There should be dialog table with system messages.
This will require a redo since now the screen is initialized via
frame.getContentPane().setLayout(new GridLayout((GlobalsAndControl.ROWS +1), GlobalsAndControl.COL, 2, 2));
This would require creating two separate grid levels:
1) grid 1 col/two rows which will contain:
1.1 Grid layout (rows and cols)
1.2 button and sysdialog 5 grids wide
There should be dialog table with system messages.
This will require a redo since now the screen is initialized via
frame.getContentPane().setLayout(new GridLayout((GlobalsAndControl.ROWS +1), GlobalsAndControl.COL, 2, 2));
This would require creating two separate grid levels: 1) grid 1 col/two rows which will contain: 1.1 Grid layout (rows and cols) 1.2 button and sysdialog 5 grids wide