masa-finance / masa-oracle

Masa Oracle: Decentralized Data Protocol 🌐
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Implement Telegram Message Scraping #312

Open nolanjacobson opened 3 weeks ago

nolanjacobson commented 3 weeks ago

Summary: The purpose of this feature request is to implement functionality for scraping messages from specified Telegram channels.

Motivation: Scraping messages from Telegram channels is crucial for client integrations. This feature will enable us to collect valuable data that can be used to run sentiment analysis.

Detailed Explanation: The feature should leverage the Telegram Bot API to retrieve messages from a given public Telegram channel. It must comply with Telegram's API usage policies and rate limits to ensure uninterrupted service and legal compliance.

Proposed Solution:


Related issues:

Acceptance Criteria:

nolanjacobson commented 3 weeks ago

Feature Request

Summary: The purpose of this feature request is to implement functionality for scraping messages from specified Telegram channels.

Motivation: Scraping messages from Telegram channels is crucial for client integrations. This feature will enable us to collect valuable data that can be used to run sentiment analysis.

Detailed Explanation: The feature should leverage the Telegram Bot API to retrieve messages from a given public Telegram channel. It must comply with Telegram's API usage policies and rate limits to ensure uninterrupted service and legal compliance.

Proposed Solution:


Acceptance Criteria:

nolanjacobson commented 3 weeks ago

@lacyg4 @giovaroma @teslashibe

nolanjacobson commented 2 weeks ago

Sentiment Analsyis API

giovaroma commented 2 weeks ago

Action items after reviewing with Nolan and Lacy:

[ ] @nolanjacobson double on compliance when scraping messages on telegram. [ ] TBD how user will invite the bot to be added to Telegram channel. [ ] Add users able to do search queries and sentiment analysis.

H34D commented 1 week ago

@nolanjacobson can you please create follow up tickets?

mudler commented 4 days ago

This is blocked by #357

mudler commented 2 days ago

this was already discussed , so I am removing the triage label, and the card is now split in several tickets (the first in the row is #357)