50:30 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[12949]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 19:50:30 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[12949]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 19:51:41 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[12979]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 19:51:41 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[12979]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 19:52:52 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[13007]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 19:52:52 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[13007]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 19:54:03 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[13041]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 19:54:03 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[13041]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 19:55:14 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[13074]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 19:55:14 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[13074]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 19:56:27 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[13434]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 19:56:27 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[13434]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 19:57:41 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[14694]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 19:57:41 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[14694]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 19:58:53 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[14722]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 19:58:53 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[14722]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 20:00:06 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[16217]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 20:00:06 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[16217]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 20:01:17 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[17521]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 20:01:17 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[17521]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 20:02:28 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[17552]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 20:02:28 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[17552]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 20:03:39 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[17606]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 20:03:39 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[17606]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 20:04:49 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[17635]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 20:04:49 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[17635]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 20:06:00 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[17669]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 20:06:00 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[17669]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 20:07:11 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[17702]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 20:07:11 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[17702]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 20:08:22 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[17732]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 20:08:22 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[17732]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 20:09:33 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[17767]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 20:09:33 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[17767]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 20:10:44 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[17798]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 20:10:44 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[17798]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 20:11:55 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[17828]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 20:11:55 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[17828]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 20:13:06 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[17862]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 20:13:06 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[17862]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 20:14:18 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[17902]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 20:14:18 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[17902]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 20:15:29 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[17937]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 20:15:29 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[17937]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 20:16:40 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[17969]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 20:16:40 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[17969]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 20:17:51 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[18006]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 20:17:51 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[18006]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 20:19:03 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[18036]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 20:19:03 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[18036]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 20:20:19 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[18472]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 20:20:19 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[18472]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 20:21:30 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[18557]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 20:21:30 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[18557]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 20:22:47 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[19009]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 20:22:47 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[19009]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 20:23:58 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[19458]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 20:23:58 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[19458]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 20:25:10 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[19528]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 20:25:10 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[19528]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 20:26:21 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[19592]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 20:26:21 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[19592]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 20:27:32 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[19690]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 20:27:32 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[19690]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 20:28:44 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[19723]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 20:28:44 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[19723]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 20:29:55 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[19754]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 20:29:55 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[19754]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 20:31:07 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[19788]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 20:31:07 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[19788]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 20:32:18 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[19819]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 20:32:18 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[19819]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 20:33:29 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[19848]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 20:33:29 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[19848]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 20:34:40 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[19882]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 20:34:40 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[19882]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 20:35:51 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[19913]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 20:35:51 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[19913]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 20:37:02 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[19951]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 20:37:02 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[19951]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 20:38:13 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[19979]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 20:38:13 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[19979]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 20:39:24 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[20008]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 20:39:24 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[20008]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 20:40:35 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[20064]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 20:40:35 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[20064]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 20:41:46 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[20095]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 20:41:46 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[20095]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 20:42:57 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[20131]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 20:42:57 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[20131]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 20:44:08 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[20160]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 20:44:08 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[20160]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 20:45:19 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[20191]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 20:45:19 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[20191]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 20:46:29 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[20227]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 20:46:29 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[20227]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 20:47:40 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[20255]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 20:47:40 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[20255]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 20:48:51 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[20291]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 20:48:51 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[20291]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 20:50:01 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[20322]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 20:50:01 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[20322]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 20:51:12 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[20355]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 20:51:12 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[20355]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 20:52:23 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[20384]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 20:52:23 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[20384]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 20:53:34 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[20413]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 20:53:34 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[20413]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 20:54:45 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[20449]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 20:54:45 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[20449]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 20:55:55 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[20480]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 20:55:55 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[20480]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 20:57:06 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[20514]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 20:57:06 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[20514]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 20:58:17 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[20544]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 20:58:17 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[20544]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 20:59:28 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[20577]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 20:59:28 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[20577]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 21:00:39 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[20631]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 21:00:39 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[20631]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 21:01:50 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[20661]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 21:01:50 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[20661]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 21:03:00 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[20696]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 21:03:00 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[20696]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 21:04:11 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[20749]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 21:04:11 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[20749]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 21:05:22 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[20787]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 21:05:22 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[20787]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 21:06:33 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[20816]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 21:06:33 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[20816]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 21:07:44 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[20844]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 21:07:44 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[20844]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 21:08:55 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[20879]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 21:08:55 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[20879]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 21:10:06 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[20910]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 21:10:06 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[20910]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 21:11:17 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[20941]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 21:11:17 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[20941]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 21:12:28 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[20975]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 21:12:28 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[20975]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 21:13:39 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[21004]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 21:13:39 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[21004]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 21:14:52 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[21032]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 21:14:52 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[21032]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 21:16:04 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[21074]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 21:16:04 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[21074]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 21:17:17 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[21106]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 21:17:17 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[21106]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 21:18:31 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[21149]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 21:18:31 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[21149]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 21:19:44 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[21185]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 21:19:44 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[21185]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 21:20:55 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[21237]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 21:20:55 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[21237]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 21:22:07 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[21273]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 21:22:07 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[21273]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 21:23:30 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[21302]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 21:23:30 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[21302]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 21:24:55 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[21335]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 21:24:55 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[21335]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 21:26:19 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[21376]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 21:26:19 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[21376]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 21:27:41 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[21409]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 21:27:41 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[21409]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 21:28:55 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[21446]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 21:28:55 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[21446]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 21:30:09 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[21495]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 21:30:09 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[21495]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 21:31:20 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[21924]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 21:31:20 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[21924]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 21:32:31 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[22037]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 21:32:31 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[22037]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 21:33:42 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[22073]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 21:33:42 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[22073]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 21:34:53 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[22101]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 21:34:53 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[22101]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 21:36:04 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[22139]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 21:36:04 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[22139]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 21:37:14 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[22171]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 21:37:14 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[22171]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 21:38:25 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[22199]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 21:38:25 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[22199]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 21:39:36 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[22233]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 21:39:36 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[22233]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 21:40:47 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[22283]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 21:40:47 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[22283]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 21:41:57 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[22315]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 21:41:57 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[22315]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 21:43:08 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[22349]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 21:43:08 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[22349]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 21:44:20 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[22377]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 21:44:20 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[22377]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 21:45:31 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[22416]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 21:45:31 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[22416]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 21:46:42 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[22444]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 21:46:42 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[22444]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 21:47:53 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[22474]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 21:47:53 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[22474]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 21:49:03 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[22509]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 21:49:03 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[22509]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 21:50:14 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[22539]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 21:50:14 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[22539]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 21:51:25 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[22567]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 21:51:25 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[22567]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 21:52:36 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[22604]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 21:52:36 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[22604]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 21:53:47 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[22632]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 21:53:47 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[22632]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 21:54:58 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[22661]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 21:54:58 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[22661]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 21:56:08 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[22700]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 21:56:08 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[22700]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 21:57:19 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[22728]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 21:57:19 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[22728]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 21:58:30 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[22759]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 21:58:30 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[22759]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 21:59:41 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[22793]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 21:59:41 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[22793]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 22:00:52 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[22843]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 22:00:52 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[22843]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 22:02:02 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[22874]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 22:02:02 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[22874]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 22:03:13 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[22928]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 22:03:13 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[22928]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 22:04:24 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[22958]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 22:04:24 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[22958]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 22:05:35 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[22995]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 22:05:35 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[22995]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 27 22:06:47 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[23025]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 27 22:06:47 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[23025]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 28 09:31:54 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[23073]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 28 09:31:54 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[23073]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 28 09:33:06 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[23104]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 28 09:33:06 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[23104]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 28 09:34:18 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[23141]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 28 09:34:18 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[23141]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 28 09:35:29 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[23177]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 28 09:35:29 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[23177]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 28 09:36:42 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[23205]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 28 09:36:42 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[23205]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 28 09:37:53 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[23238]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 28 09:37:53 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[23238]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 28 09:39:04 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[23270]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 28 09:39:04 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[23270]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 28 09:40:15 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[23330]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 28 09:40:15 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[23330]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 28 09:41:26 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[23393]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 28 09:41:26 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[23393]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 28 09:42:38 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[23438]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 28 09:42:38 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[23438]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 