marxram / spidr

Privacy for Deye Microinverters using ESP 8266 / 32 module
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Unable to flash with Tasmotizer (title changed) #11

Open mailmarcus opened 1 month ago

mailmarcus commented 1 month ago

Hi and thank you so much for the wonderful idea and piece of software!

After running into the compilation bug (OK->PARSE_OK), I have tried to install the spidr_1.1.ino.heltec_wifi_kit32_V3.bin. With Tasmotizer I ran into a header error.

Cheers, Marcus

-- EDIT: I have moved the following issue to a separate thread to clean up communication.

So I have used but here I needed to first flashed the basic ESPHOME image and then successfully flashed the binary file over-the-air. It rebooted successfully and SPIDR started, but when logging either into the ESP hotspot or by accessing it via an hotspot with SSID "YOUR-HOME-WIFI" and KEY "YOUR-WIFI-PASSKEY", I was never able to change the WLAN config to my true settings. After clicking on save and rebooting the device, it always fires up and logging into my hotspot "YOUR-HOME-WIFI" instead of the true WLAN. Any ideas why the settings are not saved and applied after reboot?

(I was just trying to make it work after I had run into the compilation problem. Now, after changing it to 'Parse_OK', it compiled fine. I am currently stuck with the elf file and trying to turn it into a bin. Since I have never compiled before, some more helpful words would make it a little easier for us noobs to follow. No criticisms, just a cry for help! But thanks again anyway!)

marxram commented 1 month ago

Hi @mailmarcus :

What error did you run into - What header issues? Currently i cannot fully understand what this might be with tasmonizer.

The general idea would be: 1) Start with thge default image: Then the credentials would be set to SSID "YOUR-HOME-WIFI" and KEY "YOUR-WIFI-PASSKEY" After some tries the SPIDR would see it's not possible to connect and roughly after a minute it would create the AP hot Spot for some minutes. 2) Connect to the hotspot and open the website. (IP and AP crtedentials are shown on the display) See: config.h



3) After you have set your individual credentials, you maybe need to reboot the ESP.

For debugging, it would be great if you can connect and power the ESP from a comoputer and open a serial console. When you hit the buttomn to save your WiFi Config, i guess there might be an error in your case.

I dont want to know the exact details, but is you password or ssid very long or has it very special charcters?

Please add some context like which board, detailed error messages or screenshots.



mailmarcus commented 1 month ago

Hi Roland!

When I try to flash spidr_1.1.ino.heltec_wifi_kit32_V3.bin with Tasmotizer 1.2 to Heltec Wifi Kit 32 V3.1, the process fails with error "Invalid head of packet (0x47)":


No idea what that means, but instead, I succeeded flashing the image using Chrome via Then, however, I am unable to change the WIFI settings. I will describe my observations in a separate thread to allow better separation of both problems.

Bye, Marcus

Sure, I will try to give you all required information but will only manage to do so over weekend. Later

marxram commented 3 weeks ago

That's interesting. I also don't know much about Tasmonizer. Could you try esptool to flash as well? I try to also reproduce but currently have a little lag in time.

marxram commented 3 weeks ago

After checking some forum entries, it could be that tasmonizer ist not working properly with ESP32 (post was sveral years old though: )

You could also try: but needs to be chrome or edge to use "WebSerial"