maryi / CSCW-Project

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List of app requirements #8

Closed maryi closed 8 years ago

maryi commented 8 years ago

Help to create the list of requirements

maryi commented 8 years ago

Users can register other applications on our app database

maryi commented 8 years ago

Users can search for tools to help support their collaborative work.

eli4 commented 8 years ago

Recommending apps that are commonly used in conjunction with the one being recommended

mpaskevi commented 8 years ago

Displays apps commonly used in conjunction with, or which integrate with one another

maryi commented 8 years ago
  1. User can register and create an account on the application (?) **I think we need to be able to create user accounts in order to track what tools users use in conjuction with others. Then, if a user can register in the system, he/she should be able to
  2. Log in to the app
  3. Log out of the app
dustinfaulkner91 commented 8 years ago

I think if we make personal log ins it takes away from what we are trying to achieve. Is there another way that we can figure out what people are using together? Just because a user had a an app in their list does not mean that it was used with others. I thought we wanted everyone to be able to rate/see/add apps.

maryi commented 8 years ago

Hi @dustinfaulkner91, I agree with you... you made me think that if we really want to make our app of "easy access" we shouldn't be putting the registration extra step. However, I don't know how are we going to be able to say that an app is complementary of another one is we don't have information from user sessions.. are you thinking about a voting system or something similar?

maryi commented 8 years ago

I think we already have the user requirements well defined in the interim report. Closing issue.