28 09:43:50 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[23486]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 28 09:43:50 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[23486]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 28 09:45:01 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[23545]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 28 09:45:01 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[23545]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 28 09:46:13 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[23654]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 28 09:46:13 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[23654]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 28 09:47:25 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[23699]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 28 09:47:25 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[23699]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 28 09:48:36 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[23733]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 28 09:48:36 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[23733]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 28 09:49:48 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[23765]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 28 09:49:48 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[23765]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 28 09:51:00 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[23794]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 28 09:51:00 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[23794]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 28 09:52:12 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[23828]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 28 09:52:12 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[23828]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 28 09:53:23 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[23859]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 28 09:53:23 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[23859]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 28 09:54:34 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[23889]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 28 09:54:34 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[23889]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 28 09:55:46 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[23928]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 28 09:55:46 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[23928]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 28 09:56:57 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[23957]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 28 09:56:57 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[23957]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 28 09:58:09 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[24032]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 28 09:58:09 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[24032]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 28 09:59:21 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[24080]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 28 09:59:21 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[24080]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 28 10:00:32 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[24132]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 28 10:00:32 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[24132]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 28 10:01:43 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[24161]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 28 10:01:43 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[24161]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 28 10:02:54 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[24194]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 28 10:02:54 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[24194]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 28 10:04:06 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[24224]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 28 10:04:06 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[24224]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 28 10:05:18 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[24272]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 28 10:05:18 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[24272]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 28 10:06:30 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[24304]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 28 10:06:30 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[24304]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 28 10:07:41 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[24332]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 28 10:07:41 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[24332]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 28 10:08:52 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[24366]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 28 10:08:52 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[24366]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 28 10:10:04 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[24488]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 28 10:10:04 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[24488]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 28 10:11:16 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[24595]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 28 10:11:16 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[24595]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 28 10:12:27 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[24631]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 28 10:12:27 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[24631]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 28 10:13:43 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[24725]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 28 10:13:43 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[24725]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 28 10:14:59 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[24753]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 28 10:14:59 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[24753]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 28 10:16:15 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[24796]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 28 10:16:15 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[24796]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 28 10:17:30 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[24829]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 28 10:17:30 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[24829]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 28 10:18:42 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[24864]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 28 10:18:42 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[24864]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 28 10:19:53 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[24892]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 28 10:19:53 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[24892]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 28 10:21:03 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[24947]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 28 10:21:03 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[24947]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 28 10:22:17 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[24982]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 28 10:22:17 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[24982]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 28 10:23:28 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[25011]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 28 10:23:28 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[25011]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 28 10:24:39 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[25040]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 28 10:24:39 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[25040]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 28 10:25:50 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[25077]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 28 10:25:50 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[25077]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 28 10:27:01 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[25108]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 28 10:27:01 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[25108]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 28 10:28:12 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[25136]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 28 10:28:12 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[25136]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 28 10:29:23 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[25172]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 28 10:29:23 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[25172]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 28 10:30:33 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[25202]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 28 10:30:33 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[25202]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 28 10:31:47 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[25232]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 28 10:31:47 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[25232]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 28 10:32:58 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[25266]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 28 10:32:58 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[25266]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 28 10:34:09 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[25295]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 28 10:34:09 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[25295]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 28 10:35:20 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[25332]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 28 10:35:20 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[25332]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 28 10:36:33 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[25364]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 28 10:36:33 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[25364]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 28 10:37:44 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[25394]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 28 10:37:44 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[25394]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 28 10:38:54 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[25427]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 28 10:38:54 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[25427]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 28 10:40:05 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[25456]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 28 10:40:05 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[25456]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 28 10:41:16 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[25506]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 28 10:41:16 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[25506]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 28 10:42:27 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[25540]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 28 10:42:27 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[25540]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 28 10:43:38 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[25572]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 28 10:43:38 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[25572]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 28 10:44:49 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[25602]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 28 10:44:49 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[25602]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 28 10:45:59 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[25641]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 28 10:45:59 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[25641]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 28 10:47:10 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[25669]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 28 10:47:10 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[25669]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 28 10:48:22 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[25698]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 28 10:48:22 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[25698]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 28 10:49:33 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[25734]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 28 10:49:33 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[25734]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 28 10:50:44 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[25767]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 28 10:50:44 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[25767]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 28 10:51:56 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[25795]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 28 10:51:56 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[25795]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 28 10:53:07 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[25832]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 28 10:53:07 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[25832]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 28 10:54:17 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[25861]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 28 10:54:17 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[25861]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 28 10:55:29 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[25902]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 28 10:55:29 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[25902]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 28 10:56:39 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[25930]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 28 10:56:39 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[25930]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 28 10:57:50 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[25958]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 28 10:57:50 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[25958]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 28 10:59:01 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[25993]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 28 10:59:01 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[25993]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 28 11:00:12 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[26044]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 28 11:00:12 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[26044]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 28 11:01:23 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[26073]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 28 11:01:23 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[26073]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 28 11:02:33 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[26110]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 28 11:02:33 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[26110]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 28 11:03:44 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[26158]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 28 11:03:44 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[26158]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 28 11:04:55 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[26186]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 28 11:04:55 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[26186]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 28 11:06:06 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[26226]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 28 11:06:06 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[26226]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 28 11:07:16 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[26254]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 28 11:07:16 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[26254]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 28 11:08:27 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[26283]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 28 11:08:27 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[26283]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 28 11:09:38 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[26318]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 28 11:09:38 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[26318]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 28 11:10:49 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[26348]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 28 11:10:49 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[26348]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 28 11:12:00 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[26382]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 28 11:12:00 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[26382]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 28 11:13:11 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[26412]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 28 11:13:11 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[26412]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 28 11:14:21 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[26442]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 28 11:14:21 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[26442]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 28 11:15:34 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[26483]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 28 11:15:34 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[26483]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 28 11:16:46 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[26511]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 28 11:16:46 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[26511]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 28 11:17:57 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[26542]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 28 11:17:57 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[26542]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 28 11:19:08 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[26578]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 28 11:19:08 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[26578]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 28 11:20:19 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[26627]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 28 11:20:19 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[26627]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 28 11:21:30 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[26659]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 28 11:21:30 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[26659]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 28 11:22:42 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[26692]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 28 11:22:42 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[26692]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 28 11:23:53 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[26722]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 28 11:23:53 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[26722]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 28 11:25:05 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[26752]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 28 11:25:05 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[26752]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 28 11:26:17 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[26794]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 28 11:26:18 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[26794]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 28 11:27:30 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[26822]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 28 11:27:30 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[26822]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 28 11:28:42 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[26856]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 28 11:28:42 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[26856]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 28 11:29:53 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[26884]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 28 11:29:53 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[26884]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 28 11:31:05 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[26915]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 28 11:31:05 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[26915]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 28 11:32:21 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[26951]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 28 11:32:22 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[26951]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 28 11:33:34 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[26982]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 28 11:33:34 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[26982]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 28 11:34:49 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[27011]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 28 11:34:49 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[27011]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 28 11:36:00 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[27050]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 28 11:36:00 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[27050]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 28 11:37:12 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[27082]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 28 11:37:12 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[27082]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 28 11:38:29 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[27110]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 28 11:38:29 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[27110]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 28 11:39:49 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[27146]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 28 11:39:49 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[27146]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 28 11:41:04 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[27198]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 28 11:41:04 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[27198]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 28 11:42:20 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[27235]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 28 11:42:20 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[27235]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 28 11:43:34 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[27267]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 28 11:43:34 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[27267]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 28 11:44:47 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[27296]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 28 11:44:47 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[27296]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 28 11:46:00 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[27335]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 28 11:46:00 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[27335]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 28 11:47:17 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[27387]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 28 11:47:17 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[27387]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 28 11:48:36 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[27425]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 28 11:48:36 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[27425]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 28 11:49:53 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[27461]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 28 11:49:53 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[27461]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 28 11:51:15 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[27490]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 28 11:51:15 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[27490]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 28 11:52:31 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[27528]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 28 11:52:31 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[27528]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 28 11:53:45 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[27561]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 28 11:53:45 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[27561]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 28 11:54:59 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[27591]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 28 11:54:59 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[27591]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 28 11:56:14 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[27629]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 28 11:56:14 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[27629]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 28 11:57:30 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[27664]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 28 11:57:30 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[27664]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 28 11:58:44 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[27702]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 28 11:58:44 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[27702]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 28 11:59:59 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[27742]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 28 11:59:59 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[27742]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 28 12:01:10 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[27818]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 28 12:01:10 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[27818]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 28 12:02:22 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[27847]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 28 12:02:22 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[27847]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 28 12:03:33 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[27880]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 28 12:03:33 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[27880]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 28 12:04:43 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[27914]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 28 12:04:43 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[27914]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 28 12:05:54 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[27946]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 28 12:05:54 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[27946]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 28 12:49:34 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[27981]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 28 12:49:34 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[27981]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 28 12:50:46 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[28017]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 28 12:50:46 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[28017]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 28 12:51:59 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[28048]: Starting the daemon... RUNNING
-- Reboot --
Jul 29 06:15:23 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[2726]: Starting the daemon...
