marvelapp / react-ab-test

A/B testing React components and debug tools. Isomorphic with a simple, universal interface. Well documented and lightweight. Tested in popular browsers and Node.js. Includes helpers for Mixpanel and
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Example for emitting events without Segment/Mixpanel #31

Open Johannes5 opened 2 years ago

Johannes5 commented 2 years ago

Thank you for releasing this tool for free! I think it's important to have a free alternative to a 30000€/y Optimizely or a Google-owned Google Optimize.

I'd like to send an event (to an analytics tool and/or my db. I'm not using segment/mixpanel) depending on which component won. But I'm not sure how to do that. I'm also unsure as to how I'm able to define "won".

I just want an event that tells me: visitor/user with this ID experienced variant B of that component. The component may have a button CTA inside it, eg if the component is an entire landing page.
That would be a "win" directly associated with the variant. Regardless of that, there are other wins further down the line of the user journey that might be influenced. So it's important to save, whether a Variant has been experienced.

It would be really helpful to see a code example (in the already very helpful Readme) of events being sent without segment/mixpanel. 1) for when a variant mounted 2) for when something in that variant happened.

skrivanos commented 2 years ago

We do this in our global init/setup code. Just implement trackEvent to do whatever you want, such as send a request to your API.

    emitter.addPlayListener((experimentName, variantName) => {
      trackEvent('Experiment Play', {
        experiment: experimentName,
        variant: variantName,

    emitter.addWinListener((experimentName, variantName) => {
      trackEvent('Experiment Win', {
        experiment: experimentName,
        variant: variantName,


Oh and, you can simply use the normal emitWin APIs described in README.