mashupbots / socko

A Scala web server powered by Netty networking and AKKA processing.
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Akka 2.3.0 compatibility #87

Closed atemerev closed 10 years ago

atemerev commented 10 years ago

Looks like Sockoweb 0.4.2 doesn't work yet with Akka 2.3.0. :(

Symptoms are:

Uncaught error from thread [] shutting down JVM since 'akka.jvm-exit-on-fatal-error' is enabled for ActorSystem[main] java.lang.AbstractMethodError java.lang.AbstractMethodError

There was a similar problem with Play Framework, but they managed to fix it:!topic/play-framework-dev/ovz9kLaYpOE

veebs commented 10 years ago

Thanks for reporting this. The currently version of Socko is compiled against Akka 2.2.3 - hence the exception.

I'll look to upgrade in the next release of socko

chenweiyj commented 10 years ago

I met this problem as well. I am using akka 2.3.0 and socko 0.4.1. So I should be back to use akka 2.2.3. Thx