Jul 29 06:16:34 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[3483]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 06:16:34 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[3483]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 06:17:46 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[3554]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 06:17:46 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[3554]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 06:18:58 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[3701]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 06:18:58 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[3701]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 06:20:09 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[3735]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 06:20:09 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[3735]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 06:21:22 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[3788]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 06:21:22 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[3788]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 06:22:34 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[3822]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 06:22:34 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[3822]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 06:23:45 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[3855]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 06:23:45 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[3855]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 06:24:55 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[3886]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 06:24:55 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[3886]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 06:26:07 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[3925]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 06:26:07 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[3925]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 06:27:18 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[3973]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 06:27:18 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[3973]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 06:28:30 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[4003]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 06:28:30 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[4003]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 06:29:40 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[4037]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 06:29:40 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[4037]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 06:30:51 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[4065]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 06:30:51 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[4065]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 06:32:03 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[4095]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 06:32:03 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[4095]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 06:33:15 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[4131]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 06:33:15 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[4131]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 06:34:27 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[4167]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 06:34:27 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[4167]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 06:35:38 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[4199]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 06:35:38 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[4199]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 06:36:49 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[4227]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 06:36:49 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[4227]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 06:38:00 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[4262]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 06:38:00 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[4262]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 06:39:11 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[4293]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 06:39:11 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[4293]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 06:40:22 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[4342]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 06:40:22 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[4342]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 06:41:33 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[4377]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 06:41:33 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[4377]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 06:42:44 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[4405]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 06:42:44 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[4405]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 06:43:55 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[4436]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 06:43:55 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[4436]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 06:45:06 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[4472]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 06:45:06 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[4472]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 06:46:18 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[4509]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 06:46:18 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[4509]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 06:47:29 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[4539]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 06:47:29 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[4539]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 06:48:41 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[4570]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 06:48:41 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[4570]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 06:49:52 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[4999]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 06:49:52 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[4999]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 06:51:03 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[5041]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 06:51:03 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[5041]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 06:52:16 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[5069]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 06:52:16 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[5069]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 06:53:27 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[5106]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 06:53:27 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[5106]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 06:54:38 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[5137]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 06:54:38 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[5137]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 06:55:49 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[5192]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 06:55:49 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[5192]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 06:57:00 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[5237]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 06:57:00 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[5237]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 06:58:11 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[5277]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 06:58:11 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[5277]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 06:59:23 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[5311]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 06:59:23 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[5311]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 07:00:35 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[5361]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 07:00:35 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[5361]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 07:01:47 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[5391]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 07:01:47 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[5391]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 07:02:59 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[5438]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 07:02:59 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[5438]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 07:04:09 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[5470]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 07:04:09 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[5470]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 07:05:20 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[5502]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 07:05:20 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[5502]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 07:06:30 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[5535]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 07:06:30 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[5535]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 07:07:41 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[5564]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 07:07:41 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[5564]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 07:08:52 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[5596]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 07:08:52 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[5596]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 07:10:04 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[5631]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 07:10:04 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[5631]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 07:11:14 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[5660]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 07:11:14 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[5660]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 07:12:25 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[5693]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 07:12:25 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[5693]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 07:13:36 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[5725]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 07:13:36 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[5725]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 07:14:46 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[5765]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 07:14:46 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[5765]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 07:15:57 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[5801]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 07:15:57 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[5801]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 07:17:08 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[5830]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 07:17:08 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[5830]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 07:18:19 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[5864]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 07:18:19 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[5864]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 07:19:30 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[5898]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 07:19:30 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[5898]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 07:20:40 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[5948]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 07:20:40 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[5948]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 07:21:51 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[5977]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 07:21:51 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[5977]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 07:23:03 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[6012]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 07:23:03 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[6012]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 07:24:13 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[6043]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 07:24:13 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[6043]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 07:25:25 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[6075]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 07:25:25 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[6075]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 07:26:36 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[6109]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 07:26:36 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[6109]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 07:27:46 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[6138]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 07:27:46 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[6138]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 07:28:57 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[6170]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 07:28:57 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[6170]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 07:30:08 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[6204]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 07:30:08 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[6204]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 07:31:20 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[6239]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 07:31:20 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[6239]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 07:32:34 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[6267]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 07:32:34 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[6267]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 07:33:49 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[6300]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 07:33:49 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[6300]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 07:35:04 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[6336]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 07:35:04 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[6336]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 07:36:22 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[6368]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 07:36:22 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[6368]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 07:37:40 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[6405]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 07:37:40 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[6405]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 07:38:55 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[6437]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 07:38:55 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[6437]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 07:40:09 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[6466]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 07:40:09 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[6466]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 07:41:19 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[6521]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 07:41:19 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[6521]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 07:42:31 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[6551]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 07:42:31 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[6551]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 07:43:43 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[6584]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 07:43:43 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[6584]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 07:44:54 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[6618]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 07:44:54 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[6618]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 07:46:04 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[6651]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 07:46:04 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[6651]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 07:47:15 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[6679]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 07:47:15 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[6679]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 07:48:27 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[6714]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 07:48:27 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[6714]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 07:49:38 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[6743]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 07:49:38 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[6743]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 07:50:49 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[6776]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 07:50:49 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[6776]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 07:52:00 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[6804]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 07:52:00 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[6804]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 07:53:11 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[6842]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 07:53:11 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[6842]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 07:54:23 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[6871]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 07:54:23 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[6871]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 07:55:34 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[6907]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 07:55:34 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[6907]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 07:56:45 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[6940]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 07:56:45 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[6940]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 07:57:56 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[6968]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 07:57:56 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[6968]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 07:59:07 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[7004]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 07:59:07 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[7004]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 08:00:18 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[7054]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 08:00:18 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[7054]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 08:01:29 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[7083]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 08:01:29 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[7083]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 08:02:40 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[7118]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 08:02:40 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[7118]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 08:03:51 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[7149]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 08:03:51 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[7149]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 08:05:02 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[7201]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 08:05:02 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[7201]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 08:06:13 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[7238]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 08:06:13 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[7238]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 08:07:24 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[7267]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 08:07:24 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[7267]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 08:08:36 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[7298]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 08:08:36 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[7298]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 08:09:47 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[7333]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 08:09:47 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[7333]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 08:10:59 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[7361]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 08:10:59 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[7361]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 08:12:10 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[7390]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 08:12:10 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[7390]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 08:13:21 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[7426]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 08:13:21 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[7426]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 08:14:32 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[7455]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 08:14:32 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[7455]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 08:15:43 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[7487]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 08:15:43 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[7487]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 08:16:53 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[7538]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 08:16:53 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[7538]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 12:57:36 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[7577]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 12:57:37 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[7577]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 12:58:50 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[7607]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 12:58:50 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[7607]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 13:00:01 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[7637]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 13:00:01 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[7637]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 13:01:13 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[7693]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 13:01:13 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[7693]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 13:02:24 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[7721]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 13:02:24 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[7721]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 13:03:36 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[7754]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 13:03:36 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[7754]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 13:04:47 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[7791]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 13:04:47 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[7791]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 13:05:59 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[7823]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 13:05:59 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[7823]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 13:07:10 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[7852]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 13:07:10 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[7852]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 13:08:21 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[7885]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 13:08:21 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[7885]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 13:09:34 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[7916]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 13:09:34 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[7916]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 13:10:49 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[7952]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 13:10:49 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[7952]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 13:12:00 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[7981]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 13:12:00 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[7981]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 13:13:18 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[8011]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 13:13:18 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[8011]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 13:14:33 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[8049]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 13:14:33 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[8049]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 13:15:45 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[8083]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 13:15:45 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[8083]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 13:16:59 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[8111]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 13:16:59 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[8111]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 13:18:16 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[8148]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 13:18:16 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[8148]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 13:19:30 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[8179]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 13:19:30 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[8179]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 13:20:41 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[8233]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 13:20:41 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[8233]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 13:21:52 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[8267]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 13:21:52 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[8267]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 13:23:03 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[8297]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 13:23:03 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[8297]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 13:24:13 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[8332]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 13:24:13 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[8332]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 13:25:25 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[8365]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 13:25:25 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[8365]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 13:26:36 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[8400]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 13:26:36 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[8400]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 13:27:47 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[8428]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 13:27:47 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[8428]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 13:28:58 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[8457]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 13:28:58 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[8457]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 13:30:09 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[8494]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 13:30:09 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[8494]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 13:31:20 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[8524]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 13:31:20 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[8524]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 13:32:31 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[8559]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 13:32:31 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[8559]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 13:33:42 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[8588]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 13:33:42 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[8588]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 13:34:53 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[8617]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 13:34:53 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[8617]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 13:36:03 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[8656]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 13:36:03 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[8656]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 13:37:14 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[8685]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 13:37:14 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[8685]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 13:38:26 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[8721]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 13:38:26 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[8721]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 13:39:37 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[8750]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 13:39:37 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[8750]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 13:40:47 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[8806]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 13:40:47 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[8806]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 13:42:05 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[8835]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 13:42:05 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[8835]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 13:43:16 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[8868]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 13:43:16 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[8868]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 13:44:27 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[8902]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 