marzeelabs / besugo

Boilerplate for MZ version of hugo + netlifyCMS
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sass-tasks as webpack tasks? #25

Closed Quicksaver closed 6 years ago

Quicksaver commented 7 years ago

Should sass/css related tasks be built as webpack tasks, through the appropriate loaders, and let webpack watch for changes instead of having separate sass tasks as we do now? Need to investigate.

Quicksaver commented 6 years ago

No. Webpack needs a js output file; we could place the .scss files inbetween the components or the js, so it would process them at the same time and thus avoid the dummy js file. A better option would be to bring sass/postcss processing into a node script for added control over the process, but that's not really something we need at least right now, and we'd also need to handle file output (saving) and console ouput ourselves, so there's no point.

Things are good as they are now.