masa-finance / masa-oracle

Masa Oracle: Decentralized Data Protocol 🌐
MIT License
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feat: proxy TCP services #375

Open mudler opened 3 days ago

mudler commented 3 days ago


As we plan to support more LLM services, we want to make sure that our LLM service implementation is solid and can support different APIs.

Currently, the code which uses ollama for local LLMs (and CF as well) tries to "bridge" each request, and because of that, it needs part of the APIs to be re-implemented - see for instance: where we unmarshal the request of the user and send it back to the workers. Same applies for other services, which are basically "bridging" by re-implementing part of the APIs.

This is sub-optimal for two reasons mainly:

This card is about checking the feasibility of proxying the request instead - and to have the node to act "dummy" - without having to know the API specs. The scope is for the Local LLM services for now, but as an output of this card we should have generic code that can be re-used for other services too.

Additional context

if unsure, a baseline can be EdgeVPN - it already does this by proxying TCP connections over the libp2p network. See :

Acceptance criteria