13:44:27 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[8902]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 13:45:38 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[8937]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 13:45:38 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[8937]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 13:46:49 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[8965]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 13:46:49 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[8965]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 13:48:00 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[8998]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 13:48:00 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[8998]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 13:49:11 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[9027]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 13:49:11 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[9027]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 13:50:22 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[9057]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 13:50:22 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[9057]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 13:51:34 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[9093]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 13:51:34 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[9093]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 13:52:45 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[9123]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 13:52:45 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[9123]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 13:53:55 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[9151]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 13:53:55 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[9151]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 13:55:07 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[9186]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 13:55:07 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[9186]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 13:56:18 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[9217]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 13:56:18 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[9217]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 13:57:28 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[9253]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 13:57:28 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[9253]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 13:58:39 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[9284]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 13:58:39 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[9284]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 13:59:50 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[9312]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 13:59:50 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[9312]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 14:01:01 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[9367]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 14:01:01 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[9367]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 14:02:12 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[9401]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 14:02:12 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[9401]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 14:03:23 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[9430]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 14:03:23 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[9430]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 14:04:34 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[9465]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 14:04:34 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[9465]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 14:05:45 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[9497]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 14:05:45 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[9497]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 14:06:56 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[9528]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 14:06:56 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[9528]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 14:08:07 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[9564]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 14:08:07 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[9564]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 14:09:18 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[9592]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 14:09:18 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[9592]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 14:10:28 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[9621]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 14:10:28 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[9621]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 14:11:39 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[9656]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 14:11:39 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[9656]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 14:12:50 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[9687]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 14:12:50 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[9687]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 14:14:01 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[9716]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 14:14:01 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[9716]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 14:15:12 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[9753]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 14:15:12 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[9753]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 14:16:23 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[9784]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 14:16:23 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[9784]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 14:17:34 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[9820]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 14:17:34 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[9820]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 14:18:45 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[9851]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 14:18:45 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[9851]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 14:19:56 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[9879]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 14:19:56 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[9879]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 14:21:07 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[9934]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 14:21:07 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[9934]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 14:22:18 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[9964]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 14:22:18 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[9964]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 14:23:28 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[9998]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 14:23:28 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[9998]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 14:24:39 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[10035]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 14:24:39 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[10035]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 14:46:03 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[10075]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 14:46:03 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[10075]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 14:47:14 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[10108]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 14:47:14 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[10108]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 14:48:25 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[10137]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 14:48:25 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[10137]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 14:49:37 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[10168]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 14:49:37 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[10168]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 14:50:48 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[10204]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 14:50:48 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[10204]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 14:51:59 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[10235]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 14:51:59 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[10235]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 14:53:12 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[10264]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 14:53:12 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[10264]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 14:54:24 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[10301]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 14:54:24 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[10301]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 14:55:37 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[10332]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 14:55:37 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[10332]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 14:56:50 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[10364]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 14:56:50 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[10364]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 14:58:06 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[10397]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 14:58:06 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[10397]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 14:59:17 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[10436]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 14:59:17 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[10436]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 15:00:32 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[10486]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 15:00:32 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[10486]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 15:01:49 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[10515]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 15:01:49 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[10515]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 15:03:07 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[10566]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 15:03:07 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[10566]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 15:04:21 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[10606]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 15:04:21 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[10606]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 15:05:38 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[10639]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 15:05:38 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[10639]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 15:06:53 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[10668]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 15:06:53 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[10668]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 15:08:08 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[10704]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 15:08:08 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[10704]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 15:09:26 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[10735]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 15:09:26 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[10735]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 15:10:44 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[10770]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 15:10:44 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[10770]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 15:11:59 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[10801]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 15:11:59 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[10801]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 15:13:15 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[10832]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 15:13:15 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[10832]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 15:14:30 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[10869]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 15:14:30 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[10869]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 15:15:46 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[10910]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 15:15:46 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[10910]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 15:17:01 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[10940]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 15:17:01 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[10940]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 15:18:16 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[10973]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 15:18:16 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[10973]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 15:19:38 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[11009]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 15:19:38 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[11009]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 15:20:58 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[11068]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 15:20:58 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[11068]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 15:22:12 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[11100]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 15:22:12 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[11100]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 15:23:28 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[11130]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 15:23:28 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[11130]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 15:24:41 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[11168]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 15:24:41 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[11168]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 15:25:51 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[11205]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 15:25:51 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[11205]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 15:27:02 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[11233]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 15:27:02 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[11233]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 15:28:13 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[11262]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 15:28:13 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[11262]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 15:29:24 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[11296]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 15:29:24 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[11296]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 15:30:35 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[11329]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 15:30:35 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[11329]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 15:31:45 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[11357]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 15:31:45 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[11357]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 15:32:56 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[11392]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 15:32:56 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[11392]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 15:34:08 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[11422]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 15:34:08 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[11422]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 15:35:19 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[11456]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 15:35:19 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[11456]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 15:36:30 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[11489]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 15:36:30 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[11489]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 15:37:41 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[11524]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 15:37:41 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[11524]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 15:38:52 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[11555]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 15:38:52 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[11555]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 15:40:02 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[11583]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 15:40:03 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[11583]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 15:41:13 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[11641]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 15:41:13 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[11641]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 15:42:24 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[11670]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 15:42:24 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[11670]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 15:43:35 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[11699]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 15:43:35 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[11699]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 15:44:45 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[11734]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 15:44:45 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[11734]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 15:45:56 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[11768]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 15:45:56 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[11768]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 15:47:07 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[11801]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 15:47:07 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[11801]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 15:48:18 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[11832]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 15:48:18 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[11832]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 15:49:29 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[11862]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 15:49:29 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[11862]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 15:50:40 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[11895]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 15:50:40 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[11895]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 15:51:51 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[11927]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 15:51:51 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[11927]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 15:53:02 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[11956]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 15:53:02 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[11956]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 15:54:13 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[11990]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 15:54:13 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[11990]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 15:55:23 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[12022]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 15:55:23 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[12022]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 15:56:34 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[12050]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 15:56:34 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[12050]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 15:57:45 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[12087]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 15:57:45 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[12087]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 15:58:56 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[12117]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 15:58:56 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[12117]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 16:00:07 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[12146]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 16:00:07 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[12146]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 16:01:18 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[12202]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 16:01:18 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[12202]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 16:02:28 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[12245]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 16:02:28 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[12245]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 16:03:39 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[12274]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 16:03:39 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[12274]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 16:04:50 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[12309]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 16:04:50 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[12309]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 16:06:01 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[12341]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 16:06:01 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[12341]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 16:07:12 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[12376]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 16:07:12 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[12376]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 16:08:22 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[12407]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 16:08:22 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[12407]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 16:09:33 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[12435]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 16:09:33 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[12435]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 16:10:44 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[12470]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 16:10:44 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[12470]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 16:11:55 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[12499]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 16:11:55 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[12499]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 16:13:06 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[12531]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 16:13:06 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[12531]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 16:14:17 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[12565]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 16:14:17 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[12565]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 16:15:28 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[12597]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 16:15:28 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[12597]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 16:16:38 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[12628]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 16:16:38 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[12628]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 16:17:49 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[12665]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 16:17:49 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[12665]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 16:19:00 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[12695]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 16:19:00 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[12695]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 16:20:11 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[12724]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 16:20:11 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[12724]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 16:21:22 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[12780]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 16:21:22 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[12780]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 16:22:33 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[12808]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 16:22:33 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[12808]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 16:23:43 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[12839]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 16:23:43 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[12839]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 16:24:54 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[12874]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 16:24:54 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[12874]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 16:26:06 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[12907]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 16:26:06 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[12907]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 16:27:17 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[12941]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 16:27:17 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[12941]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 16:28:27 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[12971]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 16:28:27 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[12971]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 16:29:38 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[13001]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 16:29:38 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[13001]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 16:30:49 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[13035]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 16:30:49 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[13035]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 16:32:00 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[13063]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 16:32:00 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[13063]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 16:33:11 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[13092]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 16:33:11 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[13092]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 16:34:22 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[13130]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 16:34:22 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[13130]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 16:35:33 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[13163]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 16:35:33 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[13163]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 16:36:44 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[13191]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 16:36:44 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[13191]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 16:37:55 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[13225]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 16:37:55 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[13225]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 16:39:06 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[13253]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 16:39:06 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[13253]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 16:40:17 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[13304]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 16:40:17 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[13304]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 16:41:28 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[13339]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 16:41:28 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[13339]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 16:42:40 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[13371]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 16:42:40 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[13371]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 16:43:51 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[13406]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 16:43:51 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[13406]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 16:45:03 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[13435]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 16:45:03 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[13435]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 16:46:15 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[13473]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 16:46:15 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[13473]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 16:47:28 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[13502]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 16:47:28 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[13502]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 16:48:39 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[13532]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 16:48:39 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[13532]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 16:49:49 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[13567]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 16:49:49 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[13567]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 16:51:00 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[13598]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 16:51:00 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[13598]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 16:52:11 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[13626]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 16:52:11 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[13626]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 