masak / alma

ALgoloid with MAcros -- a language with Algol-family syntax where macros take center stage
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Eat own `walk` dogfood after #26 #547

Open vendethiel opened 4 years ago

vendethiel commented 4 years ago

While we're still unsure of whether we want to write walk directly in Alma or first in Perl 6, these places would probably be good first customers:

Seems like it would be more complex to reuse something written in Alma than in Perl 6, but would be an interesting assessment of "where are we now".

masak commented 4 years ago

Also this one:

masak commented 4 years ago

(And I guess that last one is a bit of an interesting outlier, since the previous two do whole-tree cloning, but this one only does traversal and side effects.)