When a developer looks at the data for this project it should contain the title of the project (Travel Diary) and it should have data around travel destinations the user wants to visit.
Acceptance Criteria
When: I look at the data I should be able to see the Id, destination, image, and description for each destination
Then: that information should be placed in an array of objects
And: that should be contained in a const
And: there should be at least 5 destinations
Technical Notes
h1 should be Travel Diary
div id for destination cards should be "destination-card-holder"
div id for diary entry cards should be "diary-entry-holder"
array of objects for destination cards should be "destinationCards"
When a developer looks at the data for this project it should contain the title of the project (Travel Diary) and it should have data around travel destinations the user wants to visit.
Acceptance Criteria
When: I look at the data I should be able to see the Id, destination, image, and description for each destination Then: that information should be placed in an array of objects And: that should be contained in a const And: there should be at least 5 destinations
Technical Notes