16:53:21 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[13661]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 16:53:21 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[13661]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 16:54:32 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[13690]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 16:54:32 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[13690]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 16:55:42 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[13728]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 16:55:42 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[13728]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 16:56:53 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[13758]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 16:56:53 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[13758]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 16:58:05 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[13786]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 16:58:05 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[13786]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 16:59:17 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[13822]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 16:59:17 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[13822]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 17:00:29 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[13872]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 17:00:29 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[13872]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 17:01:41 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[13903]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 17:01:41 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[13903]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 17:02:52 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[13938]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 17:02:52 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[13938]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 17:04:03 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[13991]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 17:04:03 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[13991]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 17:05:15 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[14023]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 17:05:15 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[14023]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 17:06:33 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[14060]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 17:06:33 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[14060]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 17:07:48 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[14090]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 17:07:48 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[14090]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 17:09:07 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[14124]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 17:09:07 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[14124]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 17:10:24 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[14154]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 17:10:24 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[14154]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 17:11:40 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[14189]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 17:11:40 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[14189]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 17:12:51 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[14227]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 17:12:51 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[14227]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 17:14:01 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[14255]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 17:14:01 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[14255]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 17:15:12 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[14287]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 17:15:12 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[14287]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 17:16:23 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[14321]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 17:16:23 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[14321]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 17:17:33 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[14361]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 17:17:33 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[14361]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 17:18:44 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[14390]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 17:18:44 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[14390]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 17:19:55 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[14419]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 17:19:55 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[14419]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 17:21:07 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[14473]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 17:21:07 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[14473]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 17:22:17 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[14510]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 17:22:17 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[14510]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 17:23:28 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[14540]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 17:23:28 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[14540]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 17:24:39 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[14575]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 17:24:39 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[14575]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 17:25:49 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[14607]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 17:25:49 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[14607]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 17:27:00 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[14636]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 17:27:00 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[14636]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 17:28:11 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[14671]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 17:28:11 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[14671]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 17:29:22 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[14700]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 17:29:22 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[14700]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 17:30:32 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[14728]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 17:30:32 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[14728]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 17:31:43 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[14762]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 17:31:43 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[14762]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 17:32:54 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[14794]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 17:32:54 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[14794]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 17:34:05 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[14829]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 17:34:05 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[14829]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 17:35:16 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[14862]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 17:35:16 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[14862]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 17:36:27 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[14891]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 17:36:27 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[14891]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 17:37:38 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[14924]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 17:37:38 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[14924]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 17:38:49 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[14954]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 17:38:49 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[14954]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 17:40:00 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[14983]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 17:40:00 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[14983]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 17:41:11 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[15037]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 17:41:11 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[15037]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 17:42:22 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[15070]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 17:42:22 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[15070]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 17:43:33 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[15100]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 17:43:33 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[15100]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 17:44:44 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[15136]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 17:44:44 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[15136]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 17:45:55 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[15168]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 17:45:55 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[15168]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 17:47:06 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[15196]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 17:47:06 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[15196]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 17:48:17 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[15229]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 17:48:17 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[15229]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 17:49:28 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[15260]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 17:49:28 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[15260]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 17:50:39 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[15297]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 17:50:39 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[15297]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 17:51:50 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[15326]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 17:51:50 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[15326]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 17:53:01 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[15356]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 17:53:01 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[15356]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 17:54:12 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[15390]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 17:54:12 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[15390]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 17:55:23 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[15424]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 17:55:23 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[15424]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 17:56:34 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[15452]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 17:56:34 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[15452]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 17:57:45 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[15486]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 17:57:45 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[15486]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 17:58:56 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[15517]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 17:58:56 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[15517]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 18:00:07 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[15547]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 18:00:07 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[15547]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 18:01:18 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[15602]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 18:01:18 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[15602]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 18:02:29 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[15650]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 18:02:29 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[15650]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 18:03:40 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[15679]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 18:03:40 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[15679]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 18:04:51 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[15714]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 18:04:51 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[15714]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 18:06:02 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[15747]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 18:06:02 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[15747]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 18:07:12 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[15775]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 18:07:12 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[15775]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 18:08:23 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[15811]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 18:08:23 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[15811]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 18:09:34 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[15840]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 18:09:34 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[15840]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 18:10:44 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[15875]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 18:10:44 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[15875]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 18:11:55 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[15904]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 18:11:55 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[15904]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 18:13:05 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[15933]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 18:13:05 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[15933]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 18:14:16 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[15967]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 18:14:16 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[15967]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 18:15:26 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[16000]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 18:15:26 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[16000]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 18:16:37 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[16030]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 18:16:37 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[16030]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 18:17:47 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[16067]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 18:17:47 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[16067]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 18:18:58 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[16096]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 18:18:58 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[16096]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 18:20:09 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[16124]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 18:20:09 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[16124]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 18:21:19 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[16182]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 18:21:19 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[16182]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 18:22:30 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[16213]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 18:22:30 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[16213]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 18:23:40 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[16242]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 18:23:40 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[16242]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 18:24:51 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[16279]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 18:24:51 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[16279]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 18:26:02 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[16310]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 18:26:02 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[16310]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 18:27:12 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[16340]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 18:27:12 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[16340]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 18:28:23 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[16374]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 18:28:23 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[16374]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 18:29:34 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[16408]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 18:29:34 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[16408]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 18:30:44 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[16441]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 18:30:44 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[16441]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 18:31:55 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[16472]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 18:31:55 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[16472]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 18:33:05 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[16502]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 18:33:05 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[16502]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 18:34:16 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[16538]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 18:34:16 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[16538]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 18:35:26 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[16571]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 18:35:26 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[16571]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 18:36:37 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[16599]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 18:36:37 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[16599]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 18:37:48 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[16634]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 18:37:48 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[16634]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 18:38:58 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[16663]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 18:38:58 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[16663]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 18:40:09 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[16691]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 18:40:09 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[16691]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 18:41:19 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[16747]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 18:41:19 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[16747]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 18:42:30 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[16783]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 18:42:30 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[16783]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 18:43:41 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[16813]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 18:43:41 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[16813]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 18:44:51 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[16842]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 18:44:51 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[16842]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 18:46:02 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[16881]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 18:46:02 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[16881]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 18:47:12 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[16909]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 18:47:12 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[16909]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 18:48:24 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[16940]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 18:48:24 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[16940]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 18:49:35 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[16974]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 18:49:35 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[16974]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 18:50:46 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[17007]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 18:50:46 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[17007]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 18:51:56 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[17037]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 18:51:56 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[17037]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 18:53:07 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[17068]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 18:53:07 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[17068]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 18:54:17 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[17102]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 18:54:17 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[17102]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 18:55:28 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[17135]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 18:55:28 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[17135]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 18:56:38 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[17163]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 18:56:38 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[17163]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 18:57:49 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[17200]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 18:57:49 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[17200]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 18:59:00 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[17231]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 18:59:00 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[17231]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 19:00:11 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[17259]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 19:00:11 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[17259]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 19:01:21 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[17314]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 19:01:21 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[17314]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 19:02:32 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[17343]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 19:02:32 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[17343]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 19:03:42 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[17397]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 19:03:42 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[17397]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 19:04:53 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[17431]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 19:04:53 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[17431]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 19:06:04 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[17463]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 19:06:04 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[17463]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 19:07:14 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[17491]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 19:07:14 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[17491]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 19:08:25 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[17525]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 19:08:25 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[17525]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 19:09:36 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[17557]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 19:09:36 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[17557]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 19:10:46 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[17591]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 19:10:46 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[17591]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 19:11:57 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[17621]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 19:11:57 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[17621]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 19:13:08 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[17650]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 19:13:08 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[17650]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 19:14:18 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[17684]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 19:14:18 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[17684]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 19:15:29 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[17718]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 19:15:29 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[17718]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 19:16:40 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[17746]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 19:16:40 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[17746]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 19:17:51 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[17783]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 19:17:51 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[17783]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 19:19:01 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[17812]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 19:19:01 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[17812]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 19:20:12 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[17863]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 19:20:12 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[17863]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 19:21:22 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[17897]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 19:21:22 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[17897]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 19:22:33 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[17928]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 19:22:33 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[17928]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 19:23:43 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[17957]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 19:23:43 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[17957]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 19:24:54 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[17993]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 19:24:54 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[17993]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 19:26:04 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[18032]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 19:26:04 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[18032]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 19:27:15 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[18060]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 19:27:15 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[18060]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 19:28:26 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[18089]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 19:28:26 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[18089]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 19:29:39 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[18122]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 19:29:39 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[18122]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 19:30:55 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[18159]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 19:30:55 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[18159]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 19:32:06 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[18191]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 19:32:06 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[18191]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 19:33:18 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[18225]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 19:33:18 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[18225]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 19:34:30 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[18257]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 19:34:30 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[18257]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 19:35:40 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[18290]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 19:35:40 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[18290]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 19:36:51 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[18323]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 19:36:51 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[18323]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 19:38:02 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[18353]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 19:38:02 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[18353]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 19:39:13 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[18386]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 