Project. The SCRUM Master for your team will create the
team’s repo in their personal Github account. Follow the conventions in the article GitHub
Repository Structure Best Practices. That is, create the following folders in your repo, even if
they will be empty for now: src, test, .config, .build, dep, docs, res, samples, tools. Additionally
create a business folder to hold business documents that 305Soft requires.
Git does not keep track of folders, only files; so you cannot push an empty folder to github.
Since we want the folder structure, to each empty folder add a .gitkeep file. If your team adds
a file to the folder, then delete the .gitkeep file.
Add the canonical files described in the article, particularly a file.
Make the docs folder be your team’s Pages web server by following these instructions.
GitHub Pages
The SCRUM Master will then add the other team members as collaborators. Also add the
members of the CTO staff (CSC 305 Professor and TAs) as collaborators by adding the group
Project. The SCRUM Master for your team will create the team’s repo in their personal Github account. Follow the conventions in the article GitHub Repository Structure Best Practices. That is, create the following folders in your repo, even if they will be empty for now: src, test, .config, .build, dep, docs, res, samples, tools. Additionally create a business folder to hold business documents that 305Soft requires. Git does not keep track of folders, only files; so you cannot push an empty folder to github. Since we want the folder structure, to each empty folder add a .gitkeep file. If your team adds a file to the folder, then delete the .gitkeep file. Add the canonical files described in the article, particularly a file. Make the docs folder be your team’s Pages web server by following these instructions. GitHub Pages The SCRUM Master will then add the other team members as collaborators. Also add the members of the CTO staff (CSC 305 Professor and TAs) as collaborators by adding the group