masak / workshop

The #masakism workshop
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Add a beginners track #7

Open masak opened 11 years ago

masak commented 11 years ago
<Cybelechild> So a BIG Thank you for the workshop!
<Cybelechild> It was quite a bit beyound my level, but I enjoyed learning and reading a lot...
<b34bb_H> masak: I'd also like to thank you for this workshop, althogh I havn't
          been posting solutions I quite learned a bit and had fun while reding other
          peoples solutions
<b34bb_H> :)
<woolfy> masak: thanks for the interesting event...  (it mainly did woesh for me...
          something way over my head)(but I saved the log that my irc client made, and i
          saved all your files and the solutions, so I can take a look back at it later ever)

There's a concrete need for a beginner's track. Introduce Perl to people. Put them on a path where they can come back some other time and do the course itself. Provide exercises whose goal is not to be challenging, but to let people take pieces and put them together into something runnable. It should probably branch off directly after intro, or maybe after JAPH.

This issue can be closed when there is such a track.

masak commented 11 years ago

I think a decent approach to this would be to take inspiration from perlintro, perlsyn, perlsub, and produce something like a beginner track from that. Just section headings, then fill them in. Actually I think doing #8 and #9 before that would be a good idea, because they will provide material for the exercises.

So, punting on this one for now, until I've closed those two issues.

The beginner track needs to work for both Perl 5 and Perl 6.