19:39:13 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[18386]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 19:40:24 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[18435]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 19:40:24 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[18435]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 19:41:35 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[18472]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 19:41:35 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[18472]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 19:42:46 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[18501]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 19:42:46 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[18501]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 19:43:58 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[18532]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 19:43:58 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[18532]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 19:45:09 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[18567]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 19:45:09 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[18567]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 19:46:19 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[18605]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 19:46:19 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[18605]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 19:47:30 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[18639]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 19:47:30 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[18639]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 19:48:42 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[18667]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 19:48:42 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[18667]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 19:49:53 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[18695]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 19:49:53 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[18695]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 19:51:05 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[18732]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 19:51:05 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[18732]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 19:52:16 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[18762]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 19:52:16 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[18762]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 19:53:26 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[18792]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 19:53:26 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[18792]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 19:54:38 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[18826]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 19:54:38 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[18826]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 19:55:49 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[18857]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 19:55:49 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[18857]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 19:57:00 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[18886]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 19:57:00 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[18886]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 19:58:11 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[18924]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 19:58:11 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[18924]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 19:59:22 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[18952]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 19:59:22 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[18952]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 20:00:33 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[19002]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 20:00:33 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[19002]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 20:01:44 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[19056]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 20:01:44 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[19056]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 20:02:55 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[19086]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 20:02:55 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[19086]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 20:04:06 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[19117]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 20:04:06 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[19117]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 20:05:18 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[19154]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 20:05:18 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[19154]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 20:06:30 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[19185]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 20:06:30 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[19185]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 20:07:41 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[19218]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 20:07:41 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[19218]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 20:08:52 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[19246]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 20:08:52 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[19246]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 20:10:04 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[19277]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 20:10:04 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[19277]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 20:11:15 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[19310]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 20:11:15 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[19310]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 20:12:26 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[19338]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 20:12:26 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[19338]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 20:13:37 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[19371]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 20:13:37 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[19371]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 20:14:48 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[19407]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 20:14:48 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[19407]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 20:15:59 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[19445]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 20:15:59 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[19445]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 20:17:10 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[19473]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 20:17:10 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[19473]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 20:18:21 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[19509]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 20:18:21 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[19509]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 20:19:34 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[19539]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 20:19:34 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[19539]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 20:20:45 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[19592]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 20:20:45 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[19592]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 20:21:58 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[19627]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 20:21:58 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[19627]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 20:23:16 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[19661]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 20:23:16 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[19661]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 20:24:30 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[19693]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 20:24:30 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[19693]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 20:25:40 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[19727]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 20:25:41 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[19727]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 20:26:51 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[19763]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 20:26:51 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[19763]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 20:28:02 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[19792]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 20:28:02 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[19792]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 20:29:12 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[19825]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 20:29:12 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[19825]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 20:30:23 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[19855]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 20:30:23 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[19855]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 20:31:34 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[19885]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 20:31:34 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[19885]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 20:32:45 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[19920]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 20:32:45 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[19920]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 20:33:55 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[19949]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 20:33:55 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[19949]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 20:35:06 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[19978]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 20:35:06 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[19978]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 20:36:17 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[20016]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 20:36:17 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[20016]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 20:37:28 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[20045]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 20:37:28 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[20045]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 20:38:38 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[20082]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 20:38:38 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[20082]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 20:39:49 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[20116]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 20:39:49 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[20116]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 20:40:59 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[20168]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 20:40:59 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[20168]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 20:42:10 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[20197]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 20:42:10 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[20197]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 20:43:20 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[20231]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 20:43:20 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[20231]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 20:44:31 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[20261]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 20:44:31 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[20261]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 20:45:41 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[20293]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 20:45:41 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[20293]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 20:46:52 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[20329]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 20:46:52 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[20329]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 20:48:04 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[20358]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 20:48:04 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[20358]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 20:49:14 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[20393]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 20:49:14 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[20393]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 20:50:25 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[20421]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 20:50:25 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[20421]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 20:51:35 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[20451]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 20:51:35 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[20451]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 20:52:46 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[20487]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 20:52:46 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[20487]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 20:53:57 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[20516]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 20:53:57 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[20516]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 20:55:07 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[20545]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 20:55:07 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[20545]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 20:56:18 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[20581]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 20:56:18 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[20581]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 20:57:29 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[20611]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 20:57:29 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[20611]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 20:58:39 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[20641]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 20:58:39 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[20641]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 20:59:50 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[20675]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 20:59:50 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[20675]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 21:01:01 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[20749]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 21:01:01 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[20749]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 21:02:11 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[20780]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 21:02:11 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[20780]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 21:03:22 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[20809]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 21:03:22 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[20809]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 21:04:33 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[20847]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 21:04:33 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[20847]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 21:05:43 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[20878]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 21:05:43 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[20878]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 21:06:54 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[20906]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 21:06:54 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[20906]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 21:08:04 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[20941]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 21:08:04 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[20941]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 21:09:15 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[20969]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 21:09:15 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[20969]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 21:10:25 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[21000]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 21:10:25 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[21000]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 21:11:36 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[21035]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 21:11:36 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[21035]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 21:12:46 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[21064]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 21:12:46 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[21064]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 21:13:57 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[21093]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 21:13:57 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[21093]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 21:15:08 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[21132]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 21:15:08 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[21132]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 21:16:18 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[21164]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 21:16:18 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[21164]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 21:17:29 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[21196]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 21:17:29 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[21196]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 21:18:40 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[21229]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 21:18:40 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[21229]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 21:19:50 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[21257]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 21:19:50 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[21257]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 21:21:01 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[21314]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 21:21:01 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[21314]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 21:22:11 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[21344]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 21:22:11 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[21344]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 21:23:22 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[21379]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 21:23:22 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[21379]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 21:24:33 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[21409]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 21:24:33 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[21409]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 21:25:43 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[21444]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 21:25:43 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[21444]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 21:26:54 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[21477]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 21:26:54 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[21477]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 21:28:04 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[21506]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 21:28:04 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[21506]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 21:29:15 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[21540]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 21:29:15 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[21540]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 21:30:25 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[21570]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 21:30:25 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[21570]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 21:31:36 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[21599]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 21:31:36 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[21599]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 21:32:47 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[21633]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 21:32:47 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[21633]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 21:33:58 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[21662]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 21:33:58 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[21662]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 21:35:08 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[21692]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 21:35:08 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[21692]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 21:36:19 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[21732]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 21:36:19 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[21732]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 21:37:30 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[21762]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 21:37:30 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[21762]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 21:38:45 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[21790]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 21:38:45 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[21790]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 21:39:56 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[21823]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 21:39:56 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[21823]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 21:41:07 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[21874]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 21:41:07 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[21874]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 21:42:18 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[21905]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 21:42:18 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[21905]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 21:43:29 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[21942]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 21:43:29 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[21942]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 21:44:40 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[21977]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 21:44:40 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[21977]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 21:45:51 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[22008]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 21:45:51 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[22008]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 21:47:02 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[22038]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 21:47:02 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[22038]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 21:48:13 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[22074]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 21:48:13 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[22074]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 21:49:23 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[22107]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 21:49:23 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[22107]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 21:50:34 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[22136]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 21:50:34 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[22136]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 21:51:45 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[22164]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 21:51:45 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[22164]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 21:52:55 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[22200]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 21:52:55 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[22200]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 21:54:06 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[22231]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 21:54:06 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[22231]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 21:55:16 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[22263]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 21:55:16 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[22263]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 21:56:27 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[22296]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 21:56:27 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[22296]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 21:57:37 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[22325]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 21:57:37 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[22325]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 21:58:48 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[22354]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 21:58:48 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[22354]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 21:59:59 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[22390]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 21:59:59 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[22390]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 22:01:09 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[22439]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 22:01:09 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[22439]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 22:02:20 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[22468]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 22:02:20 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[22468]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 22:03:30 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[22503]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 22:03:30 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[22503]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 22:04:41 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[22558]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 22:04:41 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[22558]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 22:05:51 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[22591]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 22:05:51 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[22591]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 22:07:02 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[22625]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 22:07:02 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[22625]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 22:08:13 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[22653]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 22:08:13 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[22653]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 22:09:23 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[22686]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 22:09:23 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[22686]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 22:10:34 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[22717]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 22:10:34 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[22717]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 22:11:44 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[22751]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 22:11:44 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[22751]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 22:12:55 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[22781]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 22:12:55 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[22781]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 29 22:14:05 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[22810]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 29 22:14:05 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[22810]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 30 09:11:02 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[22863]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 30 09:11:02 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[22863]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 30 09:12:13 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[22949]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 30 09:12:13 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[22949]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 30 09:13:24 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[22983]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 30 09:13:24 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[22983]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 30 09:14:35 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[23011]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 30 09:14:35 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[23011]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 30 09:15:45 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[23209]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 30 09:15:45 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[23209]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 30 09:16:56 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[23240]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 30 09:16:56 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[23240]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 30 09:18:07 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[23271]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 30 09:18:07 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[23271]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 30 09:19:19 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[23306]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 30 09:19:19 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[23306]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 30 09:20:29 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[23358]: Starting the daemon...
