Object Class: "Pedestrian". This is the class label of the object.
Truncation: "0.00". This indicates how much of the object is out of view. A value of 0 means fully visible, while 1 would mean completely truncated (out of view).
Occlusion: "0". This represents the degree of occlusion. Generally, it's an integer (0: fully visible, 1: partly occluded, 2: largely occluded, 3: unknown).
Observation Angle: "-0.20". This is the observation angle of the object, typically in radians or degrees.
Bounding Box: "712.40 143.00 810.73 307.92". These are the pixel coordinates of the bounding box in the image. It's formatted as [xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax].
3D Object Dimensions: "1.89 0.48 1.20". These are the dimensions of the object (height, width, length) in meters.
3D Object Location: "1.84 1.47 8.41". This is the 3D location of the object relative to the camera, in meters.
Rotation Y: "0.01". This is the rotation of the object around the Y-axis, often in radians.
Implement SSD object detection using the Cityscapes dataset.