masak / alma

ALgoloid with MAcros -- a language with Algol-family syntax where macros take center stage
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Consider having syntactic lvalue functions/operators in the language #551

Open masak opened 5 years ago

masak commented 5 years ago

More and more, it feels like Alma is turning into a language for talking about extending the language, and that certainly includes lvalues (#214), which are not first-class to the muggle user but are quite important for the macro author.

But lvalues have an interesting omission: when we talk about access paths like x.y().z[w], note that all of those parts are typically lvaluable, except the y() part. Why is it that function calls are the only things in access paths that can't be the final part that's assignable?

From that question springs the obvious idea of making functions lvaluable.

func foo() { ... }

# meanwhile, later
foo() = 42;

First, and most importantly, this feature is syntactic, a term we're also seeing pop up more and more. (#158, #210, #517) It kinda means the opposite of "first-class" — if something is syntactic, you can't carry it around, at least not in such a way that it escapes and the compiler can't track it anymore.

For lvalue functions, we can be even more restrictive than that: you have one shot to assign, namely just after you called the function. If the thing immediately surrounding the function is an assignment, then you're allowed to assign. Otherwise, the function feigns incomprehension, and you're out of luck.

How will this work in practice? Here's an idea: a function is generated automatically, parallel to your (rvalue) function. It has a gensym'd name which you're not allowed to ask about, but we can think of it as being called lvalue_foo or some such. Since the compiler can know statically both that the function is @lvalue-annotated and that the call is surrounded by an assignment, it can go and replace the call as one of its AST phases.

I think that doing it this way makes the abstraction "zero cost", in the sense that we're never dealing with Locations that escape, and therefore we can always collapse them to simple assignments on the opcode level.

Actually, let's try to be a bit more precise in mapping out this idea.

We now turn to which parts of Alma, besides assignment, would already benefit from being considered lvalue consumers. This list grows more controversial as it progresses.

As we disappear in a mist of total handwaving, it's interesting to note how the above seem to care about the "lvalueness" of some of their parameters, and how this information needs to be propagated to the compiler when a routine is used as an lvalue, so that 5 && x is fine as an rvalue expression, but (5 && x) = y isn't, because 5 is not lvaluable.

Normally, type information works its way from AST leaves up to the root, but lvalue calculations are clearly contextual, and work the other way, from the outside and into expressions. In the above case, it's the = that finds the 5 wanting.

masak commented 4 years ago

Related: Ref returns and ref locals

masak commented 3 years ago

An idea I had a while ago was to have the syntax be this:

func substr(str, start, length?) = repl {
    // ...

That is, the additional = repl part indicates that this is an lvalue function. Clearly, this is a "definition follows use" kind of feature design. The inspiration from that comes from how Common Lisp allows setf definitions.