-- Reboot --
Jul 31 07:07:37 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[2934]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 31 07:07:37 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[2934]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 31 07:08:49 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[3787]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 31 07:08:49 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[3787]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 31 07:10:00 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[3900]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 31 07:10:00 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[3900]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 31 07:11:12 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[4022]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 31 07:11:12 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[4022]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 31 07:12:23 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[4121]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 31 07:12:23 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[4121]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 31 07:13:34 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[4150]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 31 07:13:34 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[4150]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 31 07:14:45 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[4183]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 31 07:14:45 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[4183]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 31 07:15:56 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[4220]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 31 07:15:56 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[4220]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 31 07:17:06 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[4255]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 31 07:17:06 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[4255]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 31 07:18:18 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[4293]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 31 07:18:18 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[4293]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 31 07:19:30 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[4321]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 31 07:19:30 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[4321]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 31 07:20:43 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[4397]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 31 07:20:43 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[4397]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 31 07:21:54 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[4428]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 31 07:21:54 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[4428]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 31 07:23:05 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[4457]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 31 07:23:05 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[4457]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 31 07:24:15 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[4492]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 31 07:24:15 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[4492]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 31 07:25:26 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[4523]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 31 07:25:26 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[4523]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 31 07:26:37 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[4558]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 31 07:26:37 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[4558]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 31 07:27:48 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[4634]: Starting the daemon... RUNNING
Jul 31 07:30:29 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[4699]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 31 07:30:29 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[4699]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 31 07:31:41 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[4736]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 31 07:31:41 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[4736]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 31 07:32:51 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[4765]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 31 07:32:51 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[4765]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 31 07:34:02 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[4799]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 31 07:34:02 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[4799]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 31 07:35:14 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[4830]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 31 07:35:14 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[4830]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 31 07:36:25 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[4861]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 31 07:36:25 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[4861]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 31 07:37:36 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[4895]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 31 07:37:36 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[4895]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 31 07:38:47 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[4924]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 31 07:38:47 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[4924]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 31 07:39:57 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[4960]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 31 07:39:57 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[4960]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 31 07:41:08 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[5011]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 31 07:41:08 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[5011]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 31 07:42:19 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[5055]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 31 07:42:19 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[5055]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 31 07:43:30 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[5184]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 31 07:43:30 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[5184]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 31 07:44:42 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[5413]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 31 07:44:42 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[5413]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 31 07:45:54 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[5482]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 31 07:45:54 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[5482]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 31 07:47:05 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[5516]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 31 07:47:05 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[5516]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 31 07:48:18 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[5549]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 31 07:48:18 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[5549]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 31 07:49:30 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[5781]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 31 07:49:30 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[5781]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 31 07:50:41 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[5945]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 31 07:50:41 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[5945]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 31 07:51:56 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[5998]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 31 07:51:56 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[5998]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 31 07:53:10 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[6527]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 31 07:53:10 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[6527]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 31 07:54:25 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[6585]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 31 07:54:25 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[6585]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 31 07:55:55 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[6958]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 31 07:55:55 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[6958]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 31 07:57:22 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[7265]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 31 07:57:22 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[7265]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 31 07:58:47 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[7751]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 31 07:58:47 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[7751]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 31 08:00:09 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[8022]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 31 08:00:09 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[8022]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 31 08:01:30 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[8348]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 31 08:01:30 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[8348]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 31 08:02:52 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[8391]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 31 08:02:52 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[8391]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 31 08:04:12 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[8563]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 31 08:04:12 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[8563]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 31 08:05:27 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[8598]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 31 08:05:27 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[8598]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 31 08:06:40 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[8638]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 31 08:06:40 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[8638]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 31 08:07:51 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[8681]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 31 08:07:51 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[8681]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 31 08:09:02 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[8717]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 31 08:09:02 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[8717]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 31 08:10:12 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[8746]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 31 08:10:12 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[8746]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 31 08:11:23 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[8777]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 31 08:11:23 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[8777]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 31 08:12:34 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[8814]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 31 08:12:34 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[8814]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 31 08:13:45 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[8844]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 31 08:13:45 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[8844]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 31 08:14:55 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[8873]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 31 08:14:55 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[8873]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 31 08:16:06 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[8912]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 31 08:16:06 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[8912]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 31 08:17:17 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[8947]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 31 08:17:17 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[8947]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 31 08:18:28 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[8978]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 31 08:18:28 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[8978]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 31 08:19:39 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[9012]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 31 08:19:39 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[9012]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 31 08:20:49 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[9064]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 31 08:20:49 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[9064]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 31 08:22:00 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[9097]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 31 08:22:00 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[9097]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 31 08:23:11 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[9132]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 31 08:23:11 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[9132]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 31 08:24:22 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[9162]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 31 08:24:22 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[9162]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 31 08:25:33 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[9200]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 31 08:25:33 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[9200]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 31 08:26:44 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[9232]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 31 08:26:44 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[9232]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 31 08:27:56 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[9265]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 31 08:27:56 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[9265]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 31 08:29:26 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[9738]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 31 08:29:26 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[9738]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 31 08:30:57 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[10119]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 31 08:30:57 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[10119]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 31 08:32:50 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[10237]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 31 08:32:50 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[10237]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 31 08:34:07 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[10535]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 31 08:34:07 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[10535]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 31 08:35:21 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[10596]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 31 08:35:21 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[10596]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 31 08:36:36 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[10940]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 31 08:36:36 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[10940]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 31 08:37:47 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[10976]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 31 08:37:48 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[10976]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 31 08:38:59 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[11047]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 31 08:38:59 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[11047]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 31 08:40:12 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[11081]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 31 08:40:12 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[11081]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 31 08:41:24 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[11139]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 31 08:41:24 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[11139]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 31 08:42:37 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[11181]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 31 08:42:37 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[11181]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 31 08:43:49 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[11229]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 31 08:43:50 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[11229]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 31 08:45:04 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[11265]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 31 08:45:04 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[11265]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 31 08:46:14 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[11310]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 31 08:46:14 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[11310]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 31 08:47:26 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[11349]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 31 08:47:26 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[11349]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 31 08:48:38 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[11393]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 31 08:48:38 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[11393]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 31 08:49:51 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[11431]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 31 08:49:51 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[11431]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 31 08:51:07 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[11470]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 31 08:51:07 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[11470]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 31 08:52:19 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[11515]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 31 08:52:19 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[11515]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 31 08:53:31 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[11552]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 31 08:53:31 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[11552]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 31 08:54:42 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[11589]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 31 08:54:42 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[11589]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 31 08:55:55 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[11635]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 31 08:55:55 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[11635]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 31 08:57:07 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[11672]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 31 08:57:07 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[11672]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 31 08:58:18 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[11712]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 31 08:58:18 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[11712]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 31 08:59:30 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[11750]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 31 08:59:30 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[11750]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 31 09:00:41 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[11804]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 31 09:00:41 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[11804]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 31 09:01:54 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[11864]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 31 09:01:54 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[11864]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 31 09:03:11 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[11912]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 31 09:03:11 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[11912]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 31 09:04:22 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[11956]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 31 09:04:22 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[11956]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 31 09:05:33 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[11994]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 31 09:05:34 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[11994]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 31 09:06:45 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[12033]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 31 09:06:45 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[12033]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 31 09:07:56 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[12071]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 31 09:07:56 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[12071]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 31 09:09:06 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[12111]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 31 09:09:07 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[12111]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 31 09:10:17 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[12158]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 31 09:10:17 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[12158]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 31 09:11:29 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[12199]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 31 09:11:29 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[12199]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 31 09:12:40 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[12235]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 31 09:12:40 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[12235]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 31 09:13:51 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[12278]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 31 09:13:51 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[12278]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 31 09:15:02 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[12317]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 31 09:15:02 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[12317]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 31 09:16:13 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[12354]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 31 09:16:13 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[12354]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 31 09:17:24 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[12399]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 31 09:17:24 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[12399]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 31 09:18:35 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[12440]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 31 09:18:35 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[12440]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 31 09:19:46 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[12478]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 31 09:19:46 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[12478]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 31 09:20:58 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[12533]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 31 09:20:58 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[12533]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 31 09:22:09 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[12572]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 31 09:22:09 