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US5 : Golden Path backend(add friends) #36

Open angelbencosme2022 opened 6 months ago

angelbencosme2022 commented 6 months ago

Title: Add Friends by Email Search

As a user who wants to expand my social network on the app,

I want to easily find and add friends by searching for their email addresses,

So that I can connect with people I know and enhance my experience on the platform.

Acceptance Criteria:

Search Functionality:

I should be able to access the "Add Friends" feature from the app's main navigation or profile settings. Upon selecting "Add Friends," I should see an option to search for friends by email. Email Search:

When I enter an email address into the search bar, the system should validate the format of the email. If the email format is valid, the system should search for users associated with that email address. Search Results:

If a user is found with the entered email address, their profile should be displayed in the search results. Each search result should show the user's profile picture, name, and a button to send a friend request. Friend Request:

After finding the user I want to add, I should be able to send them a friend request by clicking on the respective button. The friend request should be sent immediately upon clicking the "Add Friend" button. Feedback:

If the search doesn't yield any results, the system should display a message indicating that no users were found with that email address. If the email format is invalid, the system should prompt me to enter a valid email address. Confirmation:

Once a friend request is sent successfully, there should be a confirmation message displayed to inform me that the request has been sent. Notification:

The recipient of the friend request should receive a notification informing them of the request. Error Handling:

If there are technical issues preventing the sending of a friend request, an error message should be displayed, indicating the problem and advising me to try again later.