if [SIMU][NAME] == "config_parametersset01.yml": change the file names as follows:
with magXX_srcXX_outXX the parameters set configuration for the magnetic field, the source and the outputs,
e.g. earth_jupiter_io_20200929_mag01_src01_out01_v1.0.cdf
else: keep the previous file name, e.g. expres_earth_jupiter_io_jrm09_lossc-wid1deg_3kev_20200929_v01.cdf?
or only expres_earth_jupiter_io_jrm09_20200929_v01.cdf?
if [SIMU][NAME] == "config_parameters_set01.yml":
user-defined parameters ([SPDYN][CDF], [BODY][main_body][MAG], [SOURCE][X][WIDTH, CURRENT, ACCEL], ...) will not be taken into account
these parameters will be defined from those in the YAML file.
if [SIMU][NAME] == "config_parametersset01.yml": change the file names as follows: expresobservertargetdate_AFT_magXX_srcXX_outXX_vXX.cdf with magXX_srcXX_outXX the parameters set configuration for the magnetic field, the source and the outputs, e.g. earth_jupiter_io_20200929_mag01_src01_out01_v1.0.cdf
else: keep the previous file name, e.g. expres_earth_jupiter_io_jrm09_lossc-wid1deg_3kev_20200929_v01.cdf? or only expres_earth_jupiter_io_jrm09_20200929_v01.cdf?
if [SIMU][NAME] == "config_parameters_set01.yml":
YAML file example: [header]