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[12572]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 31 09:23:20 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[12616]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 31 09:23:20 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[12616]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 31 09:24:31 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[12649]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 31 09:24:31 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[12649]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 31 09:25:43 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[12692]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 31 09:25:43 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[12692]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 31 09:26:54 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[12728]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 31 09:26:54 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[12728]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 31 09:28:05 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[12766]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 31 09:28:05 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[12766]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 31 09:29:16 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[12809]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 31 09:29:16 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[12809]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 31 09:30:30 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[12848]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 31 09:30:30 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[12848]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 31 09:31:41 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[12883]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 31 09:31:41 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[12883]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 31 09:32:52 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[12922]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 31 09:32:52 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[12922]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 31 09:34:03 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[12962]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 31 09:34:03 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[12962]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 31 09:35:14 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[13000]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 31 09:35:14 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[13000]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 31 09:36:26 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[13040]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 31 09:36:26 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[13040]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 31 09:37:37 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[13076]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 31 09:37:37 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[13076]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 31 09:38:48 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[13115]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 31 09:38:48 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[13115]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 31 09:40:00 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[13158]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 31 09:40:00 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[13158]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 31 09:41:11 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[13213]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 31 09:41:11 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[13213]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 31 09:42:23 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[13258]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 31 09:42:23 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[13258]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 31 09:43:40 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[13301]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 31 09:43:40 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[13301]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 31 09:44:52 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[13348]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 31 09:44:52 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[13348]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 31 09:46:04 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[13392]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 31 09:46:04 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[13392]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 31 09:47:21 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[13461]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 31 09:47:21 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[13461]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 31 09:48:38 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[13499]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 31 09:48:38 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[13499]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 31 09:49:53 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[13592]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 31 09:49:53 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[13592]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 31 09:51:04 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[13628]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 31 09:51:04 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[13628]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 31 09:52:15 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[13671]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 31 09:52:15 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[13671]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 31 09:53:26 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[13713]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 31 09:53:26 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[13713]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 31 09:54:38 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[13748]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 31 09:54:38 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[13748]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 31 09:55:49 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[13789]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 31 09:55:49 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[13789]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 31 09:57:03 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[13830]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 31 09:57:03 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[13830]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 31 09:58:14 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[13875]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 31 09:58:14 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[13875]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 31 09:59:26 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[13917]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 31 09:59:26 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[13917]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 31 10:00:38 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[13979]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 31 10:00:38 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[13979]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 31 10:01:54 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[14016]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 31 10:01:54 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[14016]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 31 10:03:07 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[14086]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 31 10:03:07 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[14086]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 31 10:04:23 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[14126]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 31 10:04:23 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[14126]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 31 10:05:35 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[14172]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 31 10:05:35 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[14172]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 31 10:06:48 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[14210]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 31 10:06:48 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[14210]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 31 10:07:59 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[14251]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 31 10:07:59 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[14251]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 31 13:56:38 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[14318]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Jul 31 13:56:38 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[14318]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Jul 31 13:57:50 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[14351]: Starting the daemon... RUNNING
Jul 31 19:55:48 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[19869]: Profile: generic
Jul 31 19:55:49 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[19869]: Daemon was not running
-- Reboot --
Aug 01 10:14:29 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[2957]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Aug 01 10:14:29 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[2957]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Aug 01 10:15:41 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[3303]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Aug 01 10:15:41 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[3303]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Aug 01 10:16:52 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[3411]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Aug 01 10:16:52 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[3411]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Aug 01 10:18:03 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[3506]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Aug 01 10:18:03 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[3506]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Aug 01 10:19:14 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[3605]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Aug 01 10:19:14 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[3605]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Aug 01 10:20:25 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[3656]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Aug 01 10:20:25 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[3656]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Aug 01 10:21:36 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[3689]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Aug 01 10:21:36 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[3689]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Aug 01 10:22:47 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[3722]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Aug 01 10:22:47 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[3722]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Aug 01 10:23:58 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[3755]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Aug 01 10:23:58 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[3755]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Aug 01 10:25:10 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[3784]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Aug 01 10:25:10 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[3784]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Aug 01 10:26:21 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[3820]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Aug 01 10:26:21 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[3820]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Aug 01 10:27:32 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[3850]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Aug 01 10:27:32 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[3850]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Aug 01 10:28:43 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[3902]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Aug 01 10:28:43 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[3902]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Aug 01 10:29:54 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[3936]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Aug 01 10:29:54 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[3936]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Aug 01 10:31:05 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[3965]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Aug 01 10:31:05 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[3965]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Aug 01 10:32:16 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[3993]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Aug 01 10:32:16 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[3993]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Aug 01 10:33:28 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[4033]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Aug 01 10:33:28 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[4033]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Aug 01 10:34:39 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[4067]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Aug 01 10:34:39 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[4067]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Aug 01 10:35:50 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[4098]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Aug 01 10:35:50 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[4098]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Aug 01 10:37:01 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[4127]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Aug 01 10:37:01 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[4127]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Aug 01 10:38:12 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[4163]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Aug 01 10:38:12 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[4163]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Aug 01 10:39:23 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[4191]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Aug 01 10:39:23 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[4191]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Aug 01 10:40:34 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[4242]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Aug 01 10:40:34 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[4242]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Aug 01 10:41:45 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[4276]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Aug 01 10:41:45 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[4276]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Aug 01 10:42:57 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[4305]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Aug 01 10:42:57 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[4305]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Aug 01 10:44:08 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[4336]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Aug 01 10:44:08 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[4336]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Aug 01 10:45:20 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[4375]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Aug 01 10:45:20 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[4375]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Aug 01 10:46:31 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[4411]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Aug 01 10:46:31 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[4411]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Aug 01 10:47:42 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[4439]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Aug 01 10:47:42 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[4439]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Aug 01 10:48:54 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[4480]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Aug 01 10:48:54 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[4480]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Aug 01 10:50:05 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[4551]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Aug 01 10:50:05 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[4551]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
-- Reboot --
Aug 01 10:53:46 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[2685]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Aug 01 10:53:46 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[2685]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Aug 01 10:55:00 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[3302]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Aug 01 10:55:00 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[3302]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
-- Reboot --
Aug 01 10:58:52 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[2818]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Aug 01 10:58:52 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[2818]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Aug 01 11:00:03 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[3278]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Aug 01 11:00:03 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[3278]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Aug 01 11:01:15 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[3371]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Aug 01 11:01:15 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[3371]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Aug 01 11:02:27 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[3466]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Aug 01 11:02:27 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[3466]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Aug 01 11:03:39 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[3562]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Aug 01 11:03:39 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[3562]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Aug 01 11:04:50 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[3610]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Aug 01 11:04:50 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[3610]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Aug 01 11:06:02 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[3642]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Aug 01 11:06:02 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[3642]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Aug 01 11:07:13 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[4095]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Aug 01 11:07:13 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[4095]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Aug 01 11:08:24 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[4135]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Aug 01 11:08:24 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[4135]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Aug 01 11:09:35 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[4164]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Aug 01 11:09:35 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[4164]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Aug 01 11:10:46 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[4198]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Aug 01 11:10:46 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[4198]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Aug 01 11:11:57 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[4247]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Aug 01 11:11:57 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[4247]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Aug 01 11:13:08 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[4277]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Aug 01 11:13:08 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[4277]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Aug 01 11:14:19 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[4311]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Aug 01 11:14:19 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[4311]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Aug 01 11:15:30 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[4343]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Aug 01 11:15:30 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[4343]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Aug 01 11:16:41 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[4371]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Aug 01 11:16:41 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[4371]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Aug 01 11:17:52 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[4411]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Aug 01 11:17:52 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[4411]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Aug 01 11:19:03 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[4441]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Aug 01 11:19:03 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[4441]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Aug 01 11:20:14 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[4496]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Aug 01 11:20:14 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[4496]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Aug 01 11:21:26 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[4526]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Aug 01 11:21:26 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[4526]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Aug 01 11:22:37 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[4558]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Aug 01 11:22:37 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[4558]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Aug 01 11:23:48 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[4592]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Aug 01 11:23:48 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[4592]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Aug 01 11:24:58 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[4620]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Aug 01 11:24:58 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[4620]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Aug 01 11:26:09 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[4651]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Aug 01 11:26:09 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[4651]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Aug 01 11:27:20 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[4686]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Aug 01 11:27:20 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[4686]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Aug 01 11:28:31 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[4717]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Aug 01 11:28:31 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[4717]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Aug 01 11:29:42 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[4748]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Aug 01 11:29:42 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[4748]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Aug 01 11:30:56 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[4782]: Starting the daemon... FAILED
Aug 01 11:30:56 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[4782]: Try to run 'verdi daemon start --foreground' to potentially see the exception
Aug 01 13:24:49 qmobile aiida-daemon-generic[4815]: Starting the daemon... RUNNING
ltalirz commented 2 years ago

Thanks; what happens if you try to stop the service and then start it again?

Something like

sudo service aiida-daemon@generic.service stop
verdi daemon status
sudo service aiida-daemon@generic.service start
m-a-saleh commented 2 years ago
(aiida) max@qmobile:~$ sudo service aiida-daemon@generic.service stop
(aiida) max@qmobile:~$ verdi daemon status
Profile: generic
Daemon is running as PID 4829 since 2021-08-01 13:24:47
Active workers [1]:
  PID    MEM %    CPU %  started
-----  -------  -------  -------------------
 4832    3.219        0  2021-08-01 13:24:48
Use verdi daemon [incr | decr] [num] to increase / decrease the amount of workers
(aiida) max@qmobile:~$ sudo service aiida-daemon@generic.service start
Job for aiida-daemon@generic.service.service failed because the control process exited with error code.
See "systemctl status aiida-daemon@generic.service.service" and "journalctl -xe" for details.
ltalirz commented 2 years ago

Thanks, here are a few more questions - let's see whether we can get to the bottom of this:

  1. Does the daemon PID in verdi daemon status keep changing even if you don't restart the daemon?
  2. Is there a corresponding PID file
  3. If so, what is the output of
    cat /home/max/.aiida/daemon/
    ps -o comm=$(cat /home/max/.aiida/daemon/

Potentially relevant links