marzent / IINACT

A Dalamud plugin to run the FFXIV_ACT_Plugin in an ACT-like enviroment with a heavily modified port of Overlay Plugin
GNU General Public License v3.0
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IINACT & Browsingway: Cactbot overlays won't activate & IINACT optimizations option not working #46

Closed jtabox closed 1 year ago

jtabox commented 1 year ago

I'm not really sure if it's an issue with IINACT or with Browsingway, but Cactbot overlays won't activate automatically when they should. For example the raidboss module won't start showing its warnings for the first boss in each dungeon, unless I go to Browsingway settings and manually reload every overlay individually. Then they work but need to be reloaded every time I enter a dungeon. Same thing happens with the radar module, it's supposed to pick up the various hunt marks in the open world, but it won't unless I manually reload it. Also, clicking ACT/IINACT optimizations in Browsingway settings disables the various overlays completely, they never show even though IINACT is running. I have to keep this option disabled to have the overlays showing up and working.

marzent commented 1 year ago

Some overlays do not handle reconnecting to the web socket server well if they are started before it...

There is pretty much nothing that can be done server side about this.

Then they work but need to be reloaded every time I enter a dungeon.

This seems very weird though, does this also not work in a browser? Also on which platform does this happen?

Also, clicking ACT/IINACT optimizations in Browsingway settings disables the various overlays completely, they never show even though IINACT is running.

Browsingway is only checking for the standalone versions of IINACT/ACT and not for the plugin one (this is very trivial to implement though).

On a first glance it seems the Browsingway optimizations only dynamically hide or show overlays depending on if the standalone versions are running, so what you are describing is expected behaviour currently.

Styr1x commented 1 year ago

Is adding a IPC function that reflects the ready state of IINACT an option? Browsingway could query it and enable to overlays only after IINACT is ready.

marzent commented 1 year ago

Would something like work for you?

marzent commented 1 year ago

Actually InCombat is kinda nonsensical since Dalamud already provides that (guess the same would be a true for a InCutscene)...

Was just thinking randomly of OverlayPlugins ability to hide stuff under certain conditions and added it because of that, the web socket server stuff is still useful I think though, so overlay URLs can be constructed (or LMeter configure itself etc)

Styr1x commented 1 year ago

Yes, it should work, I'd just check GetServerRunning and then Enable/Disable accordingly akin to how the detection of act.exe / old iinact.exe works.

jtabox commented 1 year ago

I apologize for opening the same issue both here and in Browsingway's repo, I wasn't sure where the issues stemmed from. But it's fine, at least I know it's not an issue with my specific installation. Probably gonna make a mini macro with BW's reload commands for my inlays for now and just use it.

marzent commented 1 year ago

IPC should be in the 2.1.2 release

Styr1x commented 1 year ago

Thanks, I should be able to test / integrate it by the end of next week, I'll open a new issue if something comes up.

Styr1x commented 1 year ago

Support for the plugin was added in Browsingway

marzent commented 1 year ago

Awesome, will close the issue then... @jtabox feel free to reopen if there are still